Eppennon: I Got The Boy ⭐

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Brian Epstein sets down a small jewelry box on his secretary, John Lennon’s desk. Brian’s crushing hard on his young secretary and he’s trying many attempts for John to realize he likes the lad, but the auburn haired boy seems a little dense and doesn’t realize it.

“Ah, what’s this?” John questions opening up the jewelry box painstakingly removing the ribbon and slowly removing the lid, “A necklace?” he looks up light brown eyes filled with wonder, “Thank you, Mr. Epstein. Care to help me put it on?”

Brian licks his lips and nods going around the desk and gingerly clasping the necklace behind his neck, “You look so beautiful.” Brian’s voice was soft.

John just smiles and thanks him again, leaving Brian to go into his office frustrated and sadden, does he need to draw John a picture? He’ll use a whole box of crayons and draw John the prettiest picture if it meant the lad being his. But who wants to be with a thirty-three-year-old when you’re only twenty-two?

John giggles at his desk, he knows his boss likes him, and John likes him back. But he wanted to see how far Brian will go to show his love and how big of a crush he has on the younger man. So far it’s been little lunches together, jewelry, and new clothing. John’s loving the attention he’s absolutely drowning in all the attention Brian’s giving him, it helps lessen the blow on the lack of love he got when younger. This night though John has planned to ask Brian out for dinner since they both work the late shift, John wrote the schedule and Brian approved it.

As they get to close up the office for the night John shyly looks over at Brian who’s tugging off his tie and loosening his belt like he does every night, “You want to get some dinner, Brian?”

Brian nearly chokes he whirls around the casualness and the shyness mixed into John’s question was nearly too much for Brian, “W-What?”

“If you don’t want to go out for dinner that’s fine too. I just don’t want to be alone tonight every time I get my  paycheck these men harass me and won’t leave me alone until I’m inside my apartment complex!” John pouts and crosses his arms over his cute pastel pink unbuttoned button up.

Brian melts, “Let me buy you dinner and walk you home.”

John smiles and takes his hand making them both blush, “I would like that.”

The two eat at a small diner. John has the salad and water even if Brian instead he orders more. John declined but Brian got some food in a to-go box for John. The two men walk home hand in hand, three drunks start harassing John, Brian throat punches the one who tried to grab John’s ass.

John knows what to do now, “Care to come in?” John’s inviting Brian into his apartment and Brian follows him inside.

John makes them tea as Brian looks around the cozy place, “So cozy.”

John agrees and hands Brian his tea and takes a sip thanking him, “Brian,” John says softly looking at Brian’s youthful face.

“Yes, dear.” Brian blushes at what he just said, “I mean J-John.”

John chuckled softly and he sounded so angelic it was music to Brian’s ears, “You want to go out?”

Brian froze, “Go out?”

“Unless I misread your signals.”

“No!” Brian bolts up from his chair sending it crashing to the ground with an earth shattering bang, he leaps and kisses John grabbing the boy’s waist and kissing him lovingly.

John kisses back grabbing onto Brian’s shoulder. The two break away for air, “You finally understood my gifts.” Brian whispers,

John giggles bashfully, “I’ve known for a while. I just wanted to make the first move.”

“You sly dog.” Brian teases him, kissing him again and smooching all over his face.

“I love you, Brian.” John whispers caressing his cheek,

Brian blushes and leans into his touch, “I-I love you too. I have loved you since we first met.”

John kisses him over and over again, “You waited two years to tell me?”

Brian blushes and nods, “I-I got so worked up over your beauty.”

John blushes and looks away shyly, “I hope you don’t mind but I have a son from my previous relationship.”

John waits for Brian to run out the door screaming but he just squeezes John’s hand grinning, “I love kids. What’s their name, how old are they?”

“His name is Julian and he’s two.”

Brian nods and hugs John, “Well I hope Julian will like me.”

John agrees and the two cuddle on the couch watching tv and snuggling. Brian rubs John’s ass as he dozes off in his lap, Brian doesn’t think he’s ever been this lucky before. He’s waited so long to have John and now he’s got him, along with a step-son now. Brian’s so happy he can cry! The older man kisses John’s auburn hair and carries him into the bedroom. The bedroom was old looking while the rest of the apartment was modernized, the bedroom looked frozen in time, like Brian walked into the 60s. It was awe striking until John started worming and fussing into Brian’s arms.
He lays John down on the king size bed making John grunt and whine, “Please don’t leave me.”

“I won’t.” Brian whispers undressing John getting him out of his uncomfortable work clothing,

“Please don’t leave me.” John begs again,

“I, not,” Brian tells him removing his own suit and climbing into bed next to John who immediately snuggled into his chest like a little kid,

“Goodnight, Eppy.”

Brian blushes and smiles tiredly, “Goodnight, Lenny. Sleep well, I’m here to keep the monsters away.” and with a big wet kiss given to Brian by John, John’s out like a light a big happy smile on his tired face, and Brian knew John was the one from that moment forward, that’s all Brian wants is his Johnny boy.

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