Chapter 13

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W: Elain, my dear, can you hear me?

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in her bed and next to her she saw an old man with a long grey bear, who had a very familiar and comforting aura. She tried to get up, but the buzz in her ears had her lie back down.

W: Lie down, Elain. You lost a lot of blood, you need to rest more. Bless the nature, you are safe now.

Ela: Who are you? Where is she?

W: I am the Warlock and I helped you heal your wounds faster. Don't worry, you have no scars. What Elive did has no excuse, I will make sure she will not get away with it.

Ela: How much did I sleep? Is Ramisu back?

W: The sun will set soon. Lord Ramisu did not return yet.

She stared at him intensely.

Ela: Your aura. You're more than a human, Warlock.

W: You've met a familiar aura before.

Ela: Met? I lived with her. My sister is a healer too.

W: I know.

Hearing those words made her forget about her situation and got up on bed.

Ela: Do you know Deianeira? Did you meet her?

But the dizziness forced her fall back on the pillow and the Warlock grabbed her shoulders in order to help her lie down.

W: You must rest. I did not meet her, but I will soon.

Ela: Please, let me know how she is. I can feel she is alright, but I need to know it for sure.

W: I promise I will do so. Now rest, child. Seeing how you care for her makes my old heart so happy.

She did not understand his words, but sleep overtook her and, before she could ask further questions, she gave in to sleep, only to be awakened later by a gentle kiss.

Rm: I was so worried. As soon as my men informed me, I rushed back home to be next to you. Are you in pain?

Ramisu ran a hand through his long black hair.

Rm: It was wrong of me to leave and even let her get close to you. I won't allow it anymore. My friend, Armand, will look after you from now on.

Ela: It was my mistake to step on her tail. Ramisu, I can't have someone following me everywhere all the time. I need to defend myself, my powers have been unused for too long and now I can feel they are taking the control. Sometimes I can't stop them, sometimes I can't use them, I need to train.

Rm: That I can arrange, but Armand will stay with you. Being around vampires awakens your powers, you need someone to help you.

Ela: Where will you be?

Rm: You know we need to get ready and our list of allies is growing thicker. I need to be present to ensure the alliance.

She looked away and tried to show a smile.

Ela: You are right. Don't worry, I will be more careful. What will happen with Elive?

Rm: I cannot send her away, she is an important piece in my plan against Leon, but I will keep her busy. She is not allowed to touch you anymore.

Ela: Why do you need her? Does she have any influence on Leon?

Rm: They have a history together and she has useful information. We are all driven by revenge and hers is the most passionate, the most dangerous one. We cannot afford losing her.

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