Platonic!Frain: You're My Rock⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Freddie lived with best friend Brian and his wife Chrissie until he could get back on his feet. He worked at Pete's Grocer until the owner kept hiring so many people he had to let some staff go. 

That was mostly immigrants. Freddie was one of them. He lost his apartment and car everything! Fred turned to his closest friend Brian who was a millionaire thanks to his father's work. It was something about law or marketing Freddie can't remember. He just knows Brian can put a roof over his head and a warm meal into his stomach every night.

 He had to follow house rules and do some house chores which was fine, Freddie was okay with this. This is what he expected. Him and Chrissie are to clean half of each room leaving half for the other to clean. Simple enough, right?

 Right! Until Brian started working late shifts to earn more for his growing family that's when Chrssie started to treat Freddie like her personal servant. And being racist towards him and insulting his looks.

Chrissie stopped cleaning the bathroom, their bedroom, her half of the kitchen, and the backyard. She left all the house for Freddie to do and she would call on him every twenty minutes demanding him to change Louisa’s diapers, feeding her, clothing her, bathing her, even playing with her.

Freddie was scrubbing the floors and sweeping constantly as Chrissie kept smearing muck into the floor and leaving it to harden and dry up. Freddie's hands and knees were always sore and red from the hours he spent scrubbing the floor.

At one point the tree fell down and Chrissie locked Freddie out of the house in 89F degree weather until he cleaned up the mess. He nearly died of heat stroke! And Chrissie laughed at him as he drank water from the sink and sprayed his head. She told Louisa, 

"Look! Look! Look at the dirty man. This is his first time using a sink, he's from Africa!"

Louisa was sleeping chewing on her hand. Even she didn't have time for her mother's racist remarks. 

Freddie throws his scrub brush one day and storms into the living room and fire in his belly. He was exhausted and pissed. He couldn't keep his eyes opened anymore. The smell of chemicals made him sick anymore.


She snaps her fingers in his face, "Shut up or I'll tell Brian you raped me." 

That shut Freddie up and he retreated; he knew the courts would have a field day with that. A brown man accused of raping a white woman he would be arrested and beat never proven innocent.

Next time Freddie did get to speak too tired to care, “Chrissie, I’m tired.” Freddie complains to her after cleaning out her room and empty the bedroom wastebasket. He knew she was cheating he kept finding used condoms in the bin and Brian was always too exhausted for sex and he's hardly home.

“Shut up.” Chrissie snaps lighting a cigarette, “Louisa needs feeding she’s been crying for like two hours.”

Freddie gasps at her now awake and angry. He balls his fists up, “She’s an infant! Barely four months! She's helpless and defenseless!" 

“She's just an annoying bitch I only had to keep Brian around.” Chrissie blows smoke in his face, "One way to keep a man around and marrying you is to spread those legs and grt knocked up."

Freddie was too stunned to say anything; he storms to where Louisa is and feeds her, he keeps her in a baby carrier on his back ever since. No one abuses a helpless infant not on his watch. And Chrssie knew she could keep doing this.  Freddie was too exhausted to stay up until 3AM waiting in Brian to return. He was juggling cleaning a entire three story home by himself daily along with taking care of a infant who needed hourly feedings still.

Christie just sat in the living room rewatching old home movies and her soap operas. Freddie has no time for himself anymore and it was wearing down on him. Freddie stays up late one night Louisa woke him up crying in her crib starving and her diaper overfilled.

He stays up late enough to catch Brian coming home after his night shift, “I can’t take this anymore.” he confesses to Brian.

“Take what?” Brian asks setting his lunch bag down, 

“Chrissie is making me do all the household work and making me take care of your daughter 24/7. She’s neglecting Louisa now. I took a nap and woke up to her crying, her diaper overfilled and her covered in her own shit and vomit.”

Brian’s face turns red and he looks the angriest he’s ever been. Protectiveness took over for his daughter and his best friend in the whole wide world, “Go to Louisa’s room until I come and get you,”

Freddie knows there’s no talking Brian out of whatever he’s planned. Freddie goes to Louisa’s room who fusses around him and demands cuddles. Freddie does so rocking her in the rocking chair as muffled noises rock and shake the house little Louisa didn’t care she had her “mommy”.

Brian comes in nearly an hour later he brings them into the master bedroom that looks so empty without Chrssie’s shit filling the room. Brian tells Freddie and Louisa to lay in the bed. Freddie lays in the bed with Louisa in his arms Brian climbs in and cuddles them, “No one will force your guys to be abused, no one will force you to clean and cook like you’re servants.”

Freddie looks over at him blushing, “Brian?”

“I kicked Chrssie out and took her ring back.” Brian whispers, “You’re my brother… my best friend.”

“Really.” Freddie whispers,

“I left my wife for you and the well-being of my daughter. Yes.” Brian tells him, kissing his forehead and snuggling him. This was going to be the start of something new. A whole new chapter.

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