McHarrison: Perfect Couple⭐

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George can’t believe he’s back in England again since he left America to be with the woman of his dreams who just dumped their daughter onto him and fled. It feels like years. But he’s back to see this concert something about wings, he’s got to get pictures for the magazine he’s working on. 

The bigwigs demanded he march his happily little ass down to jolly ole England and snag pictures of the latest hit, the band called Wings. George didn’t understand why. Seemed like any other band with the loud rude crowds that forget all their manners once they make it inside. George just can’t wait to get backstage that’s where all the juicy pictures come from and get plastered all over the magazine pages.

He makes sure baby Heather is strapped to her carrier and her headphones are kept on her head to muffle out the sounds. Of course watching the concert he didn’t think the lead singer would be so handsome, what was the lad’s name again? Paul? Eric?

Whatever his name was George was smitten with him. 

George goes backstage showing off his pass to the guards and enters. He snags more pictures of the lead singer and his band mates. George can’t help but stare at the singer, he’s hot.

“Hey! I’m Paul! You must be the photographer!” Paul shouts,

George felt his mouth go dry with Paul grabs his hand, “Y-Yeah, I’m George, this is my assistant Heather.” he holds up his daughter’s hand.

Paul chuckles and shakes the infant’s hand, “Nice meeting you both.”

George and Paul get to talkin then it leads to flirting, Paul can’t believe he’s fallen in love again. Before Paul can confess George is already leaving he does leave behind a phone number and that’s the last Paul thinks he would see George.

Until Paul works up the nerves to call George, “Harrison Photography speaking, how may I assist you?” 

“Hey it’s me, Paul, George. I’m touring in America!”

George squeals into the phone and Paul can picture him jumping around. They chit chat and George promises to pick him up from the airport once he arrives. Paul arrives a day early to spend the day with George and the now one-year-old Heather.

Paul kisses George and loves on him all over. They’ve been doing some slight talking over the phone before Paul’s big arrival. They fell more in love and Paul didn’t want to lose George anymore. He was ready to father Heather too. Paul bought a ring and he went to America on a mission.

Paul kisses George gingerly and hugs Heather who cries and fusses. George takes pictures of Paul as they spend the day together, the park, getting ice cream, even going to the fair. George falls more in love with Paul, Heather even relaxes around Paul and seems to be sweeting up to him.

Heather was passed out in George’s arms and Paul helps him inside the home, the younger man puts the tot in the crib and goes into the kitchen. Paul follows after George nervously the two stand in the kitchen staring at each other.

Paul rushes over to him and grabs his hands, “Georgie?”

“Yes?” George smiles and shows off his little fangs.

Paul kisses him and George kisses him back. They keep kissing and George whines a little. “Paul.”

Paul holds out the ring, “I don’t want to lose you ever again. I can’t unlove you.”

George gasps and lets Paul put the ring on you, “I can’t wait to marry you!”

“You’ll always love me right?” Paul asks as they lay in bed that night together, 

“Of course.” George nods and smiles,

“Even when the crowds don’t remember my name?”

“I’ll love you fat and bald. Now trust me. I’ll love you until the end of time.” They kiss and share a snuggle.

They get married next year so George can go on tour with him and not have to worry about being alone with Heather. Then Paul gets pregnant. Both are nervous and a little scared, now they’re juggling a pregnancy and a toddler who refuses to have a new sibling “she the baby”.

They have a beautiful son named Stanley. He was healthy and fat, Heather wasn’t so happy to have a brother, “Boys smelly.” she tells them. Heather settles down once she got to hold Stanley under the watchful eyes of her stepfather and father.

Stanley wets himself and wails. Heather cries too scared. Paul deals with their son and George deals with Heather. The family moves to a nice home in Liverpool for their growing family. It seems to them that this is the perfect family, that everything is going well.

George couldn’t get over having two wondrous children. Between his photography job and Paul’s music the kids were well off. Paul saved the magazine that had the pictures George took during the concert that brought them together. 

Now Paul and George grow old together laughing and joking, enjoying life. Heather grew into a fine young woman. She was tall and looked a lot like her father, she became a fashion model. And Stanley? He took on music like his father but he also did photography like his other dad.

George and Paul couldn’t believe how lucky they are. Paul’s hair all but gone and his memory fades slowly, And the crowds don't remember his name and his hands don’t play the chords the same way, but George still loves him.

Paul is sitting in his recliner staring at the most beautiful stranger ever in front of him. His cute little fangs and white hair pinned back by a cute little hair clip.

 “Excuse me what’s your name?” Paul asks leaning over to get to the beauty,

“I’m George. Your husband.” George answers for the sixth time that day, he keeps knitting.

Paul hums and sits back. He looks around then looks in front of him. Then there’s the most beautiful stranger he’s ever seen.

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