Chapter 83

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Deianeira looked at Elain, but Elain did not take her look away, having locked eyes with Amel. She only nodded slightly. Ramisu patted her back on his way out, following Darion and Caym. Deianeira shoved away Darion's hand and refused to move.

Am: That includes you too, Deianeira.

Dei: Not this time, father.

Ela: Go, Dei. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to do this.

Dei: I have defied him as well. I have to answer to him, too, don't I?

Ela: She came for me as you commanded. I refused to return, I forced her to wait.

Amel folded his arms.

Am: Not only you disobey me, you also bring others down with you.

Ela: I am back, safe and sound, am I not?! What did you expect me to do? Stay back and let others fight my battles? I told you I would not...

Am: And I told you, you were not ready, Elain. Safe?

He roughly wiped the dirt on her face with his thumb.

Am: Sound?

He pointed at the blood on her clothes.

Am: Look at you, had you been ready you wouldn't have needed to get so messy.

Dei: Since when getting your clothes stained matter more than helping your men?

Amel's voice slightly rose.

Am: Since there is so much blood on my daughter, I cannot tell how much of it is hers!.

Ela: Does it matter now? The battle is over and we are victorious, so many humans lived!

Am: They would have lived without you there.

Elain's mouth slightly parted open. She puffed.

Ela: Don't you even want to know how I did? Don't you want to know how my first battle for our land, for our cause was? How many humans I fed with my own blood to keep them alive? All you care about is that I did not do what you wanted.

Am: You put yourself in danger, Elain! And you bluntly disobeyed me in front of my men. You influenced your sister to stay with you. I thought you have finally learned something but you are the same! You are wild, you don't follow orders and you don't care about the consequences. Next time make sure you are not risking your sister's safety in a battle and don't force her follow your reckless plans.

Elain swallowed down the words she wanted to shout at him.

Dei: Don't make it about me. You are both equally stubborn. The village was saved and that is all that matters. I stayed because I helped with the healing and I also followed my sire. She didn't influ...

Ela: It doesn't matter now. Whatever you will say, it means nothing to him.

Elain interrupted her, as she did not want Amel to spit the same despiteful words she had just heard. She had not taken her look away a second.

Ela: I admit it. I disobeyed your orders, I got hurt, I put myself in danger and risked Deianeira's safety for being stubborn to stay there.

Elain got one step closer to Amel and spoke through her clenched teeth.

Ela: But I also admit I regret nothing and I will do it again if I have to.

She turned her back and left the tent like a storm. Amel clenched his fists.

Dei: Your discussion was pointless. Why do you blame her so much?

He put his palms on the table and looked down at the map.

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