Platonic!Frain: Snuggles and Cuddles ⭐

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Freddie fusses feeling awful this morning; it didn’t help that his autism made it harder to communicate. He didn’t feel like doing school, he didn’t feel like getting out of bed, but did his parents stay home to care for him? No, Brian was sent in and that made Freddie cry more, sometimes a boy just wanted their mama. He loved his caretaker don’t get him wrong but at some point he just wants his mother’s touch,

“You want some soup dear?” Brian asks holding the bowl down to him,

“Mama’s soup?”

Mrs. Bulsara did freeze some of her soup up so Brian could thaw it and cook for Freddie if he got sick, “Yes it’s mama’s soup. See?” Brian takes a big spoonful from it and his eyes water from how spicy it is, “So good.”

Freddie laughs taking the bowl from him, “Moorkh saphed ladaka masaaledaar bhojan nahin sambhaal sakata.”

“Hey! I’m not a silly white boy! I can handle my spices but not so early in the morning!” Brian pouts sitting down, “You eat that and then you get some medicine.”

Freddie eats the slowly glaring at Brian, “No medicine. Only soup.”

“Yes you need medicine.” Brian says getting up to grab him some,

Freddie grimaces and eats his soup even slower, “Open up then you can finish your soup.” Brian tells him,

“I hate you!” Freddie screeches crossing his arms refusing to touch the soup now.

Brian pries open his jaw and pours the medicine down his throat, “Eat now.”

Freddie finishes his soup up and Brian takes his bowl through, he curls up once Brian leaves the room. Brian comes back to see Freddie looking miserable under the blankets, Brian lays next to him in bed. Freddie cuddles up to him shivering some, "Main tumase pyaar karata hoon, braayan."

Brian smiles and kisses the top of his head, “I love you too.”

Brian rubs Fred’s side trying to soothe him the younger one jerks and twitches,  “Is someone ticklish?”

Freddie squeals and tries to move but Brian is tickling him hard making Freddie thrash around and squeal. The feverish boy tries to fight Brian back but Brian won the tickling fight, but Freddie got the last laugh when he vomited onto him.

“Gross!” Brian gags rushing to stand up, the mess was all over the sheets, Freddie and himself, “I guess it’s shower time.”

Brian puts the sheets in the laundry room and takes Freddie into the bathroom. Brian helps Freddie undress and they both get in the shower together. They stand far apart and don’t go near each other, they get nice and clean. Freddie wears his robe a nice pink one and Brian barrows Mr. Bulsara’s robe, Freddie gets dressed on his own and he tells Brian all about as Brian tries to get dressed in a spare pair of clothes he packed.

“You have chest hair!” Freddie exclaims reaching inside Brian’s unbuttoned shirt and tugging, “When do I get some?”

“When you’re older,” Brian tells him fixing his buttons so Freddie can’t root around in Brian’s open shirt.

Freddie huffs and climbs into his clean bed he yawns and rubs at his eyes, “Kya mujhe adhik soop chaahie??”

“I’ll get you more soup.” Brian tells him he knew Freddie was getting tired when he 

started to speak more in Hindi.

Brian returns with the soup and sees Freddie dozing off he quickly gets the food into Freddie and tucks him into bed, “Get some sleep, you’ve had a long day.”

Freddie whines, “Bedtime story?”

Brian plucks one of the children’s books off the shelf and begins to read to him, “Kentucky Fried Children by Simon Hood.” 

Freddie snuggles into the blankets and watches Brian with big eyes, “On a farm in West Kentucky, Lived a smart and rather plucky, Gigantic, speckled farmyard hen,”

Brian turns off the bed side lamp and uses the nightlight as light, “Who measured in at six foot ten. This was no ordinary bird, Her intellect was quite absurd!” 

Freddie gasps and holds up his chicken plushie, “She read one thousand books a day, And locals, there, would often say,’This hen is ludicrously smart, Her IQ score is off the chart.’”

Freddie giggles at the funny voice Brian out on, the older man scratches at his beard and turns the page, “It was so clearly plain to see,—And nobody would disagree— She had, without a single doubt, Phenomenal amounts of clout. To look at her, you’d think that she, Was happy as a bird could be, But deep inside a fury burned,” Brian reads in a low tone, “Ever since the time she learned, Her carefree days were all but done, And soon she’d end up in a bun, Alongside mayonnaisey gunk, And other slimey, greasy junk, Then processed, paper-wrapped and sold, On discount to a ten year old.”

Freddie snuggles his chicken plushie more, “She thought, ‘This really cannot be,

The way that things shall end for me. It drives me absolutely wild, To think I’d end up in a child. And selling me for fifty cents,Quite frankly makes me take offense! I will devise a cunning plan, To dodge that wretched frying pan, And seek revenge on little chops!”

Freddie gasps and hides under the covers, “That scoff at fast food chicken shops.

Those nasty girls and boys that munch, Upon my tender meat for lunch.’

She mulled it over night and day, And then, at last, she cried, ‘Hooray!

Now that I have thought this through, I know exactly what to do. I’ll start a brand new chicken shop, But every bit of meat I’ll swap.’ She paused a moment, then she smiled, ‘For tender juicy bits of child.”

Freddie shakes under his blankets which Brian can’t see in the poor lighten, “I think I’ll wait until..’ she said, ‘The little blighters are in bed, Then snatch the greasy, stinky tots, And fry them in my cooking pots. I must, of course, remove the hair,

Apply my secret crispy layer, And serve them in a bucket to, My ever faithful farmyard crew. Then when,’ she cried, ‘they are the meal, They’ll understand just how we feel!” Brian finishes, “The End.” he closes the book he made sure not to show Freddie the drawing of the  partially nude child screaming in terror as a giant chicken held them up.

“C-Can I have a nicer bedtime story? Pwease? I was a good boy today.”

Brian felt awful. Maybe the book was too scary for Freddie after all he still had the mind of a young child due to his autism and other disabilities, “Sure thing sweetheart.”

He read to him Candy King also by Simon Hood, that one made Freddie laugh. Brian allows Freddie to cuddle him so the “evil chickens” won’t come and fry him up. Brian decides it’s better than Freddie having nightmares so he stays in the overly small bed just to make Freddie feel safe and loved.

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