Queen: Diabetes and Feelings⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Freddie sheepishly entered the studio; he didn't answer any of their calls or texts last night. He was in hospital for a DKA attack due to his type 1 diabetes. The worst thing? His bandmates didn't know and probably thought he was up late partying and chubby chasing after some hot dudes and guzzling beers till his forgot his name.

Maybe they think he was purposefully ignoring their calls and texts. What if they kick him out of the band and demand he give his friendship bracelet back? Freddie's poor heart couldn't handle that! They've been friends since he immigrated when he was thirteen. He can't lose them now, they're all that he's got in this world.

Freddie tries to sneak into the the recording room but freezes. There's John tuning his bass and playing a few chords to a new song he has in his head.

Freddie tries to hide when John looks over probably hearing the floorboards creak under Freddie's fat fine ass. Freddies's met John's eyes and he didn't see disgust or hatred, but worry. John moves his bass to the side and greets Freddie by hugging him tightly,

 "Are you okay? Where were you?" John asks concern lacing his voice

Freddie looks away, "I.."  Freddie can feel his anxiety spike his heart beating into his ribs like a caged bird demading freedom.

His thoughts try to come up with a lie to throw John off his trail but nothing's working his head can't think and those concern green grey eyes only make him feel guilty if he lies.

"Did you get hurt?" John's calloused hand grabs Freddie's wrist where he accidently left his hospital bracelet on and those damn things are hard to get off. It's like a permanent friendship bracelet the hospital gives you.

Freddie looks away, "I'm diabetic, John. I have type onn." Freddie says it like its a big dirty little secret ans John should run from him, ''And I had a DKA attack yesterday and spent the whole night in hospital." 

John hugs him tight and nuzzles Fred's cheek, "What's a DKA attack?" 

"Well it's a serious complication of diabetes that occurs when my body produces high levels of blood acids called ketones. The condition develops when my body can't produce enough insulin." Freddie explains like the doctors told him when he was a kid.

He remembers the big scary room. It was cold and dimly lit. His mother was arguing with his father arguing over if he was faking all his symptoms or maybe he was really sick and not trying to get out of school.

When the doctor told them Freddie had type 1 diabetes and had a DKA attack, Jer screams and begs the doctors to cure him and that he's a good boy. The gods would never curse her sweet heterosexual son.

She had to be escorted out of the room by Bomi and Freddie could talk to his doctor freely now. It still was scary seeing his mother like that but she's gotten better, so much better since she's been medicated and monitored. It was Freddie's first time being in a English hospital and it wouldn't be his last.

John nods and makes a note of it, "Alright." John hugs him tight, "I'm glad you're alright. You had all of us worried."

Roger comes whooping and hollering in. He slings an arm around Freddie's shoulders, "My man where were you last night?" 

Brian comes in and his eyes lands on the bracelet, "Hospital apparently." Brian points to the band on Freddie's wrist.

Freddie explains everything hes explained to John a huge weight coming off his chest as he does so. They don't treat him any diffrent he's still a brother to them although Brian packs him healthier lunches than normal.

One lunch was frozen grapes, cucumbers with dip, honey and peanut butter wraps, and trail mix. Along with some fruity juice.

Freddie loved it and thanked Brian greatly for it and on Fridays Roger splurged and got them all pizza or Chinese takeout.

They didn't treat him any differently for his diabetes but Brian was very motherly now making sure Freddie was eating healthy and not indulging himself with foods that could harm him.

Roger makes sure Freddie gets his medication and where this is the UK he didn't have to spend 257 just for a single bottle of it. John and Brian both mother him and it makes Freddie feel loved, he's never gotten this type of attention before not even from his parents.

It was nice. Freddie didn't feel usless or unloved. Instead he developed other emotions, a small crush if you will it was mainly on Brian and John who baby him the most. But Brian was winning his heart. That kind smile and caring eyes, how he'll hug Freddie extra close. Bringing him lunches was just the icing on the cake, Freddie never had anyone bring him a personal lunch before it made him feel speical.

Freddie was nervous when they were on tour America is such a vast big place and they are just some silly band from England that talk and dress funny.

Brian stayed by his side and was the biggest help with anxiety and fears. He makes Freddie feel special and unique. They share a hotel room together, they even share a bed.

Freddie never admits his feelings and Brian seems to take it as "they had their socks on its not gay" type of thing. Freddie tries to hint at a possible attraction to the curly haired man but he marries Chrissie and they have three children together.

Freddie overjoyed to be a godfather but it wasn't the same as being Brian's. Even if the curly haired man was married and having a family he still brought Freddie a healthy lunch.

And when Freddie had another DKA attack in Germany, Brian flew down to be alongside him. Brian was the best clueless friend Freddie has ever had, and he was content with it, as long as Brian was happy Freddie was happy.

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