Frain: First Date⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request. I have two other requests in allowing one other request for today

Freddie smooths down his dress and looks at himself in the mirror, a big grin spreads across his face, he looks gorgeous. Freddie grabs his eyeliner and applies it gingerly. He fixes up his makeup and messes with his hair; he let it curl up naturally.

Freddie heard a wolf whistle and turned around to see Brian in his pinstripe suit standing tall and slender, he looked so handsome, his long hair tied back with a beautiful blue ribbon, “You ready my delicious muffin?” Brian asks wrapping his arms and Freddie’s waist and nibbles on his neck.

Freddie giggles and squeals, “Stop! Stop! You’re going to ruin my makeup.”

Brian nips his neck, “That explains why I’m tasting foundation.” he takes another nibble and Freddie swats at him,

“Naughty, darling.” Freddie chuckles kissing his cheek.

Brian scoops him being mindful to keep Fred’s skirt down,”Onward! To our date!”

Freddie squeals and clings to him as Brian runs out of their apartment with him, “Brian!”

Brian jams him into the car and speeds off giggling. Freddie buckles in grabbing onto the seat for dear life as Brian speeds off. Freddie’s eyes widen seeing where they are at, “The Ritz?”

“Shh baby it’s our first date.”

Freddie blushes and thanks him over and over again. Brian got them some wine and they began to order, “I’ll have the pithivier of heritage potato.” Brian orders in a faux posh accent making Freddie giggle,

“And for your date?” the waiter asks,

“Crêpes suzette, please.” Freddie whispers ordering the cheapest thing.

Brian sips his Vin Santo, Avignonesi sweet wine and eyes Freddie, “You could order anything you want. I don’t care about pricing.”

“Just let me do my thing.” Freddie whispers handing his menu back to the waiter.

Freddie felt underdressed; he was just wearing a simple sundress with white heels and a little faint hint of makeup. While everyone else was earring the finest clothing and looked so perfect and snotty, something Freddie wasn’t. And it seemed like they were the only gay couple here too! 

Brian kisses his hand and looks at him lovingly, “You’re the most beautiful person in this entire restaurant.”

Freddie blushes shyly unable to form words, “Forget about the others. It’s only us tonight.” Brian purrs leaning over the table and kissing him.

“Babe, you’re on fire.” Freddie gasps, 

“Why thank y-“

“No you put your hair into the candle!” Freddie jerks back from his chair as Brian pats himself panicking.

Freddie throws his glass of wine onto him which simmers the flame and with the help of another customer beating at Brian’s chest with her handkerchief Brian was de-flamed.

They did eat their dinner and got 10% off their meal. It was great food and Freddie left with a dessert in a doggie bag. Brian fixes his hair and laughs, “Sorry about our first date. I understand if you don’t want to go on another one.”

“No!” Freddie shouts startlingly at Brian who hits the brakes, “I loved it! It was so freeing!” Freddie screams.

Brian raises a brow, “Freeing?”

“I’ve grown up with strict parents. I would have never been allowed any of this! Let alone a £900 dinner!”

Brian grins, “I guess I’m really spoiling you.”

Freddie leans over and kisses him nearly making Brian wreck the car. They make it home in one piece though. Brian carries him inside kissing and loving all over him, Freddie purrs and puts his dessert in the fridge. Brian lays him on the couch and kisses him, keeping him pinned. Freddie tilts his head back and whines, Brian nips his neck making Freddie squeal and squirm.

“Shh baby boy.” Brian licks at his neck and gags jerking back, 

“Babe?!” Freddie sits up propping himself up with his elbows, 

“I licked your makeup off!” Brian rubs at his tongue flailing about now.

Freddie bursts into laughter failing off the couch their roommate Roger waddles in rubbing at his eyes sleepily, “Fred? Brims what are you doing?”

“He licked off my makeup!” Freddie wheezes, 

Roger chuckles softly and strolls into the kitchen scratching his groin and then his ass before smelling his fingers, “And that’s why I disinfect everything Roger touches.” Freddie laughs.

Brian kisses his nose and starts laughing, “I can see where I licked off your makeup.”

Freddie loves on Brian and peppers him with kisses. He loves on Freddie and nuzzles him, Roger sits by their feet eating potato chips loudly, “What are you lovebirds doing?” 

Brian nuzzles into Freddie’s neck, “Having my balls tickled until you interrupted.” Brian hisses.

Freddie blushes scarlet and laughs, “Yesh, Roggie, we’re trying to shag.”

“On John’s couch?” Roger questions.

“He had sex with Veronica on it.” Freddie states.

“Ew!” Roger bolts up and flees.

“Now where were we?” Freddie coos and pulls Brian down closer.

Brian chuckles and kisses him roughly grabbing his dummy thicc ass, he sucks and biting on his neck. He hoover sucks dark bruising spots on Freddie’s neck marking Freddie as his.

Freddie mewls and whines grabbing onto him, “Hey guess I need the sex couch.” John declares in a loud booming voice Veronica was meekly peeking out from behind him a big cherry red blush on her pale face.

Brian scoops up his meal and slams his bedroom door, “Can’t a man fuck his boyfriend on the sex couch for once?” Brian huffs.

Freddie laughs and takes off his heels rubbing at his sore feet. They decided not to shag that night instead Freddie stole one of Brian’s jumpers and wore it as a gown. Brian rubs Freddie’s sore feet and praises and showers him with love. Freddie purrs and grins like the cat who’s got the cream, the smile never left his face. He’s never felt more in love before then he has now.

Brian leans in and kisses him, still massaging the older man all over loving him all over and babying him. Brian cuddles Freddie putting an around his thin waist he turns off the lamp and snuggles into Freddie, “Goodnight, my love.”

“Goodnight, my star man.” Freddie kisses him and closes his eyes snuggling into his chest.

The two fall asleep cuddling and snuggling each other for dear life.

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