Starrison: The Boy With The Sad Eyes⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Your request

George put down his glass he whimpers the music of the club was giving him a headache from hell. He steps away from his table wanting to leave the place he bumps into someone. He was a older man with bright blue eyes but his eyes were droopy looking so sad, he was tiny, smaller than George but he looked much older, George wanted to guess he's middle age but even as the lights bounce around the club, George can tell that the boy with the sad eyes is hot as fuck.

"Oh, I'm sorry." George says backing up.

The older man who had a white streak running through the side of his hair laughs a little, "Oh it's no biggie."

George looks at man over and the man did look attractive, very attractive. George blushes darkly sticking his hand out, his mouth felt like a desert, "I'm George Harrison."

"Richard Starkly. But you can call me, Ringo." he shakes his hand.

George spots the many rings on his fingers, "Damn, you fancy!"

Ringo grins showing them off in the flashing club lights, "You like?" he asks.

George nods and grabs his hand to get a closer look, "Wow you have like seven rings."

"That's good luck." Ringo tells him, "Seven is lucky number."

George smiles looking down at him, "Well hey, you want to dance?'

Ringo gives him a look, "I can't dance!''

George pauses, "Well, let me get you a drink then." 

Ringo accepts the offer and the two make it to the bar, George waves the barman over. They two tell the barman what they want to drink.

"Can I see some IDs?" the barman asks.

George slides his over he's 19 about to be 20. Ringo grumbles and fishes his out nearly spilling everything out of his overfilled wallet.

George glances over Ringo is 22-years-old, not middle age this sexy hunk of a guy is only two years older than George but already looks like he has a montage, a wife, and five kids.

"So uh... What's with the white streak?" George asks once they have they gotten their drinks.


George's points to his hair, "White streak?"

"Oh that?'' Ringo touches it gingerly, "I was a sickly child and I guess the stress got to me.'' he shrugs his shoulders.

"You poor baby." George says not even thinking of his wording.

Ringo grimaces a little, "I didn't mean you were a baby, that you must of.. Of... Uh...." George let the words die in his mouth as Ringo keeps staring at him like he has four heads and nine tongues.

Ringo looks like a big scary dude that could easily kill him, and George ran his mouth off and pissed the guy off greatly. Now George was going to get killed by a tiny little man that could easily use him as a dumbbell.

Ringo laughs it was a deep belly laughter, "Y-You should of been your face!!" he wheezes.


"Looks like you were going to piss yourself!" he laughs wiping a tear from his eye a playful punch to the shoulder afterward.

The two drank some more and George finally got the older man onto the dance floor, Ringo could dance quite well. He danced very well, he spun George around as well nearly dropping him a few times. The two stumble back to Ringo's home giggling, something tells George to go home and leave to not go inside the home the feeling was deep inside his stomach. George stood on the porch like an idiot as Ringo unlocks the door. Everything is telling him to flee and head to his own nasty apartment in the run down part of town but does George Harrison listen? No, no he doesn't, he enters the home and shuts the door behind him. His heart drops some when a young woman either in high school or just freshly graduated exits the kitchen, Ringo hands her a fresh stack of money and she's brushing past George and out the door.

As they head upstairs George not saying a word and Ringo has his head lowered looking ashamed. As if on cue a little blob file out of a bedroom a boy of about 2.

"You have a child." George whispers watching as the dark haired child goes to his father for some bedtime love.

Once gone Ringo looks up at George, "I understand if you want to go."

So that's why Ringo wouldn't drink much, that's why he was chugging every liquid down like mad to keep the alcohol out of his system, he wasn't drunk when they danced. He was as sober as a church mouse.

"I think I'll stay." George says softly looking up at him, "You're nice."

Ringo smiles and invites George back to the bedroom, it was soft kisses and gentle touches. They didn't go far with their necking, Ringo got them some snacks and some drinks.

"You know I don't care that you have a kid. I just wish I had a heads up on it."

Ringo looks down, "Well, sorry. I didn't think I would be inviting such a pretty boy back to my house."

George blushes darkly and kisses him, "You really do know how to charm a young man don't you. "

"You're only two years younger than me." Ringo snorts taking a swig from one of the water bottles he brought.

"That's ancient to me!" George tells him giggling.

"You calling me old now?" Ringo asks a smirk on his lips.

George laughs and pulls him down cuddling him, "You're a dork."

Ringo smiles and relaxes laying his head on George's chest. He felt safe for once and he didn't know why, maybe Ringo thinks about being in the hospital his mother holding him them both praying that Ringo will live and not pass in his mother's arms.

Ringo snuggles into George's chest and tries to sleep. The soft beating of George's heart pulls him into a gentle slumber.

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