Platonic!Frain: He's All Grown Up⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

TW: Bipolar Disorder, Mental Illness, Mood Swings, Depression, Manic Phase, Depressive Phase. Skipping Medication

Freddie was the son of Brian and he was bipolar too. He was diagnosed when he was fourteen  now he was twenty-two and living in the guest house in the backyard so he could feel like an adult. Freddie was bawled up in his blankets he couldn’t get out of bed his body felt worn and ancient, the curtains were drawn back and there were no lights on. He tried moving for the phone but his arm didn’t let him, it just wanted to stay burrowed under the blankets. He whimpers and closes his eyes wanting to sleep. He started to hear the floorboards creak.

Brian does a wellness visit weekly sometimes daily if he knows things have gotten bad he didn’t know until now. Brian moves around the heaps of garbage and belongings stacked to the ceiling pinching his nose at the smell of rotten food. Brian steps into the bedroom Freddie’s backup medicine was in his pocket in a little baggie, “Freddie?”

Freddie worms himself further into the blankets, “Fredrick.” Brian’s foots kicks a warm two liter bottle, 

“Watch it, that's my bathroom.” Freddie grouched, 

Brian turns on the light disgusted and Freddie hisses, “Dad!”

“List me your medication.” Brian barks seeing the full pill bottles left on the dresser they look untouched and left to dust, 

“Lamotrigine, Aripiprazole, and Fluoxetine.” Freddie rattles off still trying to hide from the world.

“Then why weren’t you taking them? Did you stop going to therapy?” Brian badgers him worry taking over and he felt like the worst dad ever.

“Leave me alone!” Freddie hisses, “I hate you dad! You never did anything for me! Just go!”

That was a blow to Brian’s heart, he’s taken care of Freddie since he was diagnosed. He’s kept Freddie in his normal classes since teachers wanted him in the special needs room. He made sure his son had the proper medication and therapy even if Brian went hungry on days, his son was medicated and taken care of. Brian’s now got better health insurance and no one has to go hungry now.

“Fredrick Bulsara-May.” Brian’s voice turns stern, “I have been taking care of you for the past eight years. I’ve done more than enough. I make sure you stay clean you’re not living in your own filth.”

Freddie just grunts at him and snaps to turn the lights off. Brian forces the medicine down him. Brian then forces Freddie to clean up the pigsty he was living in. Freddie did look better the more the house got cleaner. Once trash was taken care of and everything was scrubbed down Freddie was showered. He comes out looking at the floor rocking looking nervous he messes with his curling hair.

“Freddie what’s wrong dear?” Brian asks, setting their cups of tea down. 

Freddie tears up, “I’m sorry, papa.”

“Sorry for what?” Brian asks setting close to him, 

“You’ve done so much for me! And I was b-being a brat!” Freddie wails slinging his arms around Brian and crying into his chest.

Brian rubs his back and rocks him babying and loving on him. Brian sings Freddie the lullaby he used to sing when Freddie was little,

“Even though we ain’t got money I’m so in love with you honey, everything I’d going to be alright.” Brian sings his voice raspy, “People smile and tell me

I'm the lucky one. And we've just begun.” 

His son relaxes in his arms dozing off. Brian passes out on the couch holding his son close. When he wakes up Freddie’s gone and there's a weird smell coming from the kitchen. It wasn’t a burning smell and there wasn’t smoke, nothing was bad it was just an odd smell.

Brian rubs his eyes not sensing danger, “Freddie are you cooking your Indian food again?” Brian sniffs the air and tries to figure out what it is.

“Yes!” Freddie hollers running in with a small bowl of some red broth with lumps of tofu meat product, “Try this! Try this!” Freddie booms bouncing.

Brian takes a taste. It was so spicy that it hurt, it chokes him, “It’s good right?”

“It’s good right?” Freddie asks, bouncing on his heels.

All Brian could do was nod holding back tears. Freddie runs back into the kitchen and Brian downs his water. He still couldn’t keep up with Freddie’s mood swings but he loved his son greatly.

Brian makes his way into the kitchen where Freddie was bouncing in his kitty cat knee length socks and his yellow jumper, “Dad, Jim’s going to come over!”

“Who’s Jim?” Brian asks, sitting down in the kitchen rubbing his head looking confused, “Is that a friend?” the old chair groans under his weight and he shifts some.

“More than a friend! My boyfriend!” Freddie claps his hands together squealing, “I love him so much! He’s perfect and adorable!”

Brian smiles his baby boy was growing up so fast, “I’m happy for you.”

Freddie hustles around the kitchen cleaning pots and pans until Jim arrives. The lad was built husky and he was well groomed. He had a AC/DC t-shirt on and right fitting jeans.

“Jim Hutton, sir.” Jim sticks his hand out and Brian notes his Irish accent.

“I’m Brian May. You don’t have to be formal with me.” Brian replies, shaking his hand and smiling.

Jim nods and goes to Freddie kissing on his cheek and loving on him. Freddie purrs and shows affection back. They were so in love with each other it shown brightly. Brian keeps his distance, letting them love on each other; he knows how uncool it is for your dad to cramp on your romance. Brings can’t help but to be happy, a little sadness does fill him as he realizes that he won’t be needed as much. Freddie will have Jim to force feed him medications, take him to therapy, make sure he’s taken care of during his depressive episodes. And Brian’s okay with that, he loved Freddie and knew it was finally time for his baby boy to spread his wings and fly.

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