Platonic!Frain: Don't Want To Be Alone⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Brian sits at his desk shuffling through papers signing papers if they needed to be. The night shift was slow in the children’s hospital which he should be thankful for, a busy night usually means a child is a code blue or some type of trauma happened.

A nurse sets a folder down on his desk, “Dr. May, there’s a little boy in room 36 he’s all by himself and his folks just left. He looks a little shaky.” 

“Okay, room 36, right?” Brian asks standing up putting his own papers in a different folder and grabbing the folder the nurse laid on his desk,

“Yes, sir.” 

Brian walked out of his office and down the hall the lights were dimmed in the hall for the patients trying to sleep. It was about ten maybe eleven, at night. Brian yawns and finds the room with little Mickey Mouses and other Disney characters on it. He turns the knob.

Freddie was scared he’s only thirteen-years-old and he’s in the hospital alone now. He told his parents they can leave to take care of Kash who’s only two and left home alone with a babysitter, he told them he's brave and won’t need them. That turned into a big fat lie now the hall was dim and the lights were turned off in his room the only light being his tv. 

He was scared and in tears he wanted his mommy’s hugs and kisses. He wanted his father’s voice telling him he’s a good brave boy. He just wants his mommy. Safe and warm. Hugging him tight and giving him warm kisses on his forehead and cheeks. Her sweet words and her cooing over him calling him her brave little man.

Dr. May scared him when he came in to take vitals or at least that’s what he said he was doing. Dr. May seemed shocked that Freddie was still awake, “What are you doing up at, midnight, young man?”

“Scared.” Freddie whimpers, cuddles his blanket his mother brought to him. It smells like safety, home, and comfort.

Brian sits down at the foot of his bed looking at his medical folder, “I’m Dr.May but you can call me Brian.”

“Freddie.” Freddie rubs his eyes, “I’m 13, Brian.”

“I’m 39.” Brian says looking at Freddie’s information,

“You’re old!” Freddie gasps eyes widening,

Brian laughs, "I'm about as old as your parents!"

"Nuh-huh!" Freddie shakes his head, "My mommy is 49 and dad is 56!"

"Damn that's old." Bruan mutters,”Sorry.”

“It’s okay. Everyone thinks my dad is my grandpa especially when we got baby Kash with us.”

“Kash is your baby sister right?” Brian asks

“Yep! She’s eight!” Freddie beams.

“That’s nice.” Brian says, “I’m an only child.”

Freddie pouts, “Lucky.”

Brian chuckles, “It gets lonely being an only child.” Brian shakes his head and looks at his notes, “I see you had your appendix removed.”

“Uh-huh.” Freddie nods wincing as he tries to sit up,

“You know that was pretty brave of you.” Brian smiles softly, “I wouldn’t be able to.”

Freddie’s eyes lighten, “Really, I’m brave and you wouldn’t be able to?”

Brian nods, “I would be too scared to get my appendix out.”

“You would!” Freddie gasps, “But you’re an adult!.

Brian nods, “Adults can get scared too.” Brian pauses seeing the empty cups on Freddie’s night stand, “Are you thirsty?”

Freddie nods his head, “I could drink a whole ocean! And maybe a swimming pool!”

“Alright give me a moment, dear.” Brian gets up and walks down the hall and makes two turns until he reaches the break room. He gets Freddie water and two juice boxes from the fridge. He didn't want the lad to be thirsty.

Brian makes the long trip back stopping to talk to co-workers and check in on other patients. The nurse returns back to Brian, “Dr. May, patient in room 36 is getting restless. Can you deal with it?”

“I’m on my way back.” Brian holds up the drinks and the nurse let’s him go.

Brian returns with some juice and a plastic cup of ice water, and he saw the relief in Freddie’s face, the lad thought Brian abandoned him. Freddie downs the drinks quickly and he asks for more politely. 

Brian makes a second trip down the break room making small chat with coworkers and checking on patients. Brian got him a different juice and even some nice flavored water. Brian stops and checks the whiteboard he sees he’s off for the night. Brian could leave right now and go home, take a nice long hot shower before he goes to bed. But instead he keeps walking to Freddie’s room, no one needs to be scared or alone in a hospital. Dr. Brian May knows that no one should be alone, he tries to stay by patients' bedsides whenever he can. And tonight is the perfect night for that. 

Brian pushes the door open gingerly not letting it freak too loudly. Freddie perks up laying his book in his lap, “Brian!”

Brian smiles and hands him the drinks, Freddie greedily downs those too. Then he needs help getting into the bathroom. Brian waits outside the door for him until he hears the toilet flush, “Don’t forget to wash your hands.”

There’s a grumble and the sound of water running, “Sixty seconds.” Brian adds.

Freddie hobbles out holding his waist, “Sore.”

“You’re going to be.” Brian reminds him, helping Fred back into the hospital bed.

Freddie snuggles his blanket, “Thank you so much, Brian.”

“You’re welcome, dear.” Brian says adding a heated blanket to the bed making Freddie relax.

He stops feeling so scared with Brian being with him. Brian plays with Freddie and reads him his books. Freddie closes his eyes as Brian reads he falls asleep. Brian shuts the book closed as Freddie’s faint snores are heard. Brian sets the book on the table and pulls the blanket up close to Freddie, tucking him in. He leaves the room leaving the door open a crack, Freddie was one patient Brian would never forget.

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