Froger: Coffee Coffee

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Roger runs inside the coffee shop his laptop bag hits against his legs, “Excuse me! Excuse me!” Roger calls to the barista who was rushing around with drive thru orders,

“Hold on, sir.” he called Roger, “I’m sorry sir.”

After about 10 minutes the barista was at the counter waving Roger over, “Where’s your other workers?” Roger asks.

“Oh,” the barista fixes his mask, “They all bounced and the manager is in Jamaica.” 

“You’re the only one here?” Roger asks with alarm in his voice.

“Well the newbie is asleep in the back.” 

“And?” Roger asks, “Go wake him.”

“Can’t,” the barista told him, “He’s the owner’s son’s son.”

Roger leans in, “You know this is illegal.”

The barista looks at him, “Look at my skin.”

Roger does so the barista is a beautiful yellow brown color that seems golden when the sunlight from the windows hits, “I’m an immigrant only one of us will be fired and it won’t be the white lazy boy.”

Roger winces, “Can I just get a hot cocoa?” 

The barista seems to smile, “Alright sir, would you like cool whip and or chocolate chips added?”

“Both please and can I also get some peppermint shavings too?”

The barista nods, “Alright your total is….in..,” the barista braces himself, “6.66, would you like to get a cookie to go along with it?”

Roger laughs, “No thank you,” he reads the name tag, “No thanks, Freddie.”

Freddie nods, “May I have your name?”

“Roger Taylor.” Roger tells him looking around in the empty shop.

“Alright, Mr. Taylor please wait for your name to be called.” Freddie says he seems to be smiling again but it’s hard to tell.

Roger fixes his own mask which was a Spiderman theme one, "Alright."

Freddie makes Roger's order as he attends the drive thru on his own, Roger starts to zone out, he nearly falls out of his seat when his name is called out, "Order for the hot guy wearing a Spiderman mask!"

Roger blushes and grabs the warm drink and a free cookie Freddie insisted that he took. Roger sees a little note scribbled down on the sleeve, "I get off of my shift right after this please wait outside for me. Love, Freddie."

Roger blushes as he read that he scuttled outside and waited on Freddie to arrive. The young man comes out shortly after his apron shoved into his bag, "I like your mask." Roger tries to converse.

"Thanks, it's a princess mask." Freddie tells him.

“Is the other guy going to start working now?” Roger asks,

Freddie shakes his head, “He’ll just close the shop.”

Roger looks at him in disbelief, “You’re kidding me, right.” 

A street light flickers on above Fred’s head, “I mean it’s late enough.”

“Fair enough.”

The two walk down the street together side by side as the sun slowly fades to dusk, Roger inches closer to Freddie trying to show he’s attracted to him and would love to get into his tight ripped jeans.

“So,” Roger fixes his mask and slyly takes Freddie’s hand making the older man blush a little, “Do you want me to walk you home?”

“Sure.” Freddie decides that if Roger wanted to kill him he would have already.

The two made it back to Freddie’s flat. It was crammed between a laundromat and a small Chinese restaurant with the lettering falling off and in both English and Chinese there was a sign on the door ready, “Foreclosed 25th July, 2020.” There were a few other buildings but that wasn’t important.

Roger felt a little uneasy like he was going to get robbed, “You want to come in?”

“But the regulations.” Roger says.

“We already broke them.” Freddie says bumping into the door causing it to swing open, “Goddamn the lock failed again.” a cat rubs against Fred’s legs and purrs.

“That’s Lil Bitch.” Freddie announces to Roger as he steps inside.

“What happened to big bitch?” Roger jokes.

“Got run over.” Freddie deadpans him,

Roger coughs and pulls off his mask. It was far too hot in the tiny, tiny cramped flat, it didn’t help the stains everywhere most looked ancient and there was a gaping hole in the ceiling so you can see into the upstairs neighbor’s living room there was maybe half a handful of furniture that furnished the very small flat. Roger’s eyes bug out of his head as he sees bullet holes by the kitchen back door, “Uh, did someone die here?” was all that left Roger’s mouth before he could think.

Freddie looks at the bullet holes and runs a finger over them, “A granny shot her son’s abusive boyfriend. He died about where you’re standing.”

Roger jumps back and steps on Lil Bitch’s tail causing his leg to get mauled, “Goddamn!” he rubs at his leg tenderly.

Freddie shakes his head and glances around, “Are you going to take off your mask. You’re home.” Roger reminds him.

Freddie picks up Lil Bitch, “Take me to your place I have a bad feeling.” he brushed some of his ebony hair out of his face.

Gunshots start going off, “Please.”

The three of them flee to Roger’s home a handful of blocks away, they pant and rest once on Roger’s porch. Lil Bitch just seems happy to be in her owner’s arms; she snuggles into his chest and purrs.

“Well welcome to my home.” Roger waves his arms around dramatically; it was much more homely than Fred’s flat.

Roger opens his fridge, “Whoa, you have a full fridge!”

Roger looks at Freddie, “Yeah I do.” he looks at Freddie sadly before getting a glass down, “Thirsty?”

“Just some water.” Freddie waves his hand.

Roger hits the water button on the fridge and gets him water making Freddie even more amazed, “Wowie.”

“You can take off your mask.” Roger says glass in hand.

Freddie plucks it off Roger gasps sitting the glass down on the counter, “Go on say it.”

“Y-You’re… Y-You’re,”

“Spit it out,” Freddie whimpers knowing he’s going to lose another friend,

“You’re a vampire.”

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