Platonic!Deacury: First Meeting ⭐

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Roger knocks on the door, his son hiding behind him, “Brian?”

Brian opens the door, he's dressed nicely and he’s got an apron on that reads, “Kiss The Cook”. Brian smiles warmly at them as he peeks around Roger, “And who’s this cutie?”

Roger guides his son up there, “This is John. He’s nine and autistic.”

Brian smiles and leads them inside, “I hope you don’t mind vegan stuffed pork chops.”

John tugs on his papa’s sleeve he whimpers and fusses yanking harder Roger looks up at Brian, “Do you have any nuggets?” Roger looks embarrassed, “I don’t think he’s going to eat it. It’s not meat and he’s not used to having pork chops.”

Brian raises a brow, “Let him try it first that’s what I do with Freddie.”

Of course Brian wouldn’t understand the tantrums, the screaming and hitting over not having food John will eat.  Roger sighs and rummages around the kitchen for food John will happily eat. Brian tries not to look offended.

John wanders around the house. He sees a door and opens it, it was a tiny bathroom with a small stand up shower shoved in the corner. John grabs the bar of unused soap off the sink. He rubs it against his hands before taking a bite out of it and he happily begins eating the soap.

“Excuse me?” Freddie steps into the bathroom to wank and now there’s a stranger eating a bar of hand soap standing in the middle of the room, “Dad!” Freddie yells.

Brian and Roger both rush up there. Roger yanks the soap out of John’s hands and scolds him as Brian and Freddie just gawk, “I’m so sorry.” Roger apologizes tossing the soap into the bin, “He has Pica and-“

“Just keep your kid on a leash.” Freddie hisses, “He’s a freak.” 

Brian smacks him upside his head, “Fredrick Jonathan Bulsara-May.” he grabs him by his ear marking Freddie wince, “Apologize right now.” 

“I-I’m sorry.” Freddie stammers as Brian keeps twisting his ear.

“You can babysit John as I finish up dinner.” Brian says,

“Oh, I don’t know, John’s such a sensitive soul and-“ Roger gets cut off as Brian gestures something making Roger blush, “S-Sure let him babysit.”

“And if Freddie makes him cry or upsets him he’s grounded for two months.”

The two adults scamper downstairs giggling like naughty teenagers Freddie huffs and stomps his foot, “This isn’t fair!”

John tears up and Freddie waves his hands, “You like Sonic? You wanna play Sonic?”

John nods and they walk to the “epic gaming room” as Freddie likes to call it. They play a few mean rounds of Sonic and then Freddie shows him GTA 5. John is absolutely in love with the game; he screams and stims happily as he plays it.

Just as they found the strip club and got a nice pair of video game tiddies in their faces Brian walks in, “Boys-“ he looks up at the screen, “Uh, dinner’s done.” he quickly walks out beet red.

The boys hurriedly go downstairs and sit down at the dining room Freddie blushing like a rose. Roger giggles, “I guess you boys were being naughty?”

John speaks for the first time today, “I saw titties mama.”

Roger looks to Brian who laughs nervously, “Boys will be boys. We can’t shield them from everything. Plus Freddie has one thing on his mind that all boys get around that age.”


“No homicide.” Freddie pipes up, “Can we have dinner now?”

Brian passes out plates and drinks. John doesn’t touch his food. He looks pissed and grossed out, “Eat sweetheart.” Roger says softly pointing his fork at him,


“John Richard Taylor.” Roger warns, “You are a guest in Brian’s home, you will try his cooking.”

John tears up and nips a piece of asparagus he gags and pushes the plate away, “Mama no like.”

“Eat.” Roger warns,

Freddie cuts a piece of his faux pork chop. He eats it moaning about how good it is, then he cuts up another piece and offers it to John, “You want some? It’s sooooo goooood!”

John takes the piece and chews it; he doesn’t spit it out or cry. And that’s what Freddie does a piece for himself and piece for John the two share three pork chops together. Roger is stunned and Brian kinda looks proud of his boy, “Where’s Biscuit, Freddie?” Brian asks,

“She’s off duty so she’s most likely in the laundry ro-“

Biscuit comes charging out and snatches a pork chop off the table before darting back into the laundry room, “See?” Freddie says.

Brian rolls his eyes shaking his head, “Strange dog.” he finishes his food,

“Titty game?” John asks,

“Sure let's go play more GTA.” Freddie helps John rinse and clean his plate first before taking him back upstairs.

The kids play a few more rounds of GTA before John asks if he can take a nap. Freddie lets John use his bed,  but then the boy wants to cuddle. Freddie crawls into bed and holds him. John snuggles into Freddie. John sucks on his thumb as he dozes off; he feels safe and warm. Freddie plays a few games on his phone as John naps in his arms, the adults have now made it to Brian’s bedroom so it was up to Freddie to keep John happy. A few thoughts go over in Freddie’s head,

His dad was the most happiest he’s ever seen him since Roger came into the picture 

His dad and Roger are madly in love 

They’re going to get married most likely 

He’s going to have a step-brother he’s no longer going to be an only child

What if his dad and Roger have a baby will they be forgotten about?

Freddie winces as John hits him in his sleep. He looks down at the little brunet, could he be a good brother to John? Is he being good to John? Does he even want a brother? And he knows all those are a yes. Now only time will tell how their lives are affected.

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