Maylor: I Can Be Your Hero ⭐

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MaylorandDeacury101 Here's Your Request

TW: Rape, Sexual Harassment, Paul Prenter

They are recording the Night of the Opera album at Rockfield. Paul tagged along for some fucking reason, that neither of the boys knew his motive. But Paul was on a mission to break up Roger and Brian, he wanted Brian for himself and Roger was in the way.

“Hey baby boy.” Paul flirts touching Brian’s side,

“Quit.” Brian smacks his hand away, “I’m working on my new son, 39.”

“Is that how many dicks you can take at once, sugar?”

Brian shoves him, “Leave me alone!”

Freddie tries to defuse the situation but gets backhanded and dogged by Paul. Who then immediately went back to flirting with Brian now in front of Roger,

“You whore!” Roger screams shoving Brian, “Flirting with another man!”

“N-No! No, Paul-“

Roger and Brian got into a heated argument where Roger storms off screaming into the void. Brian whimpers he really couldn’t figure out why Roger was still so mad, he told his story, he’s the victim Roger should understand what it’s like being the victim. And for the next hours Roger ignores Brian and refuses to speak to him, Brian takes a walk heading to the studio to write more lyrics for his song and to make sure their other song recordings are still there including Roger’s car song he’s so proud of.

Brian screams when he’s grabbed from behind he twists and shouts Paul covers his mouth kissing behind his ear and biting down on his neck, “I’ve wanted you’d for so long.”

Brian screams and tries to kick him only to be forced down on the ground he can feel the chilly autumn air be beaten down on him as his clothing is removed and his backside is forced into the air for Paul to use, “You may have no ass but your body makes up for that.” Paul tells biting down on his neck once again marking his territory, “Such a good whore, for me. I’m so glad you got rid of Roger so we can be together.”

Brian sobs, “Aw you’re crying cause you’re so happy to be with me? I love you too, darling.” Paul teases pushing into him hard and thrusting deeply into him, giving him no time to prepare or even use a lube.

Paul pounds into him forcefully digging his nails into Brian’s thin sides, Brian’s given up fighting tears pouring down his face and he’s trembling like a leaf. There’s a sickening thud followed by the sound of broken glass and all movement stops, Brian feels Paul ripping out of him. Brian’s screams and jerks twisting around to see Roger holding two broken beer bottles, he’s tearing up. Roger scoops up Brian and rushes him back into their rented home. He gets Brian into the tub and Freddie brings him tea, Brian refuses to speak to them nor does he touch his tea. Roger has to forcefully clean him up and dress him. Brian goes into Freddie’s bedroom refusing to sleep in the same room as Roger, which stung greatly.

Brian had Freddie walk him to and from the studio daily he never spoke a word to Roger. Finally Roger sits him down nearly a year after the incident, “Brian.”

Brian crosses his arms and refuses to look at him, “Brian Harold May!”

Brian snaps his head up and a whimper can be heard, “Please talk to me.”

“Y-You didn’t believe me, you left me alone with Paul.” Brian snaps, “If it wasn’t for you I’d never gotten hurt!”

“Look I’m sorry..” Roger says, “I know it doesn’t make up for what I did.”

“I hate you.” Brian’s words clung to the air like cigarette smoke. It was smothering everything.

“So this is it? We’re over and done for?” Roger asks softly,

“It’s been over for a year.” Brian scowls standing up, “Now if you excuse me, I need to write-“

Roger grabs his wrist and kisses him, he just needed that one last kiss. He got slapped hard across the face, “I’m not your boyfriend anymore.”

Roger looks down, “I saved you and this is the thanks I get? Single and slapped?”

Brian looks away. He shoves Roger and runs to his room locking the door. He cries into his pillow and refuses to come out. Freddie pick-locks the door open and makes his way in, “Brian.”

“Go away, Roger.” Brian tosses a pillow and Freddie dodges it,

“Since when did Roger speak with a posh accent with a hint of Indian?” Freddie teases.

Brian cries into Freddie’s chest, babbling apologizes and blowing snot bubbles onto Fred’s pale blue t-shirt. Freddie rubs his back and rocks him until he’s calmed down, “Now riddle me this, do you still love Roger?” Freddie asks,

Brian looks away he nods staring at Freddie’s pink 3D pop-up cat socks, “I-I still love him.”

Freddie opens the door to reveal Roger standing against the door he tumbles in, “You still love me?”

“Yes, I love you too.  No matter what happens.” Roger informs him dusting himself off.

Roger and Brian kiss again, they hold each other close. Nuzzling against each other and laying soft kisses down. Freddie throws skittles at them, “Taste the rainbow bitches!”

Brian caught one in his mouth and Roger got hit in the eye, “You guys go have some gay butt sex now, goodbye!” Freddie yells loudly leaving the room.

Roger laughs, “When in Rome.” he goes to grab Brian’s ass but his hands get smacked,

“I-I don’t want sex!” his voice seemed so fearfully and scared like Roger wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.

“Alright, alright.” Roger rubs his chin, “You want to cuddle and watch a comedy?”

Brian nods and gets the tv on it statics for a moment before Brian’s kicks it and gets it started up. Roger cuddles Brian not holding him tight or constricting, he has enough space to get up and move if he wants to.

The movie that they were watching ends and some tv show begins to play, Brian yawns and looks back to Roger. The blond cups his face gingerly and kisses him, “Goodnight, Brimi.”

Brian smiles, “Goodnight, Roggie.”

Roger scoots to the wall face pressed against it, knowing Brian doesn’t want to be touched as he sleeps. The blond feels a hand grab onto the back of his shirt and Roger scoots closer. Brian holds onto him as if he’s a security blanket. Roger’s just happy to have Brian back in his life.

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