Kid!Queen: You Talk Funny⭐

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Kirsten_Bear Here's your request

Freddie toddles his way in with his lunch bag he felt nervous this was his first time being in a English daycare, his family has just immigrated over not too long ago.

As his mother fills in some paperwork Freddie is sent off to play with the other kids, he clutches his lunch bag to his chest and looks around. The raven haired boy waddles up to a blond boy in a sandpit he was shoveling sand into his mouth while a boy with a mop of messy curls watches on in disbelief his Dr. Seuss book lay at his feet.

"H-Hello." Freddie says shyly looking down at his brand new red sneakers, "I F-F'eddie."

"You talk funny." says the kid with a mouthful of sand.

The curly haired one hits the blond's shoulder, "Manners, meanie!" he looks to Freddie, "I'm B'ian, this is Riger."

"Roger." the blond tries to pronounce it more clearly but was choking on sand.

"Bwian and Woger." Freddie tries to pronounce their names.

"Close." Brian shrugs picking up his book.

"Where ya from?'' Roger asks.

Freddie remembers his mother telling him that the whites hate brown people and you shouldn't say where you're from in case they want to attack, "Far away." was all he said.

"You India." Brian tells him, "My teeth doc is India."

Freddie smiles happy that his new friends weren't meanies to him, "Yes! Yes! I Indian!"

A boy with neatly combed hair toddles over he get his hand out of his mouth, "I'm John, fwiends?"

"Sure! I like f'iends!" Freddie tells him.

The four new friends get to playing together until it was time for lunch and the four get a spot on the plastic bench, "What did ou get?" Brian asks digging through his lunch bag.

"Carrots, sandwich, pudding, and a juice." Roger tells him, "Who wants my carrots?''

"I take." Freddie says reaching for it.

"What did you get?" Roger asks siding him the carrots.

''Chana Kulcha." Freddie tells them, "It's very good!" he shoves a spoonful into his mouth.

The other three shake their heads and eat their "normal" food. After lunch it was time for naptime the four of them curl up together and sleep on the mats sharing one of Brian's space theme blankies together for warmth, Freddie was so happy he made friends that he pissed himself or maybe it was the five milks and six juices he drank who knows. The three didn't make fun of him for, "I still wear diapers." John shows them.

Roger takes off his pants, "Here change into mine."

"You're smaller than him." Brian points out to him.

Roger shrugs and grabs some paper towels he wets and soaps them. He hands them to Freddie to clean himself with, the boy wipes himself clean shivering at the cold, "Here." Brian hands clothes to Freddie from his bag, "My mama packed extra."

Freddie thanks him in his poor English and changes into the pants bae crotched while Brian helps Roger back into his pants, "There we go." Brian claps his hands.

Roger sniffles and waddles to Freddie, "You wanna play with dolls?"

They walk over to the dolls and begin to play with them happily, Brian helps move the wooden doll house around as they, he was the biggest out of all of them and seemed to be stronger than all of them.

But it was getting time for their mothers to pick them up. The four of them hide in a stall in the bathroom they trying and all fit on the toilet huddled together not to be found, they didn't want to leave each other even if they'll see each other tomorrow that was far too long to play again, they wanted to play together forever.

They covered their mouths once their names started to be called and shouted, it was all going good until Roger sneezed loudly, very loudly. They hear footsteps, "Did lock door?" Freddie whispers.

They all shake their heads being too small to reach the latch, the door is pushed open and one of the workers is their looking stern, "Boys you have all your mothers worried sick!"

Roger tears up, "I wanna stay with them!!"

"You can see them tomorrow." she rounds up the boys and brings them up front.

The boys are now crying and throwing a fit, "No!! No!!" Freddie cries.

"Farrokh where are your pants!!" Jer exclaims, "I didn't put you in green pants this morning!"

"I used B'ian's!!"

Brian hugs Freddie tight, "Please don't make me leave him."

Ruth pries Brian off, "Now Brian." her Scottish accent was still strong, "You'll see him tomorrow."

Lillian puts a paci in John's mouth and nuzzles him promising him that'll he'll see his friends tomorrow.

Roger's dad, Micheal showed instead of Winifred and he looked pissed. He yanks Roger up by his wrist, "Quit drooling on another boy. I will not raise a faggot, do you hear me?" he digs his nails into Roger's wrist.

Roger tears up and nods, "Yes, daddy."

"You will be punished thoroughly for this once we're home." Micheal threatens him.

The other parents look horrified but none speak up believing someone will do the right thing. Freddie says goodbye to them tearfully like they'll never see each other again, but Roger was already dragged out before Freddie could give him a proper goodbye.

The families start to part ways before John runs to Freddie and hugs him tightly one last time, "Bye bye, bubby." he hands Fred his bumble bee yellow paci and runs back to his mother gleefully.

Freddie looks at the used slobber coated paci and pockets it deciding to cherish now, it was the first gift anyone in England has ever given him. Sure being four he's much too old of a paci but he'll keep this one since his new friend gave it to him. On the way to their house all strap to a car seat minus Roger he was thrown into the passenger seat floorboard they talk about their days and their news friends, except Roger he's not allowed to talk since its "daddy's quiet time". They couldn't wait to see each other again.

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