OT3: Maylor and Frain: Baby Boy⭐

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Brian crawls around on the floor. He was in little space right now and he needed his papa Roger and his daddy Freddie to take care of him right now he was feeling a little under the weather. He crawls under the dining room table and past the kitchen heading to the living room, he plays with some of his toys on the way there, Brian gets distracted easily. He chews on a wooden block with the letter, “P” on it before goijgn and trying to find his papa and daddy. He just finds more toys which got him sidetracked as he tossed them into his toy chest, he ate some of the pretzels his daddy left out and went right back onto crawling. Thankfully his folks kept the floors cleaner than a hospital’s after an outbreak.

Brian bumps into his daddy’s legs and he coos softly looking up at him, “Daddy?”

Freddie ruffles his hair and picks him up, “Someone’s playful this afternoon.” quite the opposite really Brian felt like shit on a hot sidewalk.

Brian coos and nuzzles him trying to be nice, “Let’s go see papa.” Freddie pats Brian’s padded bottom and carries him to Roger’s office, “Roggie look, who’s in a playful mood today!”

Roger giggles and tickles Brian’s chin, “Hey baby boy.” he then noticed something was off when their baby only weakly smiles at him.

Brian kicks his wittle legs and sits in Roger’s lap enjoying the butt rubs he got, “Freddie,”

“Yes, Roger?” Freddie answers,

“Did you check Brian’s nappy?” Roger asks, he thinks he figured out why Brian was miserable.

Freddie shakes his head and looks at Roger innocently, “Oh I’m going to kick your ass, Fredrick.” Roger threatens taking Brian into his nursery to be changed.

“Papa, I don’t feel good.” Brian whimpers holding his tummy as Roger begins to unbutton his footie pajamas.

“You don’t feel good?” Roger asks softly rubbing his tummy he accidentally presses down and Brian hurls all over himself, his clothes, and the custom made changing table, “Oh baby!” Roger fully undresses him, “Daddy can clean this mess up.”

Roger got Brian into a nice warm lavender chamomile bubble bath while Freddie cleans up the nursery. Roger massages Brian’s head as he washes his thick long curly hair, “Looks like someone needs a haircut.” Roger jokes,

“No! No!” Brian shouts whimpering and holding his tummy again.

Roger kisses his head ignoring the soapy taste, “It’s okay sweetheart you get to choose what and how your hair is done.”

Brian nods and sinks into the water sighing contently, he looks up at Roger, his big hazel eyes look green in the bathroom lighting, Roger lets Brian soak in the tub until the water runs cold and Brian is then forcefully evicted from the tub.

Roger decided to just put Brian in his diaper, his sweatpants, and a t-shirt so he can be easily changed if he has another accident. Brian fusses a little at the sudden change in temperature, “Shh baby boy.” Roger wraps him in a blanket and then another blanket as he keeps shivering.

“Freddie!” Roger calls just as Freddie comes out of the nursery a fan going to help get rid of the chemical and disinfect smell,

“Yes, dear?” 

Roger brings Freddie into their bed and tells him to get to one side of the bed, Freddie does as told and Brian is squished next to him. Roger climbs in so Brian is sandwiched between them, their baby boy seems to stop shivering as bad once the added body heat is placed on him.

“Paci?” Brian asks shyly looking away from them,

Freddie kisses his head and hands him his pink paci, “Here you go baby boy.”

Brian nurse on it and kicks his legs a little nearly hitting Freddie in the nuts, “Lagabhag mere nat kho gae!”

Brian and Roger look at him confused, Roger speaks slowly to him, “Freddie, none of us speak Bollywood.”

Freddie kicks Roger in the shin and cusses him out in Hindi and calls him an arrogant Englishman. Roger kicks him back and the two have a kicking March under the sheets until Brian cries out and starts crying, “Daddy kicked me!”

Freddie gasps, “What?!  No I didn’t you-“

“Fredrick!” Roger scolds, pushing Brian’s head into his chest the curly haired boy moves his head so he can breathe.

“I swear I didn’t touch him.”

Brian smirks at him and sticks his tongue out, “See he’s faking it!” Freddie points a finger.

Roger looks down to see Brian teary eyed and looking miserable, “I don’t know what has gotten into you, Freddie. Maybe we’re all sleep deprived?” Roger hushes Brian and rocks him in his arms as he begins to fuss some.

“Yeah.” Freddie said trying to forget that their baby boy knew how to tug on Roger’s heartstrings.

“Let's take a nice long nap.” Roger suggests ruffling Brian’s frizzy hair who spits and claps his hands together giggling.

Freddie smiles, he didn’t even realize how tired he felt until Roger suggested a nap, “Sure let's nap.”

Freddie boops Brian on the nose and gets him his penguin blanket and a sippy cup in case he gets thirsty and needs to drink something. He checks Brian’s diaper right before the nap started

Brian was once again placed in between them again and held tightly by his papa and daddy, he nurses on his pink paci staring at the ceiling cuddling his penguin plushie. He can hear his daddy thunder snoring next to him and Freddie rolls over back pressed against Brian’s arm.

Roger rubs Brian’s tummy as he drifts off to sleep Brian coos and nurses on his paci his eyes felt so heavy he could hardly keep them open. He snuggles into his papa and nurses on his paci slowly letting his eyes drift closed. He fell asleep pressed against Roger tightly, he felt safe and warm, he was thankful to have Roger had Freddie around who didn’t make fun of him and treated him with kindness and love, after all that’s all Brian ever wanted.

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