Chapter 39

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After a couple of rainy days of walking, they had to stop when Elain grabbed Deianeira's hand. The sun was slowly setting down and she was panting.

Ela: I need a break, I'm sorry. We didn't stop at all in two days.

Dei: It is alright now. Boys, we should stop now. Do you need to feed as well?

Ela: I need to feed and sleep.

But Darion hushed them down as he listened to the wind, followed by Eden who was sniffing the air.

Dei: What is this?

Ela: What are you feeling? I cannot hear anything.

Ed: There are many of them and less than one day away, we have to keep going. Come, I will carry you.

Dr: This is very weird. There are at least ten of them and all young vampires.

Dei: Like me?

Ed: No, younger and I don't sense any Adra with them.

Ela: Are they a problem for us? If they are young, they cannot know us.

Ed: Young vampires, when not controlled by their Adra, can be a disaster. Their human side is completely gone, they kill randomly and do not feel any remorse.

Dei: Let us go, I still cannot bring my barriers back in order to gain more time.

Without adding anything, Deianeira started running with the boys closely behind her and did not stop for the whole night. The rain had started once again.

Dr: We need to stop. They are gaining on us, they are definitely coming for us. We need to be prepared.

Eden put Elain down.

Ed: At least we are lucky enough to have a cloudy day. How was your sleep? Feeling better?

Ela: Yes, I am fine. So, are we just going to stay here and wait for them to come?

Dr: Young vampires are much faster, no matter how much we keep running, they will gain on us. We need to gather our strength to fight back. I am afraid your bow will not help too much, Dei. You will have to stay close to me.

Dei: Then, I am guessing they move that fast that I cannot even set my target. I will watch your back, I am ready.

Dr: Don't be so cocky.

Ed: Listen to me, young vampires, besides being faster, they are stronger, eager to kill and all over the place, you cannot guess their next move. No matter what you do, don't let them catch you in their embrace. It can actually break bones.

Dr: Don't try to reason with them, you will only anger them more.

Ela & Dei: Got it!

Some hours of rest were welcomed and the few drops of rain did not disturb their sleep. Feeling the vampires close, Eden was the second one to open his eyes, looking at Elain who had drawn her sword and was examining it closely.

Ed: Don't worry. You will do great.

Eden patted her on the back.

Ed: Whenever I use my sword, all fear goes away. I am completely focused.

Ela: I am not scared, I am eager for my first fight. I need to prove to myself I have not wasted my time.

Dr: Then show us. They are here.

Darion did not get the chance to finish his words, as the newly born vampires launched at them, both from the air and from the ground. They could only avoid the impact at the last second.

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