Queen: Start of Friendships

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AN: What Do You Guys Want To See With This Book? It's barely getting any reads so far the last chapter is only 8 reads. Do You Want Me To Just End The Book and Start On Something Fresh? Please Let Me Know What You Want To Happen With This Book.

Brian drives down the deserted road he’s been driving for miles now he had to get away from it. The stress of his cheating girlfriend, the nagging from his mother to get a real job instead of playing in a band, the stress of his father and his many heart attacks. It was all too much for one person to handle, and don’t get him started on bills.

Brian rubs at his eyes the van grumbles as it hits a big rock in the road making the old clunker swerve and nearly hit a hitchhiker standing at the side of the road with his thumb out. The guy seems startled and backs far away from Brian’s van like he intended to run over the poor guy, the guy’s giant worn messenger bag banged against the man’s bare thigh. Brian reaches over and uses the hand crank to roll down the passenger window, “I’m sorry about that, man. This clunker is dangerous. You can ride with me as a sorry.”

The tan skin man smiles, “Oh! Thank you!” the man says opening the door, “You’re the first person to not intentionally hit me! I’m Freddie!”

“Brian.” Brian gets the van going straight and they’re back on the road, “Where ya heading man?”

“Queen’s Art Museum and Exhibit.” Freddie tells him, “I’m going to work there and have my art shown!” 

Brian smiles it seems like this Freddie fellow had his life figured out and all ready for him, then there’s Brian with nothing. The curly haired man frowns and drives a little fast as Freddie fiddles with the radio, “So where are you heading?” Freddie asks after finding a radio station that works,

“Anywhere really. I’m just going where the road tells me, ya know?”

Freddie nods, “I got a place you can stay.”

“Where is the Queen's Art Museum and Exhibit located?” Brian asks,

“North Tawton.” Freddie tells him.

Brian just nods he did offer the man a ride and the man did offer him a place to sleep even if it was all the way across the bloody country almost. After Brian gets gas in the car and snacks for the both of them they are back on the road again in some strange town none of them knew the name of.  As they get onto the busy part of the highway there’s another hitchhiker, a scared looking teenager with messy brunette hair and beautiful green grey eyes, Brian pulls over and Freddie rolls down the window.

The teen pushes his glasses up onto his nose, “M-May, I please have a ride, sirs? I-I have money.” the teen holds up three crumpled 20£ notes on his shaking hand, he must have been in the cold for a while.

“Get in the back no money needed.” Brian says, “Fred, can you get the blanket out the back? And give it to the boy.”

Freddie does as told and gives to the kid and once again they are on the road again the country station plays softly and statically, both Freddie and Brian spot the cross necklace around the boy’s neck, “Are you lost? Are you trying to find your church?” Freddie asks softly.

The boy shakes more and clutches the blanket closer, “I-I’m running away!”

Brian and Freddie share a look, none of them want to go to prison for kidnapping, “Sweetheart, how old are you and what’s your name?” Brian asks sweet as pie,

“S-Seventeen and I’m John.” John begins to chew on the sleeve of his sweater rocking back and forth in the seat,

“Why are you running away?” Freddie asks.

John falls silent, “Promise not to tell?”

The older men nod and say yes, Brian takes a right turn getting them off the highway and out of the town. Once John sees the now leaving sign he speaks, “I-I had sex with a boy and now father wants me to be spayed and have an abortion.”

“Excuse me?” Freddie and Brian exclaim together, Brian nearly wrecks.

John winces, “I-I was born a girl, sirs. P-Please don’t kick me out.” he holds out the two 20£ notes shaking.

“We don’t want your money.” Freddie says, “And I don’t give a fuck if you’re a man or woman. We’re all friends here.” 

Brian agrees, “As long as you’re happy we’re happy for ya.”

John seems to relax, he snuggles into the blanket and rests his head on the cold window, “Any names picked out for the wee one?” Freddie asks which earned him an elbow by Brian.

“Laura for a girl and Robert for a boy.” John says softly a little smile appears on his face.

It grew late and the three pull over for the night at a little camping area which had sprinkled with, RVs and tents since most wouldn’t want to campin the cold. The three of them slept in the back of the van for the night and in the morning they shower using the public shower which was empty. And then they rummaged around for food since they barely had any money on them. They managed to get something to eat and it’s back on the road for them, “Where are we now?”

Freddie squints, “We’re about six hours away from North Tawton.”

Brian mutters and drives faster nearly hitting a blond standing in the road. He taps on Brian’s window and when he rolls it down he can smell the weed on this guy, “Hey brother can I hitch a ride with ya, I’ll suck your dick?”

Brian groans, “Hop in no dick sucking!”

“What’s your name stoner dude?” Freddie asks leaning over Brian,

“Roger? But I also go by Rainbow on Fridays and Saturdays.” he stumbles to the door,

“Great, I got a stoner stripper in my van now.”

Brian takes off driving once as soon as Roger has the door closed. John seems terrified of Roger and hides under the blanket when Roger asks if he can smoke, they allow it only if he rolls down the windows. Roger does so without fuss, “You want some? he asks, holding the joint up.

Brian and Freddie decline but John pokes his head out and accepts it. He nearly chokes on the smoke, he whimpers and hands it back. Roger comforts him. They make into North Tawton without any more  hitches. Freddie gives directions to where his flat is and offers the men a place to stay and the four quickly become friends. 

Afterward they all decided to just stay in the town and pay rent to keep the little apartment. John had a healthy baby boy. Life was going swimmingly for the four men, maybe Brian should pick up hitchhikers more often. They started a band together and well the rest was history.

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