Jeddie: Perfect Family⭐

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Freddie shakes his head letting his six month old son, Paul nurse from his teat while his other son Brian wrecks the house, "Sweetheart," Freddie says to Brian, “Please don’t.”

A vase shatters and Freddie’s husband John Lennon is sprinting out the room grabbing Brian by the back of his shirt and Freddie flinches when John’s hand smashed down on Brian’s backside hard. The seven-year-old wails and runs to Freddie tugging on his trousers, “Mama! Mama!”

Freddie slides the fridge, Paul is still nursing and Brian beats on him, “Mama! Daddy mean!”

Freddie begins to cry, getting too stressed for any of this. John grabs Brian and comforts his husband. Freddie burps Paul and passes him to John, he removes his apron and covers his face with his hands. John gets Paul down for a nap and gets Brian distracted by cartoons. He goes to his husband who’s downing coffee and he’s shaking, “Babe you can’t drink coffee while breastfeeding.”

“I can’t anymore. Parenthood wasn’t for me.”

John chuckles nervously, “It’s a little too late for that, honey.” he takes the coffee pot away from him.

Freddie sniffles, “C-Can you take over parenting for a bit?”

“And stop working?”

“I’ll write the music and you produce it.” Freddie says he stands up the chair scraping  against the floor.

“Fine.” John huffs blowing his auburn hair out of his face.

John could hardly function as the only one taking care of both boys by himself, Freddie didn’t lift a finger to do anything and he can see why Freddie got so stressed and broke down. He had to duct tape Paul’s diapers onto him and put Brian on a leash. When he ran out of diapers he used black trash bags on Paul. He refused to go to the store to buy more, why? It was Freddie’s chore he was the “woman”. Freddie slapped John hard for that one and scolded him. Freddie forced him to go into the store to buy Huggies.

 After that John goes to Freddie tail between his legs, “I’m sorry,” John tells him, “It is very hard parenting alone.”

Freddie looks up for his book, “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“Yes, let’s co-parent.” John nods.

Freddie hugs him tight and kisses John gingerly, “I love you, Winnie.”

John grumbles not to call him that, “But love you too, Freddie-pooh.”

Freddie pouts, “Hey don’t call me that.”

John boops him on the nose, “Then don’t call my Winnie.”

Brian scampers in muddy and covered in filth, “My turn.” Freddie laughs kissing John and  scooping up Brian they head to the bathroom.

John smiles and goes to grab Paul out of his playpen. Paul’s on his belly squirming and kicking away trying to move but he isn’t getting anywhere. John scoops him up making little Paul gasps and looks up at his papa. He smacks his lips together, “Da!”

“Hey sweetheart.” John chuckles bringing Paul into the living room grabbing a few finger foods for Paul to munch on, he only has one tooth.

Paul helps himself to the soft food. John gets the tv turned on and gets Mary Poppings on. Brian runs in in his Mickey Mouse pajamas, Freddie is running after him. The family of four piled onto the couch once Brian’s hair was fully dried. They cuddle,  Freddie’s head on John’s chest as Brian’s eyes light up seeing the magic on the screen, Paul’s dozing off in his papa’s arms the world’s too boring for him.

“I’m going to make dinner.” John yawns passing Paul to Freddie who slips Paul into the carrier and putting the boy on his back, 

“Let me help.”

They leave Brian to watch the magic of Disney on tv and they make a healthy dinner for the three that can eat it. Brian runs in, “Mama! Mama! Papa! Papa! I’m Peter Pan!”

“You are?” Freddie asks chopping up carrots not turning around.

“Uh-huh!” Brian climbs on top of the counter and goes to jump. John catches him by his shorts, “Look mama! I’m flying!” Brian shouts.

“Yep. All you need is faith, trust and a little pixie dust.” Freddie says with a laugh turning around.

They enjoy their spicy pork roast. Paul demanded to try some grabbing a handful off his papa’s plate and cramming it into his mouth. His little face turned red and he began to wail. Freddie panics when Paul begins to choke. John manages to get it out and helps him wash it down with juice.

Freddie sneaks Paul some of their chocolate cake during dinner and he feels so guilty. Then the boys got ready for bed and their parents tucked them into the crib and bed. Wishing them good night and to sleep well.

Freddie plops down on the couch exhausted and John lays on him. John kisses him gingerly, soft kisses pepper Freddie’s face full of love and warmth. Fred wraps his arms around John’s pudgy waist, “You’re amazing.”

“I am?” John asks with a yawn.

Freddie nods, "When are we going to New York, darling?"

"Tomorrow and we're going to stay for the New Year. Why?" John asks,

"There's a musical going on the 8th." 

"8th of December?" John assk,

"No 8th of never, yes December 8th, 1980. I wanted to make sure so we could go." 

John nods, "Hire a babysitter and shag in the theater." 

 Freddie laughs and kisses him again and again. John hugs him tight and carries him to their bedroom. They didn’t break their kiss, just as it was about to get fun Brian pushed the door open to their room, “Mama, papa, I had bad dream.”

“Oh you can sleep in here with us.” Freddie coos.

Brian slept in the middle of them, John leans over and whispers to Freddie, 

“Cockblocker.” he points to Brian.

Freddie rolls his eyes and chuckles pecking him on the lips, “Be nice, John.”

John presses his face into the cool wall he sighs happily and falls asleep. Freddie gets up and down for the bathroom before settling down at around midnight. Then Paul starts crying and Freddie wants to strangle John with a condom for helping make Paul. He gets up and feeds Paul and changes him, then he walks Paul around the house cradling the small wee one. Paul finally falls back asleep and Freddie tucks him back in. Freddie finally goes to sleep at nearly 2AM.

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