Frain: You're Going To Make It⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your request

Freddie kisses his husband on the cheek, “Bye, Brian. I’m going to the store.” he rests his hand on the bump starting to show on his stomach,

“Are you sure you want to go alone?” Brian asks softly touching his belly,

“I can be independent, Brian. I’m only 22 weeks along, barely into the second trimester. Don’t worry.” Freddie tells him, grabbing the car keys.

Brian kisses him then his belly muttering I love yous to them, “You two stay safe, ya hear me?

Freddie smiles and nods as he walks out the door and gets into the car. He makes the 30 minute drive to the store but before he could another car didn’t stop at a red light and came barreling into the driver’s side of the car. Freddie’s car is crushed on that side and he’s knocked unconscious, lucky he put his seatbelt on.

Brian receives a call right as he was about to call Freddie to see where he was; maybe he ran into Veronica or stopped by Roger’s to pick up some baby stuff? When Brian answered the phone his heart dropped, “This is Dr. Angie from St. Berlin’s, your husband Fredrick and his baby are in our care. We ask for you to come down right away.”

Brian got directions, he sped down there in their SUV, he asked to see Fredrick Bulsara-May. And Brian was taken into a private room where a doctor was waiting on him, “Mr. May?”

“Yes, ma’am? Brian’s voice was soft, he was full of fear and dread, he didn’t want to bury another baby, he didn’t want to bury his husband.

“You’re husband is in the ICU,” the doctor tells him,

“And our baby?”

“Baby May was removed during an emergency c-section and is in the PICU under heavy monitoring by a lot of pediatric doctors. The infant has a 50/50 chance of surviving.” the doctor explains, “You can not see either of them until they are stabilized.”

Brian was left waiting in the hospital pacing around, making calls to family and friends, and making sure their insurance was still working. Soon the small waiting room was filled with Brian and Freddie’s family and friends. All have concerns for Freddie and their under done baby.

Brian is first allowed to see Freddie who’s unconscious right now. He’s hooked up to many machines; he has a neck brace on him, a breathing tube down his throat, and wires galore all over him. His face looks a little swollen and puffy too, “H-Hey, baby boy.” Brian whispers the words getting caught in his throat, “I-I wish I’d gone with you maybe I’d be lying here instead of you.”

A slew of nurses and doctors bustle around taking care of Freddie as Brian cries and talks to his husband. Soon Brian is sent up to their baby as Freddie is rushed into surgery for his back, Brian never thought he’d see a breathing baby that small in his life. They couldn’t even wear premi clothing, it'll be too small on them. Brian gingerly touches his infant’s hand, “Hey sugar, it’d dada. I’m sorry we have to meet this way, but don’t worry I’m going to spoil the hell out of you, if you make it out of here. I know you will. You have your mama’s fiery spirit I can tell.” he looks to a nurse that was standing by, “Is my baby a boy or a girl?”

“It’s a boy.” she informs him, “He only weighs 1Ibs and sixteen ounces.”

Brian nods and loves on his little boy hoping for a miracle of some kind, he needed both of them in his life. He wouldn’t know what to do if he lost one of them.

It was touch and go for both mother and child but after spending five months in hospital Freddie was allowed to go home but had to have a lot of physical therapy to be able to walk and move around. It would take another month before their son whom they named, Eijaz which means miracle was brought home. He was still tiny as ever but he was a fighter that’s for sure and he packed on the weight and passed all the tests.

As the years past Freddie got stronger he didn’t use his wheelchair as much, mainly using his cane and on his bad days a back brace and a walker. Eijaz was just like any other elementary aged child he ran and jumped around but he was a little slow when it came to maths and reading. He was still perfect in the eyes of his parents who fought hard to keep him alive and healthy. Brian took care of both of them. He did most of the bending and heavy lifting for Freddie and he helped tutor Eijaz on his maths and reading. But going to the store was rough on Freddie even if he had his family with him. He would use the store scooter and everytime someone would pipe in and ask accusingly, “Excuse me sir, do you really need that? You’re what 25?”

Finally Freddie snapped when he was nearly thrown off of it by a middle age woman yelling she needed for her elderly mother. Freddie lifts up his shirt showing his back brace and the multiple surgery and regular scars all over him, “I broke my back in at least several places, my neck was nearly snapped, I was declared dead three times. I shouldn’t be alive right now! Leave me alone!”

The woman turns scarlet and stomps out muttering about entitled teenagers and teen fathers. Brian kept a closer eye on people after that and if one would even dare open their mouths and try to be mean to Freddie Brian would chase them off.

Everything was returning to normal in their family then Eijaz came home one day bouncing around, “Aaron’s got a little sister now! Can we get a little sister?”

Brian looks to Freddie who was working on his online college assignments. He knew Freddie wasn’t allowed to carry anymore children if he did get pregnant it would have to be terminated, “Eijaz..” Freddie looks to Brian,

“Let the adults talk for a moment, go upstairs and play.” Brian tells him.

Eijaz runs up there and Freddie faces Brian, “I know you wanted that big family ya know? Six kids, a farm, and a dog. That type of shit… I know I can’t give you that life anymore…”

Brian grabs Freddie’s hand, “I’ll carry our next baby then!”


“Just take your sperm and insert it into me and I’ll have our next baby!” Brian tells him

Freddie kisses him, “Are you sure? Pregnancy isn’t a walk in a park.” 

“We both want a lot of kids. Let’s make it happen.”

They go upstairs much to Freddie’s discomfort and tell Eijaz he may get another sibling but it could take years. Eijaz was so happy at the thought of getting a sibling he hugs both his parents and screams. Two years later Brian carried a set of twins, two girls they named them Analia and Zita, both were carried to term and both are healthy babies. And they even got the farmhouse they wanted, all was starting to go good for the May family.

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