King!AU: A Toast To The Bride

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Regina taps her glass giggly and bubbly, ''Give it up for the maid of honor, Brianna May!"

Brianna held up her champagne glass eyes on Freddie and her wife Joanna, "A toast to the brides!"

Everyone held up their champagne glasses, "From your best friend, Brianna!"

Regina speaks up holding her glass as well, "Who is always by your side!"

"To your union! And the hope that you provide! May you always be s-satisfied!" Brianna stutters a harsh flashback hits her.

Brianna remember that night, she might just might regret that night for the rest of her days.

Freddie makes her way across the dance floor Regina at her side laughing away. She was gorgeous and so pretty, Brianna blushes darkly watching her mosey across the room, then she looks over at Joanna and she looks so helpless. Brianna whimpers and looks between her and the woman she didn't know her name. Others were trying to win their praises since their fathers owned large successful companies.

Brianna looks at the candle then to Freddie her heart melts. She walks over, and she'll never forget the first time she saw Freddie's face. Hunger-pain frame and when she said ''hi",  Brianna forgot her own damn name.

Set her heart aflame, every part aflame this is not a game.

"You strike me as a woman who's never been satisfied." the woman smirks.

Brian blushes, "Im sure I don't know what you mean. You forget yourself.'

The woman smiles. "You're like me. I'm never satisfied."

"Is that right?' Brianna cocks a brow.

The woman looks down, "I've never be satisfied."

Brianna still looks love sicked, "My name is Brianna May."

"Freddie Bulsara." she says kissing Brianna on her hand, she flirts with the young Brianna.

"Where's your family from?" Brianna asks.

"Unimportant," the smile leaves Freddie's face for a moment then comes back on, "There's a million things I haven't done but just you wait!!' she bounces.

Brianna was love struck so this is what it felt like to march wits with someone at her level.... "What the hell was the catch?" Brianna asks herself.

The conversation lasted less than two minutes or three minutes everything they said was in total agreement. Freddie is a bit of a flirt but Brianna was willing to get her a chance, did you see her answer when Brianna asked about Fred's family? She's penniless.

Handsome, boy does she know it? Brianna wants to take her far away from this place then she turns and sees her friends face and she's

And Brianna knows she's
And Joanna's eyes are just

Brianna knows what she must do she makes her way back to Freddie, "Where are you taking me?"

Brianna smirks, "I'm about to change your life."

Freddie blushes, "Then by all means lead the way."

They walk to where Joanna was looking so tiny and nervous, "Joanna Deacon."

"Deacon?" Freddie exclaims.

"Her daddy owns that music place." Brianna tells her.

And the two get to talking looking love sick with each other forgetting about Brianna and focusing on each other.
But when she fantasizes at night is Freddie's eyes as she romanticizes what have have been if she hadn't sized her up so quickly. At least her dear friend is her bride, at least she keeps Freddie's eyes in her life.

She's shook from her thoughts by a concerned looking Regina, "To the brides!' Brianna yells holding up her glass everyone else holds up their glasses, ''May they always be satisfied." she sees Freddie's face blush, "And may they provide!''

Freddie will never be satisfied, Brianna realized she wouldn't be satisfied either. She makes her way over to the bar and drinks tossing her head back, "You too?"

Brianna chokes as the booze burns down her throat, "Regina??"

"She's stole both our hearts." Regina sighs tossing down a drink, "Freddie's always hungry. She should of never married."

Brianna looked stunned, "Reggie."

"Its true." Regina tells her, "You did the right thing by passing her to someone so naive."

Brianna looks down, "Do you think they'll be happy together?"

"Happy together?" Regina laughs, "Honey," she squeezes Brianna's hand, "This is calm before the storm. Prepare yourself." Regina stands up.


Regina is already stumbling over to her husband and their daughter, Brianna felt sick something kept pounding into her head and she looks back between Freddie and Regina, to Freddie and herself, then Freddie and Joanna, tragedy comes in threes right?

Brianna shudders and downs more of her drink, ''Nothing bad is going to happen." she tells herself, "You're overthinking."

She makes herself stand up and go to Joanna, "I'm sorry dear. I'm feeling a little sick, I'm heading back to my hotel room, alright?"

Joanna squeezes her hands, "Get well soon love." she kissed her on the cheek and Brianna is on her way back to the hotel.

She looks around at how cold New York gets in December. Her heels echo down the empty sidewalk and she hurries inside the hotel feeling the need to run. She makes it safely back into her room, she showers and cleans herself up before crawling into her empty, empty bed. But her head is racing with thoughts all bad. She feels the need to call Regina and tell her to go on the flight with her husband and daughter, and she does Regina just agrees to do it just to make Brianna happy

Brianna gets herself another drink, it's whiskey this time and downs. The drink seems to sing her a lullaby and she stumbles back into her bed, nearly twisting her ankle off. She bundles herself in a mountain of blankets and sniffles, it's not fair why did Freddie pick Joanna at of all the others why just her only? Brianna blinks she's overthinking the whiskey is going to her head and she needs to sleep. She manages to plug in her phone and turn off the lights. She lets her eyes close and she thinks about Freddie and the future they could of had.

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