207 - 208

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Chapter 207

Who is for and who is against?

“This is just a small matter, it’s nothing.” Professor Shao Zekai continued.

All of a sudden, everyone calmed down and looked at Professor Shao Zekai.

They are also looking forward to what Professor Shao Zekai will discover.

Just a high collagen content and simple planting are enough to excite them.

If there are other important conditions, it would be great!

“That is, compared with other collagens, the collagen of the new strain is more active and easier to be absorbed!” Boom!

This time, the meeting room really exploded!

Everyone is crazy.

“Is this true? Isn’t it true that future cosmetics will be more effective?” “Yes, the greater the effect of cosmetics, the more valuable they are! I will be rich in the future!” “Haha, great, I am worried about what to launch New product, with this new strain, I think everyone can just join hands to launch a new strain and new product!” “Is this verified?” … Nearly fifty people argued, the voices were very noisy, and there were even people arguing.

Dustin Zhou followed the voice and looked over, and saw the two people arguing, their faces flushed.

But simply, neither side did it.

Otherwise Dustin Zhou doesn’t mind sending them out.

“Everyone, this new strain has been jointly purchased by Mingyang and Meizi Beauty! All future research and development results of the new strain in my laboratory belong to them.” After Professor Shao Zekai finished speaking, he immediately downloaded it. Up the podium.

Dustin Zhou sat in his seat, quietly waiting for everyone to discuss.

“Dustin Zhou, is this new strain really so powerful?” Enderia Shen was shocked when he heard what Professor Shao Zekai said.

Dustin Zhou hadn’t told her about the new strain before, and it was the first time she heard of it today. It is inevitable that while shocked, she was a little bit dissatisfied with Dustin Zhou.

More than that, Dustin Zhou didn’t regard himself as his own.

It seems that the relationship between the two parties is not close enough, just like the superior.

This made Enderia Shen feel a little sad.


He was married after all. Although he said there were some relationship problems, he hasn’t divorced yet.

Enderia Shen suddenly raised his head and looked at Dustin Zhou.

“Why didn’t you bring Xie Linyu here? She is your wife. Is such a good thing cheaper for outsiders?” Enderia Shen said with a narrow smile.

“They contributed nearly 300 million yuan in R&D funds. These funds are the initial R&D funds of the new strain, which has saved us a lot.” As for Mira, you think I will let Professor Shao explain everything here. Is it clear?” Dustin Zhou said with a smile, glanced at Enderia Shen, and watched her turn her head in anger.

BOOK 1 The Rise of Abe Chou/Dustin Zhou Where stories live. Discover now