Poly!Pink Floyd: Sleep Deprived

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David curls up on the couch one of his boyfriends, Roger sits at his feet with a huge bowl of popcorn. Roger tosses a handful into David’s mouth and then some into his mouth,

“Where are the others?” David asks between bites of popcorn,

“Richard and Nick are grabbing movies out of the car and Syd’s doing something in the kitchen.”  Roger tells him shoving more popcorn into his mouth.

“Syd probably is getting drinks.” David rubs at his chin thoughtfully, “Hopefully he brings my lemonade.”

“You always drink lemonade ever since we took you to America.” Roger remarks,

“Americans eat and drink like they got free healthcare, so why shouldn’t I eat and drink like an American? I do have free healthcare.” David says.

Roger smacks his knee and tells him to be nice some of their fans are Americans. Syd come in  with a platter of drinks, he sets the platter on the table there was some small bowls of snacks on the platter accompanying the drinks like pretzels, chips, raw veggies, and dip. Syd sits on David’s lap curling up and nuzzling into his chest he kisses him then kisses Roger, he felt so tired but he didn’t want to ruin movie night for them. Richard comes in with an armful of old VHS tapes, Nick comes stumbling in behind him with more tapes to the point you can’t see his head, “Movie marathon!” Roger hollers spilling some popcorn onto himself.

“The baby?” Syd questions,

“What?” Nick drops the tapes.

“Our daughter Eden?” Syd tries again standing up, arms crossed, brow furrowed, “Our baby girl that I gave birth to nearly a month ago? Remember now?”

Nick drops the tapes with such a clatter it seems to echo off the walls, “Oh shit.” his face pales and he  runs back out the door you can hear the car keys jingle together as he runs, “And he didn’t even lock the door.” Richard says as Nick comes back with their daughter in her carrier. She was completely oblivious that her daddies forgot about her, “She’s alright the car kept her warm.”

Richard shakes his head and locks the car back up, he gives Nick a good bollocking for his actions and that they need to be better dads.

Syd gets Eden out of her carrier, he feeds her, changes her, and him and the rest of her dads puts her down for bed. The four men cuddle on the couch watching terrible movies together, Syd kept an ear out for the baby monitor. A green light would come on when sound was detected so he kept an eye out for that too, halfway through a terrible shitty horror movie the light came on. Syd went to it and listened expecting Eden’s coos or snores, instead he heard a woman singing. Syd looks around and all four of his lovers were sitting there intently watching the movie, and there were no women in the house.

Syd hurries up the stairs ignoring his lovers’ calls he swings open the nursery door and sees Eden on her back fast asleep the rocking chair rocking slowly by her crib. Syd looks around seeing nothing but an open window he shuts the window and locks it. He goes back downstairs when the light comes back on and the singing comes back, he looks to his boyfriends who now noticed the singing too. Syd grabs the baby monitor and storms up there, he opens the door. There was a blur of gray then everything was normal no singing, just the peaceful sounds of nature. Syd picks up the still sleeping Eden in his arms, he kisses her head she smells off, Syd sniffs her and smells perfume. He takes another sniff making Eden fuss a little but she falls right back asleep, “My nose is too clogged to tell.” Syd huffs cradling her against his chest. He grabs her zebra stuff animal, her favorite blanket, and her blue and orange paci.

Syd takes her downstairs and heads into their bedroom. He can hear his boyfriends moving stuff around and trying to figure out where the singing is coming from. Syd lays her on the center of the bed and puts pillows around her so she won’t roll off, he pulls out her foldable cot from the closet and gets it set up. Once in her cot Syd sits down and watches her intently, he nearly jumps out of his skin as his boyfriends enter the room, “What?” Syd felt tired he hasn’t slept much since they brought their daughter home no one really has.

Roger waves the baby monitor in his hand, “We were picking up interference from the neighbor she was singing to her son trying to keep him asleep.”

“Oh,” Syd softly, “I think all the horror movies have gone to my head. I was thinking Eden had a ghost following her around and was going to snatch her up.”

“Oh baby you look so exhausted.” Richard says brushing Syd’s hair out of his face,

“Please sniff Eden, I swear I smelled perfume on her.” Syd tells them getting worried looks tossed at him.

Richard sniffs the baby deeply, “Smells like fresh baby.”

Syd lays back on the bed, “I really am losing it.”

“You really need some sleep.” Nick says tucking Syd into bed, “We’ll take care of Eden and you get some well deserved rest.”

Syd kisses each of his boyfriends and thanks them over and over again, before snuggling into bed and closing his eyes. The remaining three men Richard, Roger, and Nick watch over baby Eden. Nick rubs at his eyes getting sleepy,

“Being first time dads is hard.” Nick whines,

“I know but Syd needs this.” Roger yawns, handing Eden her pacifier as she searches for it in her sleep.

“Let’s all go to bed clearly. It was just the buggy baby monitor and Syd’s tiredness.” Richard yawns climbing into bed with Syd.

The others also climb into bed and cuddle Syd they finally get the sleep they desperately need.

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