Royal! Queen: Kingdoms⭐

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This was the first time two brothers have ruled over a kingdom together in a century. Freddie had to train Brian how to rule since he had no training whatsoever since he was barred from ruling until their father’s death. And since Roger and John are both ruled as deceased it’s up to the brothers to rule over Heaven together.

Freddie was very much heavily pregnant when Heaven was under threat he was the only ruler with military training under his belt and was sent off to aid his soldiers. Brian was still in training he had to be left behind and Jim couldn’t go since he wasn’t a ruler of Heaven. 

Brian falls out of his chair, his crown going flying as the soldiers and others scream to be let in. A councilman opens the gates and Freddie is carried in on a horse he’s badly wounded and barely conscious. Brian nearly faints see the white fabric Queen Freddie is wearing stained red, it’s a mix of his own blood and the enemies. He’s shoved and kicked around as he tries to get to his brother, “Freddie! Freddie!”

The door is shut in Brian’s face as Freddie’s put in the medical bay kept in the castle for the royals. Brian whimpers and paws at the door sadly he presses his forehead against the cool wooden door. Jim shows up dirty and looking enraged, “I want the man that harmed my Fredrick torchered and skinned alive!”

Brian flinched, “And if my baby is harmed or killed the man shall have his cock and balls removed with a dull knife before all the fun begins.” Jim raves opening Freddie’s medical door.

Freddie’s sitting up in bed he seems nude but the sheer covers his lower half, he’s bandaged around his chest and it’s a miracle he’s still alive, “How’s the baby? How’s you?” Jim asks racing over followed by Brian at his heels.

Freddie rests his hand on his belly, “The baby’s moving. They plan on removing it early.”

Jim rests his hands on Freddie's swollen belly and plants a kiss onto his husband’s lips. Brian stands there awkwardly, he was just glad his brother was alive, after all that’s his only true friend. They let Freddie rest and Jim took his place in the battle field, the war ended fast when Heaven brought in reinforcements from Jim’s kingdom. They found the man who tried to end Freddie’s life, he wouldn’t stop bragging about how he killed the queen.

They all assumed that the Hutton heir wouldn’t make it and they did what Jim wanted: they cut off the man’s cock and balls and fed them to the hounds. The man was tortured and skinned; it lasted nearly a week. In that time Freddie had a sickly baby girl who they named Persephone Adrienne Hutton. It was very much touch and go during that time Brian ran the Kingdom of Heaven by himself since Freddie was out and Jim was running his own kingdom. Brian struggled greatly with running it, he felt like he would never be a good king.

He did it. He worked hard, signed the papers, claimed the kingdom that tried to fight him as he own, since the king from that kingdom was slaughtered. Brian earned the late king’s wife, Anita. She was about eighteen much younger than the twenty-four-year-old Brian, but he happily welcomed her into his castle. She cried on her first night and Brian felt awful,

“I’m sorry about your husband.” Brian says softly handing her a cup of tea, 

“It’s not my husband I’m crying about! she wipes her tears away on the back of her hand,

“Why are you crying then?” Brian asks, confused.

Anita sniffles and sips from the mug, “M-My husband was a bad man, he married me when I was ten…” Anita sniffles again and Brian slides her over a box of tissues, “I’m finally free. I have a good husband now.” she takes Brian’s hand into her own and squeezes it, Brian blushes and shyly looks away.

Brian kisses her hand, “I’ll be the perfect gentleman to you then, my lady.”

And so things got better with the help of Anita being his queen and having way more experience being a royal than Brian she helped him keep Heaven at the top of the food chain. Freddie got to go back to leaving with Jim and their daughter grew healthy. Brian had six children in total four sons and three daughters, Freddie on the other hand had five sons and four daughters, the brothers had a small laugh over that.

And so the kingdoms ruled for a long time with no hiccups and everything was going well. The kids were growing up getting married and starting their own kingdoms and families. The Hutton and Taylor families were very happy with how their lives had turned out, and Brian was thankful he apologized all those years ago because if he hadn’t he wouldn’t have had the life he had now. And to think what sent them down this path was Brian being a bratty teenager that was jealous that his brother was going to have his own kingdom and spouse, he wanted one too! When they were little they got double of everything Freddie got a new bike? Brian’s got a new bike. And that’s how things were until Freddie was of age and considered mature and ready.

Brian stands alongside his family and how much they have grown over the years and how big and strong the kingdom has grown and changed alongside them. He wouldn’t trade this life for anything all though there would be one thing he would change, and that was to have his parents back. But Brian and Freddie know at least their mother is smiling down at them proud that his sons are fierce and strong queens and kings. And that’s all that matters to them is making their mother happy. For now though they have their…. happily ever after, the end.

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