Poly!Beatles: Cuddles

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Ringo stares up at the door where the old man lived he’s never seen the old man, he only heard he talks to animals and plants, and that he’s missing an eye, he also has a long scar on his chest.

Ringo knocks on the door, once, twice and the door is swung open but not by someone old it was a man around Ringo’s age roughly about 21 then, “Look Grandpa Jack is dead please stop asking to see him.” he pushes his Buddy Holly glasses back onto his sweaty face his auburn hair sticks up wildly.

“No, I’m here to help you. I heard of his passing, I’m Richard but everyone calls me Ringo.” Ringo waves his ringed hands at him, “Jack was known as the crazy one.”

“I know you already. You’re in my maths class in Professor Smith’s.”

Ringo squints at him and John removed his glasses, “Oh it’s you, John. Is George and Paul with ya?”

John nods and let’s him where two other boys are sitting on boxes and drinking a bottle of beer. All three boys are sweaty. Ringo helps pack boxes and load them onto the Uhaul, the boy with vampire fangs, George startled twirling his open pocket knife once they got inside the house. John messes with something and manages to get the AC working as George keeps twirling the knife. A scream leaves him as spaghetti sauce or blood squirted from his hand either way it was going to stain the carpet,

“Holy shit!” baby faced Paul yells backing up after George’s blood sprays him.

Ringo wraps his shirt around George’s hand to soak up some of the blood and sits him down, “I’m a blond apparently.” George laughs.

“We all have our blond moments.” Ringo laughs freezing now,

“You want to go to hospital?” John asks looking between George and Ringo his eyes were on Ringo’s scarred chest and stomach he was beautiful.

“Nah, I’ll be fine.” George waves his covered hand which was still bleeding.

“Well then… Why don’t we get some food?” Paul suggests kicking at a book.

“Food sounds grand.” Ringo scratches at his scruff,

“I’ll order.” John says, pulling out his phone.

Two cats, a black and a white one come out of nowhere they are Salt and Pepper they now belong to John. They rub up against George and Ringo meowing loudly and needy, “Hey pumpkin.’’ Ringo scratches Pepper’s ears, “Who’s a good boy?”

Soon the food arrives and the card are all over them rubbing themselves against the humans to try and get food. Ringo sneaks a fry to Salt who nearly looks offended but she eats it anyway.

The four friends chatter and laugh before George falls forward holding his hand, “Hospital now!” Paul shouts.

They cram themselves into Paul’s tiny car and fly down the road to the hospital where George gets seven stitches in his hand and a warning not to do anymore stupid shit. George’s friends tease him and joke with him, “I know, I know, I’m stupid!” George laughs holding up his bandaged hand, “And Ringo thank you for letting me use your shirt.”

“It’s fine. I hated that shirt anyway.”

Another fit of laughter leaves the group before they pull into John’s place, “It’s late let’s stay here.”

They agree and go inside John’s new house which was still filled with boxes and a new blood stain, “So full of memories.” John huffs moving a box against the wall, “I’m just glad he left me some money.”

“Money’s good.” George says kissing his own hand, “Will anyone else kiss my boo boo.”

Ringo kisses his hand making George blush then Paul and John kiss it making
George blush harder, “Can I be kissed elsewhere?” George tries to be bold.

Each boy took a turn kissing George making him squeal and blush darkly, his crushes were kissing him, yay! George grabs onto John’s tie and kisses him the longest, he hears a faint growl and he is pulled onto Paul, “Share.” he warns.

George laughs, “There’s plenty to go around, boys. Please share me!” 

The boys pepper George with kisses and the cats meow unhappily annoyed that they weren’t the center of attention at the moment. George pets them while his new loves love on him. He felt so happy, maybe it was worth slicing open his hand just so he can figure out a way to confess to them.

Soon they’re all piling into the biggest bed which was a nice water bed with satin bed sheets, “Everyone, cozy?” John asks getting ready to turn off the bedside lamp

“Yep.” they all say snuggling into each other like they’re mice in the harsh Russian winters left in a bungalow in a tree trunk in the middle of Siberia.
The light went off and the boys all lay on each other and cuddle each other trying to sleep. It’ll get more cozy once they’re use to this many people sharing a bed, Ringo tosses and turns until he’s pushed into a wall, a happy leaves him as his face is left in the cool blue wall.
“Really, Ringo?” John giggles, “Is the wall better than us now?” he teases.

“It’s cool!” Ringo whines snuggling further into the wall groaning when someone hugs his waist and kisses his neck, “I want my wall!

“Poopie head.” Paul pouts.

Ringo flips him off and grabs all the blankets for himself he laughs as his boyfriends complain and whine yanking most of them off of Ringo who fusses.

John manages to hold Ringo in his arms and the four of them share the water bed happily and soon they start falling asleep, each will wake up funny. Blankets will be on the floor John will be on the floor, Ringo will be with the wall, George will be at the foot of the bed and Paul will be asleep on the toilet. But for now they were left cuddling each other and being cute about it.

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