Poly!Queen: Leg and The Crazies⭐

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Freddie whimpers and looks away, his friends were at the studio and Freddie was to show up later since he had a bad headache in the morning. But it felt like all eyes were on him, lookin at his prosthetic leg like the eye sore it was. Maybe Freddie should have worn pants? But pants in 80 degree weather? Freddie shakes his head much too hot for pants.

He limps into the nearly empty coffee shop and walks up to the counter where the nice barista was, “Hello.” she greets,

“Hello.” Freddie smiles, “I need four coffees, one caffé misto with almond milk, mocha cookie crumble frappuccino with six added chips, and a salted caramel hot chocolate with extra cool whip.”

The barista nods, adding them into the cash register, “Anything else, sir?”

“Yes, three berry trio parfit.” Freddie tells her handing over the money and a large tip. He heads out with the drinks and food a man holds up the door for him,

“Thank you, si-“

“How did you lose your leg?” the man asks,

“Excuse me?” Freddie exclaims.

“Did your father best you? Car accident? Crazy girlfriend? What? Come on tell me!”

Freddie glances at the street clock it was barely 8AM, he shakes his head and tries to go but gets blocked, “Tell me before you lose the other.”

Freddie backs up startled, he reaches for his pepper spray, “Please let me leave.”

The man keeps blocking him, “Come on just tell me!”

Freddie sprays him in the face before taking off, he nearly got hit by a bus even though that doesn’t stop him from running. He skids to a stop as a woman with a stroller and young toddler stop for the crosswalk, “Mister your leg?” the toddler asks,

The woman shushes the younger one, “It’s because he was naughty so Jesus took his leg.” she glares at Freddie with a deep hatred,

“But mama he has a leg but he robot!”

The woman hisses, “Satan gave him that becuase he’s such a lazy asshole he refused to walk without both.”

 She scowls at Freddie as she crosses the street with her two kids. Freddie blinks slowly does he always have to attract the crazies? He walks across the street. He happens to be going the same way the woman with her two kids are going. After nearly a few minutes of following the woman screams and calls Freddie a kidnapper just as he enters the building for the studio.

Freddie passes his friends their coffee and food, “How’s your leg doing?” Roger asks,

“Apparently it has a sign on it saying, “Don’t talk to me unless you’re bat shit insane”.” Freddie says unlatching his leg and wiggling his stump around, “Maybe I should just air my stump out.”

“Only if I get to call you stumpy.” Roger teases.

“You already do.” Freddie laughs kissing him, 

“Can you get the papers from my car?” John asks, passing his keys to Freddie, “It’s in the parking lot across from the studio.”

Freddie nods and limps out, he walks across the street and looks around for John’s beetle car. It was a pretty blue with a dash of yellow paint that Roger spilled on it many summers ago and never came off. He finds it by the corner and unlocks it; he searches around for the papers. He climbs in and finds them under the passenger seat along with a few crushed beer cans, Freddie sighs.

“Hey buddy is that your car?” 

Freddie doesn’t even glance over his shoulder as he cleans up John’s filthy car, “It’s my boyfriend’s, I’m cleaning it out for him.”

“You better not be driving, I’ll report you for reckless endangerment!”

“I can drive but it will be stiff.” Freddie tuts closing the car door and locking it back up, he turns around and sees Paul Prenter, “Why did I waste my time talking to a rat.”

Paul presses him up against the car, “You shut your whore mouth, do you hear me? I am your boss and you will respect your elders.”

Freddie shoves Paul back, “You were our boss, you’re no longer our boss, I’ll only respect elders that respect me back, and you have no control over me or anyone else.”

Paul laughs in his face, “I have AIDS buddy boy, and guess who you slept with.” Paul laughs more watching the color drain from Freddie’s face, “Look at you a little pansy freak with some cheap fake leg.” he kicks at Freddie’s prosthetic which was a lot sturdier than it looked.

Freddie maces him and flees from the car lot before anything else can happen. He shoves the paperwork at John before leaving in a hurry to go to the clinic to get a free STD check. He didn’t tell his boyfriends what was going on, for one they hadn’t had sex the only thing was a quick handy or a quick sucky wucky backstage before a gig started. Freddie hoped everything would turn out alright.

He paced around for the next two weeks always going on long walks to the clinic to see if his test results came back and after two weeks they finally did. He was negative on everything, clean bill of health. Freddie happily runs home to his boyfriends to tell them the news, they were happy for him but a little upset he didn’t tell them about the Paul thing sooner. Freddie goes out to get them coffee as sort of a small celebration,”Hey mister!” 

Freddie whirls around the hopes of getting coffee vanishing as two twins a boy and girl come racing up to him. “Cool leg!” the girl slaps a flame sticker onto his prosthetic and the boy puts a fish sticker on it before racing off to their parents blabbering about the robo man, maybe not everyone was crazy about his prosthetic leg. Freddie has a smile on his face for the rest of the day thanks to those kids. It was a good day for Freddie.

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