Kid!Queen: Don't Be A Bully⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your request

Note: I will be without power from 8AM to 5PM possible later, I will only have four hours of internet left once we get the generator running. I am not taking requests today in case I can't update the book you can still leave in your requests for Friday just label it Friday please. I'll be publishing a backup one-shot for the next day if the power comes back on in time. Hope you all understand and love you all.❤

Freddie cowers in the corner as Paul Prenter and a boy with circle glasses destroy his lunch, “Awe, is the Paki going to cry?” Paul teases.

Freddie rubs at his face, “I’m not going to cry!” his voice shakes.

Paul kicks him down, “I don’t want you here, you’re just going to blow up the school!” 

Remember kids learn from their parents on what is right and wrong, not every parent will raise their kids right, that still doesn’t excuse Paul’s actions. 

The kid with the circle glasses pulls on Fred’s hair, “Why don’t you leave, you commie!”


The two bullies whirl around to see a pissed of Brian and Roger, John was nursing on his pacifier scared he was hidden behind Brian.

“That’s our friend!” Roger hissed as he looked down at the bruises on his body and remembered what his father said to him.

“You don’t mess with him.” Brian stands on his tippy toes to look tall despite being the height of a seven year old already and he’s not even past four years old yet.

Paul and the boy with circle glasses look at Brian, “I’m not scared of you.” Paul tells him matter of factly.

Roger tackles Paul punching him and using his nails to claw him, “Faggot!!”

Brian was beating on the boy with the circle glasses while John weakly kicks at him falling on his rump sometimes while doing so. Roger seems to be inflicting what his father does to him onto Paul, “You’re worthless! Your mother should never have made you!” he wraps his hands around Paul’s throat.

Thankfully Freddie manages to be brave and get Roger off, “I don’t want him to be hurt too bad.”

Roger gestures for the other two boys to stop and come over, “I can give ou some of my lunch.” John speaks softly holding his red paci in his mouth.

“And I’ll give you some of mine.” Roger told him picking blood out from under his nails a new bruise was on his cheek.

“I can’t. You need to eat.” Freddie tells them picking up his smashed lunch which now had sneaker prints on the sandwich and leaking juice, he sighs heavy hearted and tosses it in the trash.

“You’re all freaks.” Paul hisses grabbing the boy with the glasses, “You’re going to hell!!”

The three other boys divided their lunches up so Freddie wouldn’t go hungry ignoring Paul he and the other boy stomp off after being ignored. They present him the meal, a half of a salami sandwich, a half of a chicken turkey sandwich, and a jam sandwich. Then there were three fruit cups, a pudding cup, and two juice boxes, along with half a bag of animal crackers. Freddie tears up and covers his mouth, “Why ‘ou cry?” John asks, patting his shoulder.

“Too nice! Too nice!” Freddie cries shifting into Hindi, “aap bahut dayaalu hain, main aap sabhee se pyaar karata hoon.”

“And a Allah to you too, man.” Roger states.

Freddie pulls the three into a tight hug sobbing into Brian’s chest, “Too nice, love all you.”

“Wuv ou too.” John kisses Fred’s cheek like his mother does to him.

“Love you, Fred.” Brian hugs him back.

“Love.” Roger nuzzles him, making Fred giggle.

They four friends eat their shared lunch and they talk about riding their bikes to Bird’s Park, “I don’t have a bike.” John pouts.

Freddie rubs his chin, “My sissy got a wagon.”

“... I got a jump rope.” Roger says.

“Put John in wagon tie wagon to bike and drive?” Freddie suggests in his poor English.

“Ride.” Brian corrects him, “And yes that idea should work.”

“Brian can tie his shoes, so he can tie the rope.” Roger exclaims clapping his hands together, “Oh this is good.”

Paul comes back over he yanks on Freddie’s hair, “You got me in trouble you dirty-“

Freddie elbows him in the face yelling in Hindi, Paul holds his bleeding nose, the boy with the circle glasses goes to comfort Paul but gets slapped instead.

“When you have an ass for a friend, expect nothing but kicks.” Freddie says wagging his finger at them sternly.

“We may not say that over here, Fred, but by god you are right.” Brian praises him.

Freddie beams at the praise, “I did good?”

“You did very good.” Roger slaps his back.

“Owie, why did you hit?” Freddie asks.

“That’s a thing friends do.” Roger tells him.

“Oh, okay.” he slaps Roger’s back hard, nearly making him fall over, “C-Close enough.”

The four head outside to play with the playground equipment John hopes onto the swings and Freddie pushes him, “What time.” Freddie yells to Brian.

Brian looks at his Rugrats watch, “3, 3,3 with a p and a m next to it.” it was 3:33PM, around the time their parents came to pick them up.

The four friends stand on the basketball court Roger drags a box of chalk to them, “We go to park and meet at blue slide?” Roger draws a picture.

“Mama take me?” John asks.

“No, we tie wagon to bike and drag you.” Freddie pets his head.

“Alright.” John nods sniffling, wiping his nose on his sleeve.

“I hear teachers.” Freddie says softly, “Is mothers here?”

“I hope not.” Brian states, “We haven’t finished talking about our plan.”

Roger and John nod their heads, Roger speaks, “We can take our sisters?”

“My sissy in mama’s tummy.” John announces,

“My sissy can’t move.” Freddie speaks sniffling from the cold.

The four kids watch as their parents come over and start picking them up asking about their days and how things went. The four kids nod at each other as their parents take them to the car park, “Play.” Roger mouths.

The three nod and do their “secret” hand signal to each other and get in their parents’ cars letting themselves be buckled in, they couldn’t wait to have the adventure of their young lives. I mean how much damage can two four year old, a three year old, and a one year old do on their own? Nothing can go wrong right? Well they were about to find out soon enough.

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