Jimbert: 60 Years of Loving Him

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Robert's POV:

I was twenty-four years old, when I met the man I would call my own. I met him at Guy's in the second world war
And he was working on a soldier's ward, never had I seen such beauty before. The moment that I saw him, Jimmy was my yellow rose. He was my sunshine, the light of my life.

I hobble in the soldier's ward my arm hurt badly, "Excuse me, ma'am?"

A curly haired woman had her back to me she was writing something down in a journal of sorts, "Ma'am?" I try again.

She turns around and she's no woman she's really a he. A young boy of about 18, he sits me down and tends to my wound, "How did you get this sight for sore eyes on your arm?" he asks his voice laced with sweetness and sugar.

"Oh that." I look at the knife wound on the bicep of my arm, "There was a spider and I was playing with my new pocket knife my mother sent to me in a care package.. And well..... I panicked."

"I'm Private Robert Plant." I tell him.

"James the second but call me Jimmy." Jimmy tells me wrapping my arm up so tight I thought it was going to fall off, "Be lucky you didn't go in too deep, idiot."

"I know I'm a idiot, I could of ruined my chance of playing guitar."

"You play guitar?" he asks.


"Maybe you can show me sometime then?" he flirts a flick of his tongue.

We fell in love I would give him guitar lessons and he would teach me first aid. I remember getting him drunk and dancing under a night full of stars we were hidden away from others. We went skinny dipping in the lake once he sobered up, we kissed once I got him back to his cabin. He was so pretty like a Irish rose, he made my heart soar.

We went on many many dates and I got hurt a lot, just so i can see him.

"I scraped my knee, can you kiss it better? I asked him one time and he would laugh and kisses me on my nose and call me his goofy.

I even got a splinter on me bum and asked him to kiss it, and he did! Well he kissed my dick, but that was the first time we did anything sexual, and it did lead us to having sex. He was perfect in everyway amd I knew what i wanted from him.

I managed to make some decent money but I still couldn't afford a ring for my beloved Jimmy. So I managed to buy a nice nugget of dentist gold from a man in a German shop and had my friend John help me make learn how to make a ring out of it and it costed me with each failed attempt. I was about to give up, Jimmy would love anything I gave him and if it was a hunk of dentist gold he'd be over the moon about it. The same buddy help me write out what I was going to say to Jimmy when I proposed to him, even if we couldn't be legally married we'll break the law and get married anyway. No one can stop us, and I mean no one can stop us.

I puked badly the night before I proposed, butterflies I guess? But John helped me get cleaned up for the next day and made sure I didn't reek of vomit or sweat, he's truly my best friend. He's helped me a lot and kept his mouth shut on me and Jimmy being homosexual. Soon the big day came and I was ready to go.

On the summer day when I proposed
I made that wedding ring from dentist gold, And when Jimmy's father found out, he told me, "No, you can't marry my son, you disgusting faggot. My Jimmy's a good Catholic boy."

Jimmy and I went on the run, don't care about religion, I'm gonna marry the man I love down by the Wexford border. From a farm boy born near Belfast town, I never worried about the king and crown. 'Cause I found my heart upon the southern ground
There's no difference, I assure ya.

And we got married wearing borrowed clothes. Jimmy worn his brother's dress shirt and pants that were four sizes too big, and I had on my father's clothes I stole a few weeks back.

Jimmy held a nice bundle from the field a few feet away. He's hair was braid and tossed over his shoulder, a flower crown on his head sat crooked, he took my name and then we were one. We lived in the house his brother bought usm

We had five sons and three daughters all growing old now, and I as I sit in my recliner across from my Jimmy as he talks about our 22 grandchildren I couldn't of asked for a better life with him.

From her snow white streak in  jet black hair, over sixty years I've been loving her. Now we're sat by the fire in our old armchairs, "You know Jimmy, I adore ya."

He smiles softly looking up from the photo album and smiles at me softly, he stands up and hobbles to me before planting a soft kiss to my lips. I close my eyes and smile happily then I open them he's gone our youngest son, Jimmy the third or JJ for short he's 21.

"Thinking about dad, papa?"

I nod softly feeling the ghost of a kiss Jimmy left me, "Yeah, I was."

JJ pats my knee smiling sadly, "Come on, papa it's dad's birthday. We're going to release balloons in his honor."

And I slowly got up from my chair and looked at where Jimmy once sat and I smile knowing he's happy up there, and I don't have to worry. I follow after JJ a sad smile on my face.

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