Platonic!Froger: Best Friends⭐

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Freddie groans he was only 8-years-old and he had cancer he was stuck in the hospital. His parents had left him to go get some food so the boy got out of bed and wandered down the hall, he went into the children’s playroom. He saw a blond little boy sitting by himself playing with toy cars, “Can I join?” Freddie asks.

The boy looks up startled, “You’re new.” he whispers,

“Yeah I got admitted here today,” Freddie tells him, “I’m Freddie.” he sticks his hand out,

“I’m Roger.” the blond hands Freddie one of the toy cars, “Lets play.”

They send a good bit of time playing with the toy cars until Roger’s nurse leads Roger back to his room and Freddie figures out their rooms are right next to each other. He shares the good news with Roger and he goes back to his own room. The next morning Roger toddled into Freddie’s room with a children’s book under his arm, “F’eddie! Come on let’s play!”

Freddie looked at him sickly, a trash can was next to his bed and an IV was in his arm, “I’m sorry, Roggie. I had my medicine done early today and I don’t feel good.”

“Oh..” Roger climbs up onto his bed, his little chubby legs kicking, he grunts but makes it up there. He winces and rubs at his chest, he cuddles into Freddie’s side once his chest pain is gone, “I got a book.” Roger tells him, “It’s “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler”!” Roger wiggles some.

Freddie groans as the bed is bounced Roger mutters a sorry before reading to him, Freddie tries to listen but the nausea was too grand he throws up in the trash again. Roger holds back his long sickly ebony hair comforting him and rubbing his back like his mama would do when he got sick.

“C-Can you go get me some water, please?” Freddie asks laying back on the bed, his small body exhausted.

Roger hops off the bed he sneaks into the staff lunch room and grabs a styrofoam cup he fills it with water and he snags a plastic spoon and a handful of jello cups he shoves into his pockets. He makes it back to Freddie’s room, he hands him the water and hides the stolen goods in Freddie’s duffel bag, Roger then notices the trash back is nearly full. He rubs at his chest where his surgical scars are, he ties the bag up and shoves it in the closet. He finds more bags in the closet and puts one in the can for him. He climbs onto the bed with a jello and spoon, “Open up, F’eddie. You need to eat or  your tummy will feel worse!”

Freddie eats a few measly bites the Roger spoon feeds to him before exhaustion crashes down on him and all he wants to do is sleep, “Roggie, I’m feeling very tired. Are there any other friends you can play with?”

Roger shakes his head sadly, “Brian got better and Johnny’s daddy made Johnny go in the ice room.” he was talking about the morgue he only heard it be referenced to as “the cold place” by adults too scared to inform a six-year-old about death.

Freddie struggles to stay awake, “Please don’t leave me.”

Roger nods and snuggles into his side once again, “I won’t leave ya.”

Over the next few months the two grow closer as friends but Freddie seems to get sicker. He’s now bald and Roger keeps telling him how pretty he looks each day, and tries to help him move around when he has bad days.

One early morning when Freddie is having a “good day” he confesses something to Roger, “I think I’m going to die, Roger.”

“Wha? No you’re not!” Roger exclaims, “I have an idea!” he  scuttles back to his room and then comes back with two cheap plastic rings that you can get out of those quarter machines.


“Look my granny lived to be 97 and she married! We gotta marry and you’ll live!” Roger exclaims.

Freddie knows that won’t work but he’ll humor Roger, “Alright let’s do it.”

Roger helps Freddie into his wheelchair and wheels him down a hall, he spots a boy with blue eyes, combed brown hair, and a big nose.

“Hey you, what’s your name!?” Roger asks,

“Richard but most people call me Dick.” Richard tells them,

“Alright, bad word I need you to marry me and my friend so he can live.” Roger informs him.

Richard looks confused but agrees to the three of them sneak inside the hospital’s chapel and he weds them quite informally. They sit in one of the pews afterward Freddie is parked next to them, “Do you feel any better?” Roger asks,

“I do feel better.” Freddie says he hasn’t been out of his room in such a long time,

“Well nice meeting you guys. I got to go!” Richard tells them before taking off, “Mama!”

“Bye bad word!” Roger calls, with a small sigh Roger takes Freddie back into his room and helps him into the bed, “Well now we’re on our honeymoon.”

Freddie giggled, “What do adults do on honeymoons anyway?” 

Roger taps his chin, “My cousin said they lay on top of each and make babies.” 

Freddie shrugs and Roger climbs on top of Freddie, Roger’s head lays on Freddie’s chest gingerly he hears Freddie’s ragged breathing and how his heartbeat was slow. He nuzzles him and kisses his jaw, “Get better.” Freddie hums in acknowledgment.

A moment passes of them lay on top of each other in the thin children hospital gowns before Roger speaks up, “Any babies?”

Freddie shakes his head yawning, “No.”

Roger gets up huffing, “There shoulda be a baby by now. They don’t take that long to hatch!”

Freddie yawns again and looks at Roger sleepily, “Well I know you take your nap by now, so sleep well.” Roger kisses Freddie on the cheek, “I’m going to get my pacemaker put in tomorrow!”

Freddie smiles and squeezes his hand, “I’m happy for you.” 

And soon night fell and morning rose Roger went to Freddie’s room before his big and hopefully his last open heart surgery, “F’eddie?”

Freddie smiles at him; he looks even worse, “Morning Roggie.”

Roger kisses his cheek and wishes him well before being sent off to surgery. He didn’t have time to ask how Freddie felt sadly. 

After being released from hospital Roger kept visiting Freddie he practically lived in his room. One day Roger walks into an empty room his heart sinks. The now eight-year-old knows something is up, “Freddie?”

Freddie comes out of the bathroom in civilian clothing instead of the hospital gown there were tears in his eyes, “I’m cancer free.” the ten-year-old tells him.

Roger gasps and hugs him, “I’m so happy for you!!”

Freddie bumps their rings together grinning, “Thank you for being my best friend, Roger.”

The two hug again and they go to leave the hospital, hopefully to never come back to the dreaded place again, for now this was a new chapter in their young lives that they are going to be sharing together.

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