Queen: Black Friday

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Freddie's POV:

I stand in one corner, I'm #226 it says so carved into my arm, the rich don't have numbers, they don't need them. The oldest here, I'm only 17. I can see three others all male. I see a boy in rags he looks the youngest, scapes of clothing sewn together to make his clothes, he's shaking, his matted brunet hair sticks out everywhere and it's a rats nest, I even see spiders in the knots, I don't know his numbers, a strong gust of wind could end him. Next is a blond bloke who already looks broken inside wounds cover him all over. There's dried blood on his lip, his pale blue eyes seem hungry for death only, his hair is tied back neatly against his head, he's squinting badly. He'll be my first kill, he seems easy. My dark eyes look at the last fellow, he's tall and lanky, he smells like a barn. His curly hair remains free on him and his white poor sleeved shirt is partially unbuttoned, his jeans are torn and caked in mud, his boots look to he steal toed and worn down heavily, I hope he's unbalanced, his hair should be easy for my to grab and I can bash his face in quicker. But my lord, he's gorgeous, the most beautiful human I've ever seen, I wish we didn't have to meet like this.

My name is Farrokh Bulsara, my family are poor bakers, today is Black Friday where the rich throw trinkets in and the poor fight to the death over them, I can hear the crowd get pumped up. Today is the day I make my family proud, the dead's family receive a small sum of money of their loved one dies. I can see the king sitting atop of his throne high up where he can't get hurt but he has the perfect view. The horn blows and Black Friday has begun, I leap onto raggy he's too weak to fight, his eyes are sunken in and he looks close to death's door.

I smash his head against a rock his nails dig into my arms and bites down hard, weakly bucking and crying out. I twist and tug on his head, it's much harder to snap someone's head, like the older men do easily to invaders. I headbutt him repeatedly hearing the sound of his nose breaking and the gush of blood, he's sweet like wine, the look of fear and anguish sent a feeling burning throughout my body made, I growl, I haven't felt this alive in years. The crowd makes my adrenaline rush faster, their screams and cheers fuel me.

I finally decide to just strangle him clawing into his delicate flesh in the process, I sink my teeth into his neck since he wouldn't die fast enough. He chokes out, "Mama" before his green eyes glaze over and they roll into the back of his head, he still. I roll up his sleeve, "#221." I whisper, "You were a pathetic fight." I storm over to where curly and the blond were. The blond lays there dead his head on backwards, his death seems more humane than what I did to 221.

I look up at curly, "You must be 226." he bows blood stains his shirt, scratch marks litter his once barren face, I don't know how I missed their fight, they were right across from me. Must of been to engrossed with 221.

"How do you know?" I ask keeping a snarl on my face.

"Your arm shows me."

I back up, "Who are you?"

"#224, at your service." he grins teeth showing he has slight fangs he must be one of those hybrids, I roll my eyes and to think I thought this guy was hot.

"Aren't you that tailor's apprentice?" I ask.

He looks smug, "Yes I am. Finally someone recognizes me."

"T-Then your Brian May."

His eyes bug he grows pale, "H-How?'

I let down my hair the crowd gasps when they see the comb that was in my hair, "The k-king's assassin. You stole the blue butterfly comb from, King John."

"And I'm your lover." I admitted.

A fist goes straight into my nose blood gushes out and it throbs hard, "You bastard!" I screech, "You've ruined my shirt!!" 

"You look like an angel, Farrokh." I laugh at that and hit him in the gut he doesn't react. Brian shakes he looks taking off guard but there's a look in his eyes as he keeps his blood stain fist in the air,

"You walk like an angel."

I laughs at that I walk with a limp thanks to the bastard king, "Talk like an angel, Farrokh." he whispers undoing his fist and caressing my blood stained cheek.

I blush and lean into his touch gingerly this is the first time I've been loved in months. His breathing is heavy, "You fooled me with your kisses...." his nails dig into my arm where my number is, "You cheated and you schemed.... Heaven knows how you lied to me." his hand went to my throat he now had me pinned against the cement wall.

"You're not the way you seemed." he laughs bitterly, "You're the devil in disguise." he chokes me digging his nails into my neck.

My eyes widen I grip onto the hair comb and deploy the hidden blade, I stab him the back gasping for air. He backs down, I hear the horn blow again, "Get #226!!"

I shove many expensive trinkets into my pockets I see Brian is down for the count, he won't fight me anymore. I manage to load myself up before I climb over the walls and run out of the kingdom, hiding in the trees until they pass. And I look at my arm, "I'm #226... This will be my downfall if I keep it on my arm." I pulls out the bloody hair comb and deploy the hidden blade again, I slice into my own flesh slicing away my identification.

I find a village not apart of my kingdom, I look at the outdoors thermometer hanging on someone's porch, the mercury in it seems to no longer be inside of it. I drag myself into a tavern my body felt worn I order a drink and something to eat, "What's your name?" a blond girl asks me once I got my drink, "I'm Mary Austin."

"Far-... Freddie," I thought back to the thermometer, ''Mercury. I'm Freddie Mercury, I'm 17 years old."

She smiles and welcomes me warmly into the village, maybe I really am the devil in disguise, because I want her dead.

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