Avoid mistakes if any. Target 150 genuine comments.
Manan were sipping their tea, along with enjoying the nature. There was peace btwn them. They have enjoyed this night prefectly. They were lost in the view, that they didn't realise a man approaching them. He grabbed their attention when he spoke.
But he stopped mid way when he saw it was THE MANIK MALHOTRA there. The man was a police officer, who is incharge to take care of the Marine Lines happening. Seeing Manik his tone soften and he said.
M-sir i am mr.xyz.........incharge for this area.........sir you have to go from here......... the climate here will get worst in an hour or so...... please go home.
Manik looked at Nandini who replied to the him.
Nan-10 mins please.
Manik looked at the police man and said.
Ma-will leave in 10 mins.
The policeman bobbed his head and left from there. Manan finished their tea and sat there. Nandini was grabbing all the feelings as they have to end this moment soon. After 8 mins, she got up saying.
Nan-let's go.
Manik too got up on this and they made way to their car. There was a trash can nearby their car and Nandini dumped their tea cups there. Then they sat in the car and Manik started it. He on the heater and Nandini moved her hand at the back seat.
She picked up the bag and removed the towel, she gave it to Manik and then took the other one for herself. They started wiping their bodies as much as they could, over the fabric. Then they wrapped the towel around the shoulder and started to drive back home.
When they sat in the car and were wiping themselves they started feeling cold but with passing time and heater, they were comfortable in the car. More than half way had passed and now the heat in the car increased causing irritation.
Nandini simply off the heater and they sat like that. Without opening the windows nor the AC. The night was getting deeper and now the felt tired with all the enjoyment at Marine Lines. They reached home and quickly made way to their room.
Entering in the bathroom together, showering under hot water one after each other quickly and then after drying themselves, Nandini quickly wore his black shirt and her panty and made way downstairs. She quickly brewed some coffee for them and cooked it to make it extremely hot.
While she was downstairs, Manik had on the AC and was drying his hair with the towel as he had his tracks on. He was roaming in the room bare chest. Soon Nandini came and passed him the cup. They sat on the bed and had it along with talking abt the moment they created tonight.
After finishing the coffee, Nandini left the cups on the coffee table and passed him a tee. Wearing that he came to the dressing table and took the vermilion. He filled her hair line and they laid down to finally end their day. Laying down, facing each other, silently. Talking through eyes. Nandini spoke in btwn.
Nan-thank you Manik.........i had a great time today.
Manik smiled and said along with pulling her in his arms.