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Avoid mistakes if any. Target 150 genuine comments. No proof reading.

After a moment of embarrassment, they were thinking what to do, when the butler came to Nandini to call her in the kitchen for preparing the evening snacks. She got an excuse and a source of distraction. She left without a word, while Manik came back in the garden with a dull face.

Anyways after this the entire time Manan avoided looking at amms and Mr Malhotra, reasons known to the 4 of them. The day ended on a happy note for everyone except a few loop holes for Manan. Later a night. Manan were in each other's arms, ready to sleep when Manik said.

Ma-we have got an offer to perform at's a small show and the girls have agreed to fab5 is going.

Nan-when do you have to leave?

Ma-after a week.........that is mostly the next Monday.

Nan-for how many days are you going?

Ma- five.........mostly.

Nan-aacha.......jaa kr aao........all the best.

Ma-you come with me this time?

Nan-no..........I can't........I have lots of work to do here.

Ma-pch........Pata nhi tumhara kaam kab khtm hoga.

In reply, Nandini just snuggled more in him and they slept. Next morning everything was back to normal. Mr Malhotra's casual behaviour made them forget abt the yesterday's scene. On the breakfast table Manik informed Mr Malhotra abt his Shimla concert and everything was goody good. With this they left for office.

The entire day passed out and so did the week very quickly. V had arranged everything for them but she was not going Coz her treatment has already started and aryamaan was in no favour to let her go. It was Sunday night when Nandini was done with his preparation and finally they slept after a long make out session.

Times have changed and so was the climate changing. It was the last days of rainy season. Anyways, Nandini bid Manik a final good bye at the national airport, where there were extremely less crowd and the rest of the situation was controlled by heavy amount of guards.

Since Nandini had released an album too, she was now a name of celebrity and she had lots of fans. Her songs were still in the hit list, though a little bit down but it was in it and they have been used may a times in serials, in making VM's or videos. So her security was the prime concern for Manik.

A few fans did click her pic and came for selfie which they got by standing far away from Nandini but all in all she was safely surrounded by the guards until she was made to sit back in the car. Finally she drove away and Manik flew away.

With Nandini there was nothing major happening around her. Her simply life was going on. She didn't stay back at amms place coz Manik was not at home and Manan try avoiding, leaving Mr Malhotra alone at home as much as they can.

That is why Nandini would visit amms in the afternoon and go to hospital and then come back home. While for Manik, Shimla had a different experience. Right from his flight he was enjoying with fab5 after a long time.

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