Jackcury: The Rich Man & The Poor Boy⭐

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1dkingwell Here's Your Request

Micheal shakes as he looks around the room his parents are talking to a rich looking Indian man. Micheal groans tugging on his shirt too much starch, it was stiff and uncomfortable.

Michael tries talking to his other siblings but they shake their heads and ignore him. Poor Michael was confused why the sudden change in behavior? 

Micheal watches as his parents accept a fat wad of cash before signing some paper they have ass read, "So Micheal is mine?" the man asks,

Michael perks his head realization struck him and his heart sank. Michael knows his parents are poor but selling your son off to some rich man in order to give him a good life, what the hell? 

Jackie hands him a bag, "You're belongings." he tells his little brother before looking away.

Michael holds his bag close to him as the man approaches him, "Come on my amour." 

Michael looks at the older man in disgust as he's escorted off the only home he knew and placed into a fancy looking car that he didn't know the name of. He's never rode in a car before his folks couldn't afford it.

Michael looks at the car and sees the sad faces of his eight siblings he couldn't see his parents. Micheal puts his hand on the glass and his siblings look away maybe in shame.

Micheal cries a little watching as his family home gets smaller and smaller as he's taken away. He wished he said goodbye to his mother or even his baby brother. 

Michael is miserable once he arrives at the mansion. He wished to be home with his parents and siblings anywhere but here. It's too noisy and it's in the city where a bunch of noise is nothing like the quiet countryside he's use to back home.

Michael walks to the man that bought him here. The man looked down at him Micheal smoothed his fro down. The man speaks, ''I'm Freddie." 

Michael looks him up and down, "Michael. I'm 18." 

"I'm thirty-two." Freddie replies and Freddie swears there was a flicker of disgust in Michael's eyes.

"Where can I put my shit?" Micheal asks, holding up a singular bag.

"In the master bedroom which we're sharing." Freddie informs him.

Michael scoffs and heads up the stairs the maid shows him to his room. Micheal only takes up one dresser drawer, he sits down on the silk sheets wobbling some from the water bed. He hated the rich people's life; he really hated it.

Michael isn't used to being fussed away by the savants and Freddie. It was almost smothering. Slowly though he kinda liked being pampered but only to a certain extent. Micheal still wanted to be independent and not spoiled. He still hated Freddie very much and with the wedding only a month away, Micheal wasn't very happy. Who wants to marry such an old man? 

Michael wanted someone his own age yet his parents sold him off to some pampered spoiled rich man who didn't know the value of a dollar. 

Michael kept trying to stall the wedding faking injuries and illnesses to get out of it. To the point Freddie paid for a doctor on standby to check on Micheal even if he sneezes he'll be checked on. Micheal wasn't liking the rich people life so much he did miss home greatly.

They get married much to Michael's disgust. Freddie kept trying to make a happy little family with him. Micheal fakes being sick each time. Until he can't, Micheal's shocked at how sweet and caring Freddie was during the whole thing.

Michael does fall pregnant afterwards. He's scared out of his mind. Hes far from home and his family only writes to once in a blue moon assuming he's happy down there with the rich man.

When their daughter is born she has Freddie's eyes and Micheal wanted to reject it and wanted to push it all away. But he couldn't, seeing her tiny scrunched up face. He melted.

Michael warms up to Freddie after that. He seems to be at least happy going out with Freddie and showing affection to the older man.

Michael even took care of the older man when he got ill. It seems like he had a very bad stomach virus. Micheal was a good husband to Freddie, and Freddie treated Micheal with the utmost respect, he took the lad to go see his family weekly too. And their daughter loved it. She was a giggly happy little girl with big brown eyes and her mother’s smile.

It was rough for the couple getting used to each other and actually loving each other. It was turning out smoothly. Freddie made sure both him and their daughter had proper medical care when needed and he gave them the finest clothes to wear.

Micheal has never been so pampered in his life before he felt like royalty everytime Freddie tossed them the newest fashion, and if it didn’t fit or they outgrew it Freddie would just tell them to throw it away. Throw it away! Micheal would reuse it and make it into different outfits and other outfits.

Freddie chuckles when he sees Micheal making a scarf out of the Gucci jacket they outgrown. But Freddie wears it proudly for Micheal who looked so happy every time he wore it.

Their daughter had the most expensive clothes to the point Micheal wanted to strangle him since their little one would outgrow it by next month. Freddie wouldn’t listen, so Micheal kept refurbishing the clothes and making them nicer and to keep them fitting.

Freddie bites his tongue letting Micheal do his thing. If he wants to keep his ways so will Freddie.  

Freddie loves Micheal and helps him with his clothes making. He makes sure he has the top of the line things to keep his clothes making hobby easier on him.

Michael was starting to really like Freddie and Freddie was already madly in love with him. Who knew opposites attract? 

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