Royal!Queen: Rise and Fall⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your request

John and Roger are the kings over their Kingdom named, Heaven. They have two adopted sons, Farrokh  who is the oldest, and Brian who’s the youngest. It was time for Farrokh  to be crowned he was of age and soon to be wed to the young Irish prince, Jim Hutton from the northern kingdom, this will help their alliances grow and their trading to grow further. The two have never met before the wedding and the  alliance was made by their parents, and Jim’s parents wanted a mixed breed to be born into the family soon.

“Dad,” Farrokh  whines as the too large crown is placed on top of his head, 

“You’ll grow into it.” Roger says warmly a soft smile on his face, “That’s the same crown I wore when I was crowned.” 

Farrokh  keeps adjusting it, “You were bigger and it fit!”

Roger shakes his head, “No, no. I was a scrappy little thing like you are, I soon grew into my crown.”

John enters the room with queen-like grace, he gingerly adjusts his son’s crown and helps him keep it on, both parents are doting over Farrokh  and giving him all their attention and love seemingly forgetting their other son who was being worked like a servant right now.

Brian comes into the room balancing platters of food in hands and on his arms, he was pissed that he wasn’t getting crowned nor getting married. He was barely younger than Farrokh  and they acted like he was still a little fussy nine-year-old, for god sakes he was fifteen! Farrokh  was sixteen and going to have a whole man and a kingdom to himself, Brian wanted that but with a woman, it wasn’t fair. So Brian wanted to ruin Farrokh ’s big day. He drops one of the platters into Farrokh ’s lap piping hot sweet orange sauce spills all Farrokh ’s white gown and stings his lap. Farrokh ’s scream and rubbing at his lap, John rushes him out to change telling him it’s all okay.

“Watch it.” Roger warns him as he puts the platters down on the table, Brian can see that vein in his father's neck start to show and that only happens when he’s starting to get angry.

Brian sneers and stomps off to where John and Farrokh  are, Farrokh ’s undressed only left in his chastity belt which is only to be removed by his husband after their wedding. All young princesses and princes must wear one until they are married so they can remain pure and virgin.

John’s kneeling wiping Farrokh ’s thighs and groin off, “You want to wear your red and golden dress, dear?”

Brian bites his tongue on the day of the wedding the young bride to be must be dawned in white if any other colors they’re not pure or a virgin. Farrokh  shakes his head and asks one of his dressing servants to fetch him a new white gown to wear.

Brian snatches Farrokh ’s ribbon and other hair care stuff and he places them in different rooms scattered throughout the castle, he can’t get married, he can’t be crowned, he can’t even remember where he left his stuff! Brian laughs at the thought and hopes it happens, he didn’t want to lose his only friend, he had to keep Farrokh .

After a herd of Farrokh ’s servants locate the hair care goods Farrokh  wants to wear his wedges with his dress. So Brian hid all his shoes except a nice pair of long heels that Farrokh  always breaks his neck in. Farrokh  puts them on with a brave face he looks like he’s about to faint. John does Farrokh ’s makeup refusing to have any servant do it, Brian watches, the boy keeps trying to hit John’s arms but a servant pulls him back and scolds him lightly saying not to ruin Farrokh ’s big day.  Brian screams and curses out the woman calling her everything but a white girl.

Brian’s sent to his room after that and he knows what’s coming as soon as Farrokh  and John tattle Roger will be storming up here and go on a massive rampage. Brian waited he counted the ticks on the clock, “1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10..-“ Brian got to ten before the bedroom door was ripping open and he was sent tumbling on his ass by his father shoving him down,

“Brian Harold Taylor!” Roger bellows, a fist hits Brian in the chest and Roger’s screaming and shaking beating on Brian where the bruises won’t show. Brian covers his head, balling up tightly, he’s never seen his father this psychotic before. Brian makes himself bleed by biting his lip Roger stops when he sees blood his chest is heaving he’s panting, he leaves with a huff. Brian tends to his wounds grumbling and muttering.

Soon the bells chimes three times the wedding was starting followed by the crowning. Brian slinks down there still pissed and angry. He sees his brother all dawned in white a veil covering his face so no one can tell what he looks like, Roger and John are leading him to his husband who looks to be Brian’s age. He’s a chubby curly dark haired lad with kind dark eyes, he has the posture of a soldier and a sword in its sheath is on his side.

John and Roger hand Farrokh  over proud smiles on their faces. And then the boy trips over something Brian was meant to put away but didn’t. Farrokh  goes crashing down hard toppling over the prince who caught him to the best of his abilities. If anyone could see Farrokh ’s face it was burning was humiliation and shame Roger whirls around, “Brian Harold Taylor!” Roger screeches, now all eyes where on the curly haired boy,

 “You will never be king as long as I’m alive. You have stripped away all your rights to the throne, get out!” Roger’s voice booms, 


“Guards!” Roger screams face going red, John just gives him Brian a tight lip frown all mothers do when their child disappoints.

And Brian is thrown literally out of the castle grounds onto a muddy dirt path. The bells chime again letting everyone know the wedding was back on. Brian watches after hours of waiting his brother is being sent away to his new kingdom by carriage pulled by six black strapping horses. As Farrokh ’s looking out the back window their eyes meet and Farrokh  turns back around acting like he didn’t see Brian and the younger brother cries realizing his mistakes.

Years and years passed Brian bounced around from job to job, sometimes he was a servant other times he was a tailor’s apprentice, maybe he tended to a pub filled with drunk knights and princes. But one thought always crossed his mind: Farrokh, whatever happened to him? He hasn’t heard anything about him since the day of his wedding nine years ago. And he was always looking to apologize for being a brat and a nasty younger brother to him, but he never could find Farrokh.

A letter arrives on his desk in, neat school teacher cursive stating that they need a dress hemmed and stitched up there was a ball they had to attend and needed that dress badly. It was signed with “Queen Hutton”. Brian didn’t let his hopes up, he’s done many tasks for Huttons none knew a Jim or a Farrokh, and if they did know a Jim he was always an old man or a little boy named Jimmy, and none knew a Farrokh.

Brian hopes on his horse a white stallion by the name of Creampuff. He fixes his sewing bag, a large newspaper boy bag filled with all types of tools and gadgets he needs to fix up a dress for Queen Hutton. He arrives at the castle and is let in by guards large muscle men ready to squish Brian if he has so much as lifts a wrong finger to their queen. When they enter the castle and going into the giant walk-in closet that could be its own bedroom his breath leaves his body. There was Farrokh in a gorgeous red and gold gown, his stomach swollen from his pregnancy, his hair was chopped short and now was a curly mess. He doesn’t seem to recognize Brian, “Thank you for coming here on such a short notice, sir.” Farrokh has kept his manners over the nine years.

Brian tears up, “F-Farrokh?” his voice quivers,

Farrokh squints then gasps, “Brian?”  

Brian drops his bag and hugs him tight then gets ripped off by guards and the tip of a sword is pressed into Brian’s neck, “Let him go, he’s my brother.” Farrokh’s voice commands he wasn’t that scared teen anymore who could hardly speak above a whisper anymore.

The guards leave Brian alone and Farrokh looks at him, “I go by Freddie now. It’s easier on my English speaking friends.”

“O-Okay, Freddie.” Brian rubs at his throat where a small pink spot now was, “How’s mum and father?”

Freddie winces and recoils as if he’s been struck, “They are lost at sea five years ago. I’ve been ruling over Heaven and this kingdom with Jim’s help.”

Brian looks down, he begins to cry and Freddie pulls him into a hug, “Let's get you washed up, you stink.” Freddie says softly, “And then we’ll see about you ruling over Heaven.”

Brian gasps and follows after Freddie, maybe after all these years and him trying to make it up to Freddie has finally paid off and he finally will have his own kingdom to rule.

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