Johnica: The True Happy Ending

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Veronica's POV:

I found the journal sitting on a train seat abandoned no one else in the train cart there was no one around, I opened it open the first page reads, "Property of John R. Deacon" underneath it was an address, it was the town where the train was going. Maybe I can return it to the owner?

I flipped to the next page maybe there will be a number to call, maybe some other information I can use to track John down? Instead there was a family picture a woman about late 40s maybe early 50s at most, her preteen daughter with dark brown hair, and a young man of about 20. He had long brown hair to his chest, beautiful green grey eyes, he wears a long sleeve black button up and dark red pants. He's very attractive his baby face made him him more adorable, his gapped tooth smile was to die for, he looked so precious. I shake my head, "Focus." I tell myself.

It was wrong going through John's journal, I never even met John before. But he seemed so sweet and caring, a good church boy too. I decided to just keeping reading no harm right? As I got about halfway through a certain page caught my eye it only had a signal sentence followed by messy scribbles,

''xxxx, 24th October,

My father has died of a heart attack."

I felt bad for John I can't imagine losing a father, I just hope he's doing okay. The next few pages are dealing with the grief he and his family are going through, and him spiraling into a deep depression. Him talking about how he doesn't want to live anymore. A entry dated in December made me feel even worse for him,

"xxxx, 6 December,

I dropped out of college without any plans. Moved back home I couldn't even pay rent, I'm living on mum's couch trying to figure it out. Im tearing myself down. Oh god it's getting bad."

My mouth went dry when I got to one of February's entries,

"xxxx, 14 February,

I made myself bleed and I felt so alive since my father's passing. It was a rush a stinging painful rush, but it brought back feeling into me.... Oh god I wanna feel again."

I skipped to the last page as the stop for the train was coming up soon there was about 50 blank pages left and the last entry was dated for today,

"xxxx, 23 July,

Please Whoever Reads This Give This To My Mother, The Address Is Listed On The Front:

I'm sorry that I couldn't buy you that house upon the hill or take care of all your medical bills, I know I didn't make you proud. I should've been someone by now, but I never figured out how. I have no plans anymore my body is broken and weak, You never talk about to your friends, yet you talk about Julia, because you must be so embarrassed about me. If you need to find my body it should be hanging on Oak's Bridge where me and Julia use to play. I'm getting off of the train now."


Your Son, John."

I felt my stomach sink and I shut the book with a loud clap right as the train brakes, I get off of the train my duffle bag slung over my shoulder it had my college logo on it. The wind blew my copper hair around I got directions on where the address is. " You got to cross Oak's Bridge to find Mrs. Deacon's home." the old man tells me.

I nod and carry on waiting to see a crime scene or the police, no I just see the man in the picture sitting under the railing swinging his feet it looks like a jump rope is tied around his neck, he looks sweaty and scared. His wrists are heavily marked old and new, there's bruises on his pale flesh, "E-Excuse me?" I call out.

The man faces me, "I chickened." he seems to know why I'm here even though his journal is tucked in my bag.

I step to him I could smell his cologne now he looks nothing like the picture in his book, he looks broken, he looks aged. Depression does that too you, I guess.

"I'm here to help." I tell him, I keep my keys in my hand where I keep my hidden knife in case I have to cut him down, I take another step.

"Thank you." he tells him then he jumps down the jump rope hanging him. I try to untie it at first then I hack at the thick rope, it breaks and so does my blade. I grab him and cradle him in my arms as I fall over the bridge with him.

John's screaming he seems to have his life flashing before his eyes, regret is crossing his face like now he doesn't want to die anymore. I can't believe I'm risking my life for a stranger, I felt connected to him for some reason. But as we plummet down I regret being so kind, I just hope my Lord welcomes me home with open arms because I know I won't survive.

I close my eyes and hold John close keeping him safe. My heads bursts as I land on the rocks, John safely cracked in my arms. Then everything's over...


What was the mortal to this story? You wanted them to fall in love, you wanted Veronica to live, you wanted to see the Deaclings, you wanted that happily ever after, right? Well the mortal is that no matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it, some stories don't have a happy ending.  Not every story will have a happily ever after, who will live and tell your story? Who will remember you once your gone? Who's going to keep your flame alive? Not everything will end happily ever after.

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