Maylor: Puppy Love

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Roger brushes his hair back and looks at himself in the mirror. He was just freshly 14-year-old he was still baby faced and tiny as hell. He hated it greatly, it didn't help that his maths tutor was a hot 15-year-old with a mop of curls on his head and warm hazel eyes. He practically melted each time he saw the older man. Roger knew what he had to do today, he pops a mint into his mouth and heads out the door his bag slung over his shoulder, his feet splash the puddles soaking his socks making the boy groan and regret not looking as he walks. He makes it inside the library soggy shoes and socks smacking against the tile flooring. He felt his heart pick up beating against his chest like a bird wanting to be freed. He swallows his pride and pops another mint into his mouth before making his way over, "B-Brian." his voice cracks and nearly makes him choke on his spit.

Brian cocks an eyebrow as he looks up from his book, a book that was bigger than his hands and thicker than a brick, "You're on time for once." there was a tone of teasing in his voice.

Roger blushes and looks the tips of his ears felt like they were on fire. Brian giggles and gestures for him to sit in the chair across from him. Roger takes his seat and fishes for his maths book which should of been in his bag. He hands grasped notebooks and his lunch bag, but no maths book. He gulps face turning red, he took it out last night to study, to impress Brian with his smarts, he must of forgotten to put it back in. Roger laughs nervously, "I forgotten my book, can I borrow yours?"

Brian pulls out another maths book and slides it across the table, "Remember next time, blondie."

Roger blushes and pops another mint into his mouth, "I-I uh..." he looks away.

Brian teaches him, Roger could hardly focus with Brian leaning over his shoulder and pointing to the things and explaining.

When it was time to pack up and leave Roger had a surge of adrenaline and kisses him. When Brian didn't kiss back, Roger jerks back seeing Brian's wide eyed surprised face. Roger flees the library he felt like a idiot he didn't even hear his tin of mints fall out of his bag. He runs to the 7/11 and gets himself a Slurpee. He gulps it down trying to forget what he did, he has to stop due to brain freeze. Brian races over to him he hands Roger's tin of mints back to him, "Why did you run?" Brian asks.

"I was embarrassed." Roger tells him face flushed.

Brian watches as Roger gives himself brain freeze again, "I enjoyed the kiss though. It was my first one."

Roger looks over at him "Y-You really did? Oh-" He looks down at the tiled floor, he smiles faintly.

Brian kisses his hand, "Let me buy you a milkshake."

"That'll be like 6.20£ for the both of us." Roger whimpers.

"Then we'll share one then." Brian says flirting.


Roger takes his hand and the two walk to a small diner together, they order a large milkshake with two straws. Brian holds his hand under the table as they drink together. Roger smiles at him a little bit of chocolate shake dribbles down his chin, Brian giggles and kisses his chin gingerly, "My messy baby."

Roger blushes and smiles at him, "You've been my crush for the longest time." he admits looking away shyly.

Brian squeezes his hand gingerly, "I wish you told me sooner." Brian thinks, "Is that why you've been eating all those mints today? You were planning onto kiss me!"

"Shh!" Roger panics his voice cracking more, "Not so loud!"

"I get it! I get." Brian chuckles paying for their milkshake.

Roger holds his hand as they walk out it was dusk now and colder than hell. Roger shivers and rubs his arms trying to get warm. Brian drapes his coat over Roger and squeezes his shoulders gingerly. Brian walks Roger to his home, they walk home in comfortable silence, hand and hand, happily joking along the way.

Roger smiles and let's himself be walked to the porch. The rain started coming down, ''Care to come in?" Roger asks.

"What about your folks?''

"Mama's at work and Clare's at a sleepover." Roger tells him pulling him inside the house.

Brian takes off his shows and looks around the tiny home. Roger leads him upstairs into the bedroom that looks like it was once a office, "Please make yourself at home." Roger tells him turning on the TV only for it to blast pornography. Roger screams and pulls the plug, "Maybe watch Netflix on your phone?"

Brian laughs hard face red, "That's the furriest pussy I have ever seen!"

Roger blushes ears red, "You've never seen a pussy in your life!!"

Brian clicks his tongue, "I had a girlfriend before you." he smirks.

"Yeah well.." Roger pouts crossing his arms.

Brian pulls him down on his lap and kisses him, Roger unfolds himself and  kisses back. Brian's hands lowered themselves to Roger's backside, "Mm, Brian." Roger groans.

Brian kisses his jaw and neck, he left a hickey on the younger boy's neck. Roger whimpers and pulls away, "D-Don't want to get caught."

Brian's unbuttoning his own shirt, "We're not going to get caught."

Roger pushes Brian down and pulls him the two kiss, a searing kiss. Brian moans out as Roger touches him gingerly through his jeans, Brian whines softly and grips onto him. Roger manages to work his jeans off, ripping off his boxers in the process, Roger grabs lotion and jerks Brian off watching the older boy pant and whine tossing his head back. A halo of curls surrounded his head his pale face flushed a cherry red, Roger kisses him feverish grinding against him, his clothed erection grinding against Brian's bare one. The two barely got into any fun before they're cumming, Roger in his boxers and Brian all over Roger's stomach and their chests.

Brian looks embarrassed and so does Roger, "We'll do better next time." Roger tells him.

Brian laughs a little face flushed, "Yeah it was out first times. We got overly excited.''

Roger nods and helps clean up, they snuggle in bed and soon fall asleep in each others arms.

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