Fredcheal: Sugar Sugar⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Freddie laughs as he gets off the bus at the mall he looks around. He pulls out his phone and looks around, the eighteen-year-old is nervous. He was to meet George Micheal, a 21-year-old Greek who advertised that he was in need of a sugar baby and he would pay them handsomely if they did everything he wanted. Freddie responded. The Parsi Indian is in desperate need of money, his barista salary isn’t cutting it to help fund his college expenses.

Freddie walks over to where a man is leaning against a wall smoking eyeing the parking lot, “George Micheal?”

The man’s head snaps up, “Freddie Bulsara?”

Freddie nods, “Wow, you look even more beautiful in person.” George hums blowing smoke away from Freddie’s directions.

Freddie blushes darkly he never got compliments like that, 

“Alright baby boy,” George snuffs out his cigarette, “Let’s go inside and I’ll buy you anything you want,”

Freddie looks away, “Don’t you want me to do you a favor first?” he tucks a strain of his ebony hair back behind his ear he looks down chewing on his bottom lip.

“Favors? Baby boy, we’re just testing the waters here. I’ll buy you whatever you want and then you can do something for me, how does that sound?” George asks and Freddie nods.

George takes his hand and leads him inside the mall, “What are you after, Freddie?”

“I-I need some new winter clothing. The set I have is getting worn and holey.” Freddie goes into a shop he’s always gone to for winter clothing. He heads straight to the clearance section.

George touches his shoulder, “Fred, come on I’ll buy you anything. Those clothes won’t keep you warm.”

“But look at this coat.” Freddie holds up a hideous brown coat that’s now only £5, 

“That looks like something a dog shat out.” George tells him, Freddie’s face falls and he puts it back on the rack, “Sorry just being honest.”

Freddie remains silent even as George pulls him along to the expensive section, he keeps his mouth shut. George tries to coax him into looking but Freddie’s remains stiff. George sighs, “Come on let’s get you that coat from clearance.”

Freddie’s hand touches a pretty red coat with golden little designs on the back. He feels the fur on the hood and inside of it, “You like that baby?”

Freddie looks at him, “The fur’s fake right?”

George nods, “Of course.”

Freddie checks the price and clicks his tongue, “Oh this is too much.”

George looks over, “£160? That’s cheap for this brand. You want it?” 

Freddie looks away, “I don’t want to waste your money.”

George snatched it up, “I inherited my father’s business. I'll never have to work a day in my life. Come on now!”

Freddie takes the coat and picks up a few other winter things. The total came to £523.67, Freddie’s never spent that much on clothes since he’s moved away from his parents, it makes him feel guilty and it’s not even his money.

Since Freddie refused to buy anymore things, George took him out to eat. Freddie tries to pick from a cheaper section of the menu, George tries to encourage Freddie to pick from an expensive section of the menu, Freddie wants a salad and water. George doesn't push it.

"So what college are you going to?" George asks,

"Huh? Oh!" Freddie chugs down some water, "I'm going to Kingston College of the Arts." 

George smiles, "So you're an artist?" Freddie nods, "I'm dating an artist!"

Freddie smiles, "I can show you some of my art later." 

George smiles and sips his wine, "You want to go back to my place or mine?" 

"Your place." Freddie says dabbing the corners of his mouth.

George gets Freddie into his expensive top model car. Freddie's in awe over how nice it is. Freddie decides that George really isn't that bad, 

They arrive at George's how it was a huge gated home with two guards in the front. George shows his ID and is allowed in, "This is amazIng." Freddie gasps pressing his face against the window.

George laughs and parks the car into the gated garage and helps Freddie out. The Parsi Indian is led to the main house, its fit for a royal. George pours Freddie a drink, a nice gin and tonic.

"How does that taste?" George asks,

Freddie scrunches his face up and pushes it away, "Nasty!" he sticks his tongue out. 

George chuckles, "How about a Roy Rogers?"

"Coke and cherry flavoring right?" Freddie asks,

"Yes love." George kisses him gingerly Freddie blushes darkly and kisses him back. He knew George was the one. 

Freddie enjoys the first drink and the rich people food George kept feeding him. He felt like a king.

George leads him to the bedroom Freddie blushes and starts undoing his top, "What are you doing?" George asks, keeping his eyes on Freddie's face, not his body.

"I assumed you wanted sex." Freddie whispers.

George takes his hands, "I don't want to rush you. You're my sugar baby, yes and I'm meant to be mean and bad and spoil you rotten but I got to work you into that. I can't just rush forward, I don't want to scare you off like that last one." 

Freddie whimpers and fixes his shirt, "You're so nice to me." 

George smiles and kisses his head, "Thank you, baby boy." Freddie beams, "Do you want to share a bed with me?"

Freddie nods and the two lay in bed, Freddie cuddles up to him resting his head on George's chest.

"You're the best, Geo." Freddie coos.

George beams and Freddie leaves for the bathroom to do his night time duty. He comes back wearing the most beautiful silk nightgown, George keeps his hands to himself.

They cuddle in the bed Freddie shivers, "You cold dear?" 

"Yeah. I don't know why." 

George presses a remote and the electric fireplace comes on it warms the room up and Freddie relaxes into George's arms, "Nighty night, George." 

George kisses his head, "Night, Freddie I love you." 

Freddie pauses, he looks up into George's warm hazel eyes, "I love you too." he was a keeper for sure.

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