Teen!Frain: Our Love⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request. Sorry that it's shit

Brian kneels snapping pictures of his amazing boyfriend, Freddie. He was standing there in the nude a faux white fur boa is the only thing censoring him, he looks delicious. The sunlight makes his skin glistening, it reminds Brian of a rotisserie chicken. They had hung up Brian’s white bedsheet as a makeshift backdrop.

Brian then takes a picture of Freddie in his tiny shorts and the shirt he stole from Brian a few months ago, 

“You look adorable.” Brian kisses him and grabs onto him but Freddie winces and backs away. Then Brian’s eyes spot the bruises on Freddie’s tawny golden skin, “Who hurt you?”

Freddie seems to crumble away, “I-I just fell.”

“Bullshit.” Brian rubs his arm gingerly, “There’s finger markings on your arm.”

Freddie stumbles over his words and looks away, “Just don’t Brian.”

Freddie yanks on his coat and refuses to speak about the bruises but as the months drag on more bruises start to speckle onto Freddie’s flesh like a mutation. Brian has had enough, he will get to the bottom if it and he’ll figure it out.

Brian arrives at the Bulsara household it’s cold and wet, muds everywhere. Brian peers into the windows, and his stomach drops. Freddie’s cowering on the floor of the kitchen, his father looming over him, arm raised, and Brian can see the blood smudged around Freddie’s mouth and nose.

Brian squeezes his way through the cat door he hasn’t done that since he was kid of about seven. When he makes it inside he can hear Freddie’s father screaming calling Freddie every name in the book.

“Hey!” Brian yells slinging Freddie’s father backwards, “You don’t hear my love, do you hear me?”

A fist is smashed into his nose Brian can feel the warm flood of blood but that didn’t matter. He brawled Freddie’s father until the older man was left on the floor bleeding. Brian grabs Freddie and gets him out of the toxic home. The rain comes down on them and Brian begins to cry, “You should have told me sooner.”

“I’m not going to be a burden.”

Brian looks at him, tears mixed with rain, “You’re never a burden.”


“If I'd lost you I would have killed myself.” Brian whispers,

Freddie is stunned by that answer, “I’m not worth the fuss.”

Brian kisses him making Freddie wince from his busted lip, “Let’s get married.”

“I’m seventeen.”

“So?” Brian’s shaking grabbing his shoulder, “I’m not losing you.”

Freddie tears up, “Just let me go, Brian. I don’t want you hurt.”

“Farrokh no,” Brian firmly says, “You’re going with me.”

Freddie cries when Brian drives them away from the home, “I love him.”

“He’s abusing you.”

Freddie shakes his head, “No, no. He loves me.” 

“Bill loved you, Paul loved you and what did your exes do? Abused you.” Brian states.

Freddie cries hugging his knees, Brian can see more bruises littering his beautiful skin. Brian drives home, he parks the car and carries Freddie inside. Brian asks Freddie to undress. Freddie seems embarrassed as he undresses, there’s even more markings on his body when his clothes come off some just starting to heal, others fresh and Brian grimaces seeing dirty patches of gauze stuck to Freddie’s back with the aid of bandaids.

Freddie helps when it’s removed the smell of infection simmers and it reeks, Brian throws up a little in his mouth seeing the small rotting gaping hole in the back of his boyfriend. He cleans it up with rubbing alcohol Freddie screams the entire time it’s touched and cleaned up. Once the smell dies down and it looks much cleaner Brian puts clean gauze and bandages back on it.

Once Freddie cleaned up and properly groomed Brian got him some food, a nice warm bowl of vegan chicken and rice soup. Freddie gulps it down and Brian rubs his back telling him to slow down and taste it.

Freddie begs for more and he does get more. Brian asks if he wanted anything sweet to eat, “Do you just have any chocolate?”

“Cherry dark chocolate balls.” Brian says pulling out the little carton.

Freddie takes them and crams them into his mouth hungrily. Freddie lays his head on Brian’s chest, snuggling to him. There was silence. Freddie eats more chocolate, “Thank you, Brian.” Freddie swallows another handful, “For saving me.”

Brian kisses his lips gingerly, “I love you, Freddie. I would do anything for you.”

Another pause, the only sound is Freddie crunching the chocolate between his teeth, Freddie swallows, “About get married?” he chews some more, “Can we?”

“What happened to ‘I’m only seventeen’, huh?” Brian teases.

“Shut up,” Freddie playfully hits his shoulder, “You’re twenty-two.”

Brian laughs and kisses him again, “Where do you want to get married?”

“Well when I’m officially eighteen.” Freddie giggles swinging his legs, “But I want a fall wedding and, and… and I want donuts stacked up like a cake,” Freddie blabbers it seems like he’s had this planned since he was a kid.

Brian chuckles he would gladly wear a pink and green suit for Freddie if it made him happy. Freddie seems to tucker himself out and curls up on Brian he kisses and cuddles him, “Maybe we can have a Halloween wedding?”

“Orange suits?” Brian laughs, 

“I was thinking more of an Addam’s Family thing.” Freddie chuckles pulling Brian closer.

“Mortica.” Brian coos to him,

“Gomez.” Freddie laughs.

Freddie pulls the large penguin blanket over them and snuggles into his love, “Thank you so much.”

“Aw baby.”

“I love you.” Freddie whispers softly kissing him on the nose.

“I love you too baby. I love you more than my clogs and penguins.”

Freddie looks around the living room penguin plushies, and furnishings littered the room, “You know how to win my heart over.”

Brian laughs and pulls Freddie close. He turns on the tv and the two try to forget all about Freddie’s horrid father because now it was only them. They had each other and no one else.

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