Platonic!Frain: Father & Son Bonding⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Brian wakes up Freddie early in the morning, "What, dad?" Freddie yawns confused.

"Come on. Get dressed. Get in the car."

"What about Junior?" Freddie asks, glancing around.

The look on Brian's face made Freddie shut up. Did he finally know the truth about Junior? Brian tells Freddie to pack a small bag and to get into the car. Freddie feels like he's about to be murdered.

Freddie dozes off before the car is even out of the garage. When he wakes up they are at

Adventure Island,

"Dad!!" Freddie shouts jolting forward and tugging on his seatbelt eyes are lit up he looks so happy and joyful,

Brian chuckles softly, "We needed to bond. I feel like this is the best place."

Freddie's old parents never took him anywhere his studies were the only thing he was allowed to do, Freddie sees Brian as the best dad ever right now.

Freddie practically rips off his seat belt and races to the entrance. Brian follows and takes a picture before they enter. They get the family pass and their wristbands, Freddie's already racing to a rollercoaster, "Dad! Dad! I wanna go on this one!"

Brian looks up at it and snatches another picture, "By yourself or?"

"With you! Come on dad!" Freddie tugs on his dad's wrist nearly causing the camera to fall onto the ground.

Brian giggles and goes on the rollercoaster with his son. Freddie's in the front with a boy around Fred's age and Brian got left alone in the back seat. He can hear Freddie scream as the rollercoaster slings downward at a high speed.

Freddie's clinging to the teen next to him. His name is Jim and he's laughing at Freddie's reaction. The rollercoaster is finished up and Freddie stumbles back to Brian with the help of Jim,

"Dad, this is Jim."

Brian shakes Jim's hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Brian."

Jim nods and Freddie looks between the two, "Well I guess you want me to go." Brian says, "I don't want to cramp on your little date."

"Dad!" Freddie whines face turning red, "He's not my boyfriend."

"Uh huh." Brian chuckles, "But you want to run off with him right? I'm not swagger enough to hang out with the cool teens?"

Freddie hides his face in his hands begging his dad to stop. Brian follows after the teens as Freddie pulls Jim away, "You kids want lunch?" Brian asks as the morning shifts into the afternoon.

Freddie pauses to think his stomach gurgles and he nods remembering he didn't have breakfast, "Yes papa."

They stop at one of the places to eat. They get their food and sit down at one of the benches they happily eat. Freddie slurps on his milkshake happily and eats his chicken tenders.

They go on many more rides and have a blast, Freddie makes sure to spend time with his father even if he has a new friend. Freddie was starting to lag behind as it grew dark he felt so tired and worn.

Brian picks up Freddie like a baby, "I'm sorry to cut this short, Jim but my Freddie is getting tired."

Jim chuckles and nods he writes his number down and gives it to Freddie wishing him goodnight. Brian buckles Freddie into the car and drives to their hotel, "I had fun dad."

"I'm glad that you had fun today, baby boy." Brian tells him, pulling into the parking lot.

"Are we going back tomorrow?" Freddie asks sitting up.

"Yes. We're going to be here for a week."

Freddie sits up, "What a week? Dad-"

"Its spring break, we're going to have fun." Brian says helping him out of the car, "Now how about we order ourselves a pizza?"

That seems to wake up Freddie, "Do they have Frank's down here?"

"Let me use my phone and look." Brian says pulling out his phone and searching for Frank's Pizza.

They find one that'll deliver to them. And Freddie orders a pepperoni pizza and Brian has a vegan type pizza along with an order of wings and cheesy breadsticks.

The two enjoy their dinner loving how tasty it was. Freddie looks through the pictures his dad took through the fun filled day. There's Freddie getting onto the rollercoaster and him getting off of it and then vomiting into the trashcan a few moments later. There's him enjoying his lunch and there's a picture taking of him during the sunset,

"Dad, when did you take this one?" Freddie holds up the polaroid,

Brian looks over and chuckles, "I took that one after I came back from the bathroom. I caught you and Jim smooching each other and I had to get a picture of my baby's first kiss."

Freddie blushes and holds the picture against his chest, "May I keep it?"

Brian smiles and nods, "You go ahead. Jim is your boyfriend after all."

Freddie blushes and grabs the phone and hides in the bathroom. He dials Jim's number, "Jimmy?"

Jim giggles softly standing outside his own hotel room to get a better signal on his brand new cell phone, "Hey, Freddie. It's so good to hear from you again."

"I know." Freddie can't help but grin, "I got a picture of us kissing, dad really did take a picture of everything."

Jim laughs, "You got to show me it tomorrow, You're going back to Adventure Island, right?"

"Yep, I'm going to be here for a week."

"Same." Jim chuckles, "Spring break too?"

"Yep. Where do you live? I'm in Kingston England."

Jim frowns, "Cork, Ireland."

"We can make it work." Freddie whispers, "I promise."

Jim nods not  believing him, "Show me the picture tomorrow, meet me at the food vendor with the clown wig."

"Okay, Jimmy." Freddie yawns, "Goodnight, I love you."

"Love you too, baby." Jim tells him then hangs up.

Freddie puts the phone back and looks at Brian, "Jim lives in Ireland!"

Brian pats his back, "We'll make it work. Trust me. I'll pay for yours and his flights."

Freddie hugs him tight, "I can never ever repay you."

Brian kisses his head and pushes his hair out of his face, "You can repay me by spending time with me."

"Okay dad." Freddie smiles and nods,

"And cleaning your room."

"Dad!" Freddie groans.

Brian laughs, "Get to bed kiddo." He ruffles Freddie's hair and the lad races into the bathroom to shower and brush teeth. Brian was happy Freddie found a boy that was sweet to him, all he needs to do is keep them happy.

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