Queen: We Got You⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your request

Freddie buries his face into Biscuit’s fur she licks his face wagging her tail, Freddie felt like he was rooted to the floor, his heart pounds and beats against his chest like a caged bird wanting freedom, sweat trickles down his forehead, he’s shaking and he can hardly catch his breath. He feels jealous John’s getting all the attention and affection from both of their parents now, Freddie knows he shouldn’t be feeling that and tried to stop only for his thoughts to tell him he’s going to be sent back to his homeland and be left on some orphanage to be forgotten about, and now he’s having a panic attack in the bathroom.

Freddie sobs Biscuit pushes him down and lays on him trying to act like a weighted blanket of sorts to calm him. He can’t respond when he hears his dad and Roger calling for him, his mouth feels numb and he couldn’t even focus on talking. The only words forming inside his head was “failure” and “mistake”. His brain keeps telling him lies. 

“You talk funny.”

“You look like an inbred donkey.”

“You’re only adopted out of pity.”

“You deserve to be forgotten.”

And then his brain tossed in this curveball, 

“You should kill yourself”

The bathroom is forced open and Roger is kneeling next to Freddie, “Hey, hey.” Roger soft voice comes in, “Can I put my hands on you?”

Freddie manages to nod and Biscuit gets off of him. She huffs at Roger like she’s complaining that he’s slow. Roger manages to cradle the 16-year-old in his arms. Freddie focuses on Roger’s tattoos, the man’s got a lot of them now and Freddie can see more since the blond’s wearing a muscle shirt instead of his normal scrubs. He sees on Roger’s shoulder a small broken clock tattooed on with the words, “Everyone’s Time Runs Out” followed by two wilted flowers underneath and some writing underneath that reads, “Clare Henrietta Taylor 1985-1999”

Freddie looks over at one tattoo on the back of Roger’s hand it reads in neat cursive writing, 

“John Deacon-Taylor 19/8/90 my son, my world” and then there’s a newer tattoo that’s less faded, and it was obviously done a few months ago at least, “My family” it was had three different flowers one was Freddie’s favorite, one was John’s favorite, and one was Brian’s favorite. Underneath the flowers was their names and the dates of birth for the kids.

Freddie touches his tattoo lightly, “I’m family, Roger?”

Roger kisses his head, “Yes sweetheart. I’ve known you for two years, your family inside and out.”

Freddie sniffles and wipes his face, “Now can you tell me what happened?”

Freddie blushes scarlet he keeps his head down, “You and dad gave John so much attention and love that I got jealous and I knew that was bad… so my brain told me if I keep it up I’ll be sent back to my homeland in an orphanage to be forgotten about. And it wouldn’t stop with the nasty thoughts… and I didn’t want to bother you and dad… so I had a huge panic attack and couldn’t move, speak, or breathe… Then my head told me to kill myself..” he looks away ashamed.

Roger rubs his back, “Oh darling I’m so sorry we didn’t realize we were ignoring you. I’ll talk to your father about this and we’ll work something out.” Freddie nods his head and rests his head on Roger’s shoulder, “Do you have your anxiety medicine still?”

“I ran out last week.” Freddie admits sheepishly that explains his grand panic attack in the bathroom.

“Okay, okay,” Roger wasn’t mad or upset, “I’ll get your prescription filled today and get you into a nice therapist you can talk to.” Roger helps Freddie stand up, 

“Thanks papa.” And Roger’s heart melted. That's the first time Freddie’s called him dad, and for the rest of the day Roger had a big grin on his face. 

Freddie got his medicine and the two adults took their kids out for a drive around the town. They stopped at a nice restaurant to get something to eat for dinner before they went shopping. John held Freddie’s hand and he hid behind everyone, he refused to speak. When they all sat down to eat the food they got from the buffet John looks nervous, most of the food on his plate was new to him and all looked so alien to the young lad.

Freddie helps John eat and relax once John’s plate is cleaned off food John loudly declares for the whole restaurant to hear, “Mama, that tasted like shit. Can you cook next time?”

Roger sushes John, his face red, “You don’t say the s word in public, young man.”

John looks down, “It still tasted bad.” he stuck his tongue out, “Nasty, nasty.”

A few hours after eating and at home John throws up and gets very sick. He’s once again given all their parents love and affection but this time they made sure Freddie didn’t feel forgotten about but he too was awfully sick. It seems like the food didn’t settle well with the kids and both had a small case of food poisoning. But the parents took care of them and got them well and better. They made sure to include both John and Freddie when it came time for anything so that way neither of the boys will ever feel forgotten or alone again. And everything seemed to fall into place after that and they were all happy with each other and Freddie got the help he needed that his family couldn’t help him with. Biscuit was retired since her eyesight was going bad so Freddie got a puppy in training called, “Bringer of Death and Destroyer of Hopes and Dreams” but they just called him, “Bring” for short. And so Freddie finally felt like he was happy with his family and couldn’t have it any other way, and he became a bigger part in raising John. All was going well for the family.

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