Short Notes

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Hi everyone!!!
We want to thank all of you sooo much for giving this story a chance, you have no idea how much it means to us to see that we reached 100 readers in less than a week! 💙💜
We created this story a very long time ago, back in highschool, and we recently decided to take it from scratch and give it a new better shape. It brought the two of us even closer and gave our friendship a new meaning, so it has really deep significance to us. Sharing it with you only makes it even more amazing!🤗
We really hope you will enjoy it till the end, please feel free to comment, we really want to know your opinion ☺
We will try to post updates as often as possible, that's a promise!
Stay safe!!


P.S: to those who might be wondering, no, none of the characters represent any of us or our friends (maybe only a little bit?), they have all been created from scratch and their ideas, opinions and decisions are their own.

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