Dealor: Teeth Cleaning⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 I saw your request before the power went out and I wrote it for you hope you enjoy.

Note: There's maybe another scheduled power outage tomorrow I'm sorry for the inconvenience the power company is causing they are lazy pieces of shit half the time. Once again I'll be taken in request but please don't get hateful if it doesn't get written. Hopefully these two one-shots can keep you entertained until things get sorted.

Roger bites John’s hand hard, “Ow! You little shit!!” John yanks his hand out, “Hope you like the taste of latex.”

“I don’t want my teeth clean, dad!” Roger yells.

“Son, you need to get your teeth checked on and cleaned.” John tells him sternly rubbing at his hand, “Now open up and be good.”

Roger kicks him in the chest and takes off running crashing into the locked door once it doesn’t open, “I’m one step ahead of you bitch.” John hisses rubbing at his chest gingerly.

Roger sniffles his face going red, “Don’t.” John warns Roger’s face goes even redder and tears run down his cheeks, “Roger Meddows Deacon.”

Roger wail tossing his head back snot and tears pour down his face, “I don’t wanna!! I don’t wanna!” he throws himself onto the cold ground and throws a tantrum.

John grabs him and spanks his bum, “Sit down and behave or you won’t be allowed to see Brian.”

Roger sniffles, “Y-You wouldn’t dare!”

John fakes being on the phone, “Hello Mrs. May? Yeah, it’s me John, I’m calling to say Roggie has chicken pox and won’t be allowed near Brian for two whole weeks.”

Roger rubs at his face and looks down in defeat, “Dad.”

John smiles happily and get Roger in his seat. He does a check up and cleans his teeth, “I’m so happy you’ve been flossing and brushing your teeth.”

Roger gurgles something at him, “Yes daddy’s proud of you.”

Finally after a lengthy teeth cleaning Roger was finally free, “Does daddy’s strong man want to pick a prize out of the prize box?”

Roger crosses his arms, “Yes I do.”

John brings down the prize box and hands it to him, “What do you want buddy?”

Roger fishes around in there he pulls out a star sticker and shoves it into his shirt pocket, “I can go play with Brian right?”

“Let me get your nanny to take you to Brian’s.” John calls for his nanny not seeing the sadden look on Roger’s face, he just wished his father would spend more time with him.

His nanny, Freddie scuttles in and picks up Roger, “Take him to Brian’s.” John speaks slowly to him,

"With all due respect sir I immigrated here when I was two, I can speak English.” Freddie tells him.

John speaks slower, “You take Roger to friend’s, you understand?”

Freddie sighs itchen to just have his paycheck, “Me understand me take small human to bigger human .”

“Good boy.” he pets Freddie’s head and sends him on his way, ever since he’s become some big hotshot dentist he’s been a douche.

“I hungie.” Roger complains nuzzling his chest,

“Well I can stop at a McDonald’s and-‘’ Freddie let’s put a yelp nearly dropping Roger as the four-year-old bites down on where his nipple is.

John comes storming out in the hallway, “Why is my son crying?” he demands to know.

“He bit my teat, sir.”

“He’s hungry this is when his mother would feed him.” John tells him like he’s the dumbest person alive.

“I promised to buy him McDonald’s-“

“Feed him like his mother would.”


“I know you had a kid, you should have many, I know you immargiants have a shit ton of kids and leech off our government, you should have milk left.” John shoves the two into the room without another word and locks it, “You’re not coming out until he’s fed.”

Freddie slides against the wall and cries into his hands he’s so desperate for a paycheck he’s miles from home, he lost his fiancé and their daughter now he’s stuck in a dead end job with an abusive boss and a kid that doesn’t know better. Roger latches onto him and nurses happily. It hurts like a bitch the kid has all his teeth and milk supply was already low, he made Fred bleed badly and left bruises. But they were finally allowed to leave, Freddie picked up Brian from his acholic mother’s home and just drives.

The ache I’m his chest hurts worse as he watches the two boys play in the back every now and again, he watches as Roger rips his star sticker in half and gives Brian one of the halves. Freddie doesn’t stop driving until his car is nearly out of gas he stops at a random 7/11 and fills up the tank.

He asks the clerk inside, “What town are we in?”

The clerk replies, “Portetington, sir.” that was a two hour drive from their town of Potter.

Freddie keeps driving until they arrive at a place called New Rosscus, a place known for their theatre. By then the boys are already starting to fall asleep in their car seats. It was late and the sun was starting to set. Freddie manages to scrape enough money together to get a one bed motel room and order a large pepperoni pizza for them to share. Roger rubs at his eyes sleepily, “Is daddy leaving me again.”

“Yes.” Freddie lies tucking him and Brian into bed after they ate and brushed their teeth.

“Okay.” Roger was used to it by now he snuggles into his best friend and yawns again.

“Hey, your breath smells like mint.” Brian states,

“No way so does yours.”

The two best friends giggle and joke to each other before falling asleep, Freddie was so thankful he got the two boys somewhere safe even if it was illegal, he knew the boys were safe now.

Freddie opens his laptop and sees an email from John he ignores it and deletes everything so they can’t be found, it was for the best anyway. The boys would have a better life with Freddie plus John wouldn’t miss Roger he had his head so far up his ass these days it was a wonder how he saw anything. With that noted Freddie locks the windows and doors, keeps the blinds down and the ratty curtains closed tightly. He climbs into bed with them and tries to sleep but his brain was filled with nightmares for the rest of the night until he woke up in the morning to the two boys pissing on the potted plant. Everything was going alright, Freddie had nothing to worry about for now, he takes the two boys and they leave for the next town.

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