Platonic!Frain: Vase⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your request. Also my power came back on after like five hours. I hate storms

Freddie growls upset that his papa wouldn't give him a cookie,

"I want!!" Freddie screams reaching for the cookie jar.

"No!" Brian snatches it up, "You're going to spoil you're dinner."

"You're cooking sucks!!"

Brian glares at him before putting the cookie jar up higher.

Freddie storms upstairs and smashes a vase that was Brian's favourite and he heads to his room. He nearly screams when the bedroom door is swung open, "Fredrick." Brian growls, "Did you break my vase?"

Freddie looks at him smugly and crosses his arms like 'try me bitch' look. Brian yanks him over by his shirt making him yelp and squirm, "Hold still." Brian tugs off Freddie's pants and Spider-Man underwear off.

Freddie squirms as he's placed over Brian's lap, the feeling of Brian's jeans rubbing agonist Fred's privates made him whimper. Brian spanks him hard having no mercy on him, Freddie cries and paws at Brian's jean clad legs, "D-Daddy!!"

Brian hits his ass harder, "You've been nothing but a brat!! Drawing on walls, hiding my car keys, stealing desserts, breaking vases!!"

Freddie lays there mutely until Brian's arm got tired and he stopped, Freddie had tears running down his cheeks he sniffles, "Get off." Brian tells him.

Freddie struggles to he felt shaky and it hurt to even move but he did it to make his daddy happy. Once Brian left not even giving him a kiss, Freddie lays on his belly and cries into his pillow, "Daddy hates me!'' he cries.

He keeps degrading himself more and more, he chokes on his spit when Brian comes back into the room with a small tube of cream, Freddie clenches and whimpers. He felt Brian's fingers apply the cool cream on his still burning red skin, "Daddy's sorry." Brian apologizes to him kissing his lower back, "He didn't mean to hurt you that badly."

Freddie cuddles his cat plushie and ignores Brian sniffling into his plushie, "I understand if you don't want to talk." Brian tells him touching his cheek, "I just wanted you to know I'm sorry." he dries Fred's tears.

Freddie throws his arms around his papa and cries, "Daddy!!"

"Shh, shh. I got you love." Brian comforts him, "Don't be scared." he finds one of Freddie's paci a blue and golden colored one, Fred nursed on it.

"And lookie." Brian held up a cookie.

Freddie curls up the paci falls from his mouth, "Not hungie."

That nearly broke Brian's heart, "I'll be back love. Stay here." Brian leaves the house and goes to the neighbor's.

"John?" Brian calls knocking on the door.

John answers the door his shirt half unbutton, "What is it mate?"

"I need chicken nuggets."

John pauses and scowls, "You interrupted me having sex for chicken nuggets!?"

"Look I don't care what you and your sub are doing, I just need nuggets. Actual meat, Freddie loves chicken nuggets." Brian exclaims.

John snaps his fingers, "Roger go get the half bag of nuggets out of the freezer."

Roger comes to the door a collar around his neck that had a tag reading 'Princess' on it, cat ear headband on his head, and golden nipple piercings, "Here."

Brian awkwardly takes the bag from him he's only really talked to Roger maybe a handful of times, "See you at the next barbecue, I guess?"

Roger snorts and turns around walking back into the house, Brian didn't want to know where the cat tail he was wearing was plugged into to.

"You know the barbecue is tomorrow and it's a pot luck?" John asks.

Brian smacks himself, "Goddamn it."

"Master!" Roger calls whiney he says something else that Brian can't hear

"Got to go." John yells slamming the door in Brian's face.

Brian shakes his head and heads inside, he sees Freddie sitting on the kitchen floor covered in flour, "Baby boy?"

"Pot luck tomorrow." Freddie whimpers, "Forgot."

Brian chuckles softly and cleans him up and makes his dinner, "I'll be doing some vegan burgers and regular burgers for the barbecue pot luck okay?"

"Mr. Deacon and Mr. Deacon are going to?" Freddie asks.

Brian blushes and twitches his head a little trying to get the image out of his mind, 'Yeah, John and Roger will be there along with Paul, Debbie, Anita, Richard, and some other people."

Freddie smiles feasting on nuggets, "I like Anita she gives me candies and toys."

"Yeah she's a really sweet lady." Brian hums.

Freddie toddles to Brian and hugs his waist, "Goodnight, daddy."

Brian turns around and picks him up, "First brush your teeth."

Freddie pouts, "You're a meanie head."

"I'm being safe." Brian tells him getting him into the bathroom he holds up his Superman toothbrush and his bubblegum flavour toothpaste, "Now come on."

He wets the brush and helps Freddie scrub at his teeth, "There you go my handsome wittle man."

Freddie blushes a froth of toothpaste surrounds his mouth, "Tank you, daddy."

Brian kisses his cheek and cleans his mouth off, "Now time for bed."

Freddie climbs into bed cussing with his many, many cat plushies.

"Alrighty try and get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for us."

"Its like a summer Thanksgiving." Freddie coos wiggling in the bed.

Brian chuckles and pets his head, "You watch too many American shows."

Freddie smiles and reaches for his red paci which Brian hands over to him. Brian brushes his hair out of Freddie's face and makes sure he's warm and cozy, he pulls the blanket up and tucks him in. Brian checks under the bed with the purple flashlight covered in Sesame Street stickers on, he sees nothing but dust and a forgotten book laying spread open. He stands up and checks the closet, "No monsters here." Brian informs Freddie setting the flashlight on the nightstand next to him,

"And the window?" Freddie asks shyly.

Brian pulls back the pale yellow curtains and looks out the window the full moon looks so pretty among the stars, "Nothing here."

Freddie smiles satisfied he lays his head down and falls asleep with his millons of cat plushies, he couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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