Platonic!Deacury: Why Don't You Love Me?⭐

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Freddie was adopted by John, a local paramedic that saved Freddie’s life when he was a baby, see a house fire that killed his mum and dad, John got Freddie’s heart restarted and applied oxygen to him all the way to hospital. If it wasn’t for John, Freddie would have been killed at two months old.

But that’s all John cared about was work, it seemed like John only adopted Freddie because he felt obliged to, I mean how many babies do you save from a house fire daily? It didn’t help that Freddie was diagnosed as autistic when he was just five, John seemed to stay further from his only child. John left meals for Freddie to thaw out and cook in the oven, it’s been that way since Freddie was four, he’s now fourteen even if they do have dinner together John has his hand on his pager, leg bouncing as he stuffs his face eyes darting between the pager and his plate, he won’t talk to Freddie, really maybe he’ll say, “How’s school?” or “Need anything signed?” other than that there really wasn’t any talking. 

Freddie was used to exploring the yard and petting the infected stray cat he dubbed, “Mr. Nuts”, he talked to Mr. Nuts daily and about how school went. If Freddie needed help with his school assignments he asked their stoner neighbor Roger for help or if he was allowed to got to the library he would ask the librarian Brian on what to do, that’s the only way he kept his good grades and made his father proud.

John arrives home later than normal about 3AM. He finally managed to get enough vacation days to take Freddie and him on a nearly three month vacation to Japan. He walked to the kitchen to get a drink. His mouth felt dry. He hadn't had much to drink today, on the fridge and was littered with report cards. He was an A + high school student, an assignment on the fridge about to fall off made John’s heart sink. It was an assignment for art class called, “Draw Your Family”, and Freddie drew himself and that random stray cat that’s missing a tail and an eye no one else along with blobs that looked Brian and Roger but they weren’t listed below.

Underneath it was written in neat cursive, “My family is Mr. Nuts he is always there when I get home and he comes and checks on me often. He talks to me too. He’s the best family I ever had.”

John shakes his head, was he really that bad of a father? He didn’t even know but it stings seeing your own child consider you not family. He goes into the living room to sleep not feeling like going into his bedroom but something is nagging him to go into his room. John trudges up the stairs, his feet making the old floorboards creak, he opens his room to see Freddie on the floor fast asleep and a lamp knocked over, it was about to catch fire on the carpet. John hastily picks it up and scoops Freddie into his arms after the lamp is unplugged. He buries his face into Freddie’s messy hair and he feels a tear run down his cheek. He wouldn’t know what to do if Freddie died, that boy is his pride and joy.

“Daddy?” Freddie says sleepily rubbing at his eye with his balled up hand yawning,

“Shh, daddy’s here.” John rocks him.

“.... Why don’t you love me?”

They made John freeze. He sat down on the bed Freddie in his lap, “What?”

“You don’t love me.” Freddie whimpers his face reddening up about to cry.

“What do you mean sweetheart?” John asks his heart breaking,

“Matt’s daddy takes him to school and picks him up, Sasha’s mommy packs her a lunch so she doesn’t have to pay, Felix’s daddy eats dinner with him and they talk.” Freddie blabs about his classmates.

“Oh darling.” John says, holding him close, “Don’t worry daddy will start doing those things.”


John pinky promises him, “Yes sweetheart. I’m going to take you to Japan for three months and then I’m going to be working less.”

Freddie squeals and kisses his cheek calling him the best daddy in the whole wide world. John laughs and puts him back into his own bed, he got his little green teddy bear and kept the nightlight on.

In the morning John helped Freddie pack his bags and they were packed and by 11AM they were on the plane flying to Japan by 1PM. Freddie wouldn't stop talking about meeting Godzilla and seeing real noodles. Then Freddie races  to the bathroom screaming about browning his pants as Freddie chases after him. They had a grand time in Japan and John made sure to spend every second of it with Freddie, he also got the lad some plushies and other tourist junk.

Back home was even better Freddie would have a hot meal for breakfast and dinner, and John made sure to talk to Freddie about anything under the sun. If John got called in and couldn’t cook he sent over their stoner neighbor Roger, but once Freddie broke his arm using Roger’s skateboard on the roof babysitting went to John and Freddie’s favorite librarian, Brian. Who was a bit more prude than Roger but John never got a 999 call to his own home when Brian babysat so it was for the better.

Freddie started to open up more and come out of his shell since John gave Freddie more affection and love. Freddie even brought more friends home and seemed to be more active and less cooped up inside the house. When John introduced his son to Brian his boyfriend, Freddie was even more ecstatic for three reasons, 1. He gets more love and attention, plus more vacations and,  2. He has two daddies now more than any kid he knew at his school. No one else had two daddies but him! And 3. It was Brian!

John vowed to never make Freddie feel unloved again and he spent time with Freddie whenever he could and Brian is a great stepfather to Freddie. He treats him like his own flesh and blood, Freddie was  amazed when they went to Ireland and saw a family with nine siblings.

“I didn’t know you could have that many!” Freddie exclaims, “Can I get that many?”

John and Brian just laugh nervously and tell Freddie they’ll think about it. For now though Freddie knew he was well loved and he got what he always wanted his fathers love and affection.

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