Maylor: It's A Human

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Roger races in his pointed ears twitch from the sudden change in temperature, “Watch it, Roger! You’ll put out the fire with all your running!”

Roger apologizes tossing his winter clothing into the wooden crate and races upstairs to his step-brother’s room, “John! John!”

John looks up from his book his fangs stick out, “Roger if this is about h-“

“I’m telling you humans are real!” Roger argues furiously,

John sighs heavily, “Everyone stopped believing in humans when they were little. You should stop. It's unhealthy.” 

“But I saw one!” Roger stomps his foot, “I swear!” he exclaimed frustrated that one would believe him.

“Of course you did.” John rolls his head starting to read his book again, “Roger I’m autistic and I stopped believing in humans when I was seven, grow up you’re nearly eighteen.”

Roger wanted to strangle him but he knew he would lose where his brother was a werewolf. Roger huffs and stomps his foot he heard footsteps and his step-father was peering into the room, “John, is he talking about humans again?” 

“Yes, dad.” John replies, pressing his face further into his book getting annoyed, “He claimed he even saw one!”

His father scratches at his long thick beard, “Roger you’re seventeen for crying out loud, I don’t want to do this but I’m setting you an appointment up with Dr. Beowulf and she’s going to get you the medication you need.”

“You can’t do this Arthur!” Roger turns to face his step-father, “I know what I saw! H-He had big curly hair! Small flat ears! And he had no wings!”

Arthur laughs in his face, “It’s probably a vampire then! Stop reading fairy tales.”

Roger pushes past him and stomps into the kitchen, “Mum-“

“Humans aren’t real.” Winifred tells him kneading the bread, “Please grow up.”

Roger snarls, “I’ll prove it!” Roger puts back on his winter clothes and storms out of the house slamming the door, he’ll show them all.

It thankfully stopped snowing and he could see better, he hears the town’s whispers and the looks the folks give him as he walks past. Roger felt his face redden as one started laughing at him calling him looney. The blond walks to the outskirts of town and there he is sitting on a bench with his nose in a book, “A human?” 

The boy jerks his head up, his hair bounces he has beautiful dark brown  curls, “Uh… A elf?”

Roger frowns, “I’m a pixie.”

“Aren’t you meant to be small? And tiny? Like Tinker Bell?” 

Roger scoffs, “Racist much?”

The boy blushes and looks sheepish, “Sorry.”

“Please come with me, human.” Roger tries to sound intimidating.

The human rolls his eyes and stands up, “Where are you taking me?”

“Everyone says I’m crazy for believing in humans. I’m going to be medicated soon for it but if I bring you, boom, I’m not crazy and humans are not fairy tales.”

The human looks confused as he’s being dragged along and folks start staring at him realizing that he isn’t like them. Roger opens the door with a bag, “Look what I brought home, a human!”

Arthur growls, “Roger Meddows-“ he stops and stares at Brian, he takes a big sniff, “A-A human?! What how? They are extinct!”

Roger holds the human’s hand and lies, “He’s my boyfriend.”

Arthur scuttles upstairs and there’s a door slam and muttering, “I’m Brian,” the human whispers, “I don’t mind being your fake boyfriend even if you kidnapped me. You’re kinda cute too, pixie.”

Roger blushes and his pointed ears twitch, “I’m Roger.”

Brian kisses his hand and smirks, “Let’s piss off your dad some more.”

“He’s really my stepfather.”

Brian shrugs and dips Roger down and kisses him right as Roger’s mom, stepfather, and stepbrother come down the stairs,

“It’s true.” John gasps, his glasses sliding down his nose, “A human!” John pulls on Brian’s arms and sniffs his neck and ass, “A human!” he looks up at Brian like a little kid who’s meeting Santa.

Brian jumps back truly frightened realizing what just sniffed his arse thoroughly, “Ahh! Werewolf!”

John howls and backs up, covering his ears he bares his sharp teeth tail tucked between his legs, “I’m sorry, Brian isn’t used to other species.”

Arthur doesn’t look impressed, “Roger control your boyfriend.”

Roger brings Brian into the backyard and into the guesthouse where Roger stays by himself, “I’m sorry for bringing you into this mess. I forget that humans are scary cats.”

Brian laughs, “Not all of us, I have to introduce you to my friend, Reid.”

Roger cuddles up to him, “You called me cute back there.”


“Did you mean it?” Roger asks,

Brian saw Roger begin to blush and sparkles appear on his face, “Yes I meant it.” Brian admits blushing a dark red.

Roger leans in and kisses him, Brian kisses him back placing a hand on his waist. Soon they heard a ruckus screams demanding to see the human.

“Fuck.” Roger groans as he unbuttons his top and Brian looks away out of respect. Wings hit him in the face and Brian looks up to see Roger’s huge wings glistening in the sunlight coming from the window. Brian’s pushed out the window he screams Roger snatches him flying higher and higher into the cold. Brian clings on not believing it for a minute.

A ebony hair boy with tan skin sparkling in the sunset soon joins them up into the sky, he’s a hybrid creature but all Brian can make out that he was a gargoyle. Brian’s tossed onto the creature’s back with a startled yelp. They land outside of town far from the town, “Thank you, Freddie.” Roger says panting,”This is my boyfriend, Brian.”

“Ah, always knew you’d go for a exotic one.” Freddie teases cheekily, which earns him a playful punch to the shoulder and shout as Roger shakes his hand complains that Freddie is too stony.

Brian brushes his hair back, “Well this isn’t how I thought my Sunday would pan out but I like it.”

Brian kisses Roger, Freddie flies above them as they walk, they decide they would start their own town where they can be accepted no matter what they are. That’s all that mattered, that’s all they wanted acceptance.

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