Maylor: Hold Me Closer⭐

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MaylorandDeacury101 Here's your request
Art Credit: Siren
Tumblr: sirenlovesqueen

Roger was a wealthy kid he's 18-years-old and practically born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Pamper all to hell once his father left, and don't talk about his sister she's even more spoiled she once went to Europe with her nanny when she was only 9 because she wanted to see the Berlin Wall, Eiffel Tower, and Big Ben.

Brian on the other hand is a quiet reserved boy who doesn't really talk and keeps to himself, he's 17. He always wears long oversized black sweatshirts, he keeps his head down, his hair is always a mess. Yet what no one sees are the bruises, the markings his father leaves on him daily. Ever since he came out as gay hoping maybe if he came out that'll make him feel better, it only resulted in Harold making Brian stand in the yard in his brief when there six inches of snow out. He didn't stop until Brian was sobbing shaking badly, then he forced Brian into the cold basement where he wasn't feed, clothed, or warmed. He was forced to sleep on the cold concrete flooring, he was awoken by his mother's screams as Harold took his rage out on her, screaming that she corrupted their son and she will pay.

Brian had to run up there and fight him off, he would later develop pneumonia and would be out of school for a while. And Harold would keep telling him, "You're going to get AIDS Brian." or he'll say, "I won't pay for your AIDS treatment."

But one day the teacher paired Roger and Brian together. It was a month long project they were now working on, and most nights Brian spent the night at Roger's it was a much safer home. And then that's when Roger's heart started to flutter when Brian would rest his head on Roger's shoulder falling asleep. Or how Brian's would hold his hand when his anxiety spiked. Roger remembers going to Brian's house for the first time Harold sat firmly in between them making it hard for the project to be worked on, "You know he's gay." Harold brings up for the umpteenth time.

"And so?" Roger cocks a eyebrow.

"He's infected. He's going to get you infected."

Roger starts putting his and Brian's things into a bag, "See you scared him off." Harold tells Brian hitting him in the back hard.

Roger takes Brian's hand since Brian mainly lives with Roger now most of Brian's belongings were at the Taylor household, "He's coming with me, sir.''

Harold growls, "You disgusting faggots!!!' he slams his fist in Roger's chest knocking the wind out of the blond. Harold attacks Brian the worse he beats his head off the floor and scratches at his neck. Roger beats him off of Brian once recovered, "Run!!" Roger screams taking Brian's hand and fleeing.

They both are panting once they reached Roger's house, ''Brian can I tell you something."

Brian looks up blood dripping from his busted lip, "I'm in love with you. My best friend, you. And... And I'm bisexual.''

Brian kisses him smearing blood onto Roger, "I love you so much." tears were in Brian's swollen eyes, "You taught me love and acceptance."

Roger holds his hands and kisses them, ''Let's bring you inside, love."

Brian nods and the two go inside, clean up, and go to Roger's bedroom where they lay on the bed cuddling and whispering sweet nothing's to each other.

Brian has never felt this safe before in his life he couldn't be happier in Roger's arms. The blond had a calming effect on him, the smell of his sweet cologne was a great comfort, "Hey, Brian?" Roger speaks breaking their silent cuddles.


"Can you look at me?'' he asks.

Brian looks up at him and Roger kisses him gingerly like he was a breakable doll, something that should be cherished.

Brian gasps softly and looks up at Roger, ''Oh my.''

"Sorry.'' Roger looks away blushing like a rose in the summer sun.

"No, no." Brian kisses him again red like a new firetruck, "I liked it a lot."

"Does this make us, boyfriends?'' Roger asks him squeezing his hand.

"I sure hope so.'' Brian's eyes were full of hope.

"Yes. We're boyfriends." Roger kisses Brian's forehead.

Brian smiles lovingly at him and nuzzles him, "You're so perfect."

Roger blushes and cups his, ''Darling, I'm not perfect. But you are.''

Brian smiles a little, "But yours peek perfection."

Roger kisses him passionately holding him closely like he might vanish from him, "Just keep me in your arms forever and I could die a happy man." Roger tells him.

Brian looks at him before snuggling Roger and giving him kisses, "How long have you loved me?''

"Since the day you transferred to our school."

Brian pauses and looks at Roger like he's the dumbest person in the room, "That was nearly two years ago!!" he hits Roger with a pink pillow, "You should of told me sooner, you git!!''

Roger squeals and laughs, "You weren't out yet!! I didn't want to bother."

Brian kisses him softly, "You're my idiot and no one else's."

Roger nods and rubs their noses together, "How's your lip doing?''

"Sore but I can't resist your kisses." Brian tells him kissing him again.

"You need to rest your dad beat you pretty hard." Roger scolds him laying him back on the bed.

"I'll be fine." Brian waves his hand, "Plus I've disowned him he's not my father."

"Just stay awake and rest.'' Roger tells him laying his head on Brian's chest.

"Fine only because I love you, you little shit.'' Brian says teasingly.

Roger laughs and cuddles him all over, "Once you're 18 we're leaving for London.''

"London is nice.'' Brian says softly, "I hear it's nice this time around this season."

Roger pecks him on the lips, "I can't wait to share a apartment with you and everything. For now," Roger holds Brian close in his thin arms, "All I need is you."

Brian blushes and relaxed into Roger for once he felt truly happy and safe in his 17 years of life.

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