Chapter 110

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Elain & Deianeira

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Elain & Deianeira


Ln: Get up! Fight! Bring me her blood already! 

Luna's angered shouts seemed to wake up Elain, who once again forgot about her own pain and bleeding and launched at Deianeira, her fangs ready to bite. Deianeira anticipated her hit again and grabbed her by the arms with one hand, burning with the other one the lace which held Elain's cape tied up. She then grabbed Elain tighter with both hands and leaned with her on the ground. Elain fell on top of Deianeira, who coiled up and hit Elain's chest strongly with her feet, sending her flying over Luna's bloody circles. When a few drops of Elain's blood touched the portal, it instantly pulsed with energy, as if awakened by her blood. Luna turned pale and starred at Elain and then back at the portal.

Ln: It's impossible. Elain is the second twin. She is the Life Force, she cannot be the Heart.

Dei: What are you mumbling about?

Luna's lips kept moving, whispering the ritual she was supposed to follow. When Deianeira heard the words about the sacrifice of the Heart, she almost felt her heart pounding.

Ln: But Deianeira's powers over energy...Elain's healing blood. They must have been mixed up. How can this be possible?

Elain, having gotten up after the last hit, joined Luna's side, at her order. Luna squeezed her wrist, causing more blood to fall on her hand, which she then threw at the portal. It pulsed again and all the three of them could suddenly see a massive shadow standing on the other side, waiting. The atmosphere in the dungeons immediately started feeling heaving and darker.

Ln: It's you. You are the Heart. will be the sacrifice. It's time to end your game. I need your sister more than ever.

Ela: But father swore to me he...

Ln: Your father needs you, Elain. You swore not to disappoint him.

Deianeira could not understand very well what was happening, but she did not need more details to understand that Elain was about to be sacrificed after Luna would get to control her as well. She launched herself at Luna, hoping that putting an end to her life would put an end to the entire plan. But Elain stood in front of Luna right away, they clashed, rolled on the floor away from Luna, fighting to take the lead. Elain's lighting hit aimlessly, Deianeira's claws dug deep in Elain's skin, finding it difficult to keep her fire at ease. When they stopped, Elain was on top on her, her lighting ready to stroke. Her eyes were only inches away from Deianeira's. They were so close, that Elain's locks of hair fell on Deianeira's face. At that moment, Deianeira knew she had to do something, she kept shouting at herself to use the fire, to save herself, to fight back. She had one hand on Elain's chest, the other one holding her sister's hand that held the lightning, but she could not bring herself to hurt Elain, not now when she saw her red eyes. Elain's face was still emotionless, but Deianeira could clearly see her tears, she could feel them falling from Elain's eyes on her own cheeks.

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