Queen: Pulling Your Leg⭐

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Freddie hastily slides on his sweatpants making sure his prosthetic leg won’t be noticeable. He jumped out of skin when John spoke about what to get for lunch he acted like he didn’t see Freddie’s prosthetic but he did and he was going to tell the others since they were worried why he limped, why he wouldn’t wear shorts, why he shied away from changing in front of them.

Freddie blurts that Chinese is fine and he hastily runs into the bathroom about as graceful as a newborn deer on ice. John reports back what he found to the boys and leaves to get Chinese.  Brian knock on the bathroom door, “Fred?” Brian’s voice echos.

“Go away.” Freddie sounded like a scared child he must have realized John saw his defect and ratted on him to the others.

Brian forces the door open and the two stand in the cramped bathroom elbow to elbow practically, “Freddie, I know about your leg there’s nothing to be ashamed over.” Brian says.

Freddie looks down he rolls up his pant leg revealing the prosthetic leg, and the two talk. Freddie decides to prank Roger since he didn't know yet.

"Hey Roggie pull my leg!'' Freddie says

Roger does and it.comes off he screams. After the shock and realizing what happened he asks,

“How did you get that?”  Brian elbows Roger hard in his ribs making the younger lad cry out.

Freddie gingerly touches his faux leg, “I wasn’t horrible mangled or something like that. Don’t act like that.” he sighs softly, “I was born without my left leg. They told my parents to abort me when they saw I was going to be deformed, mama and papa refused they waited six years to have a baby they weren’t going to lose me.”

“Oh.” Roger says, “Can I touch it?”

Freddie unlatches his leg and hands it to Roger, Roger catches it, he squeals and tosses it to Brian who drops it. Freddie laughed and reattached it back to its stump, “You guys are a hoot.”

Roger touches it gingerly and Freddie unlatches it, “You want to touch my stump?”

“Uh-huh!” Roger says and he does so oohing and awing, “This is so cool! You can be a pirate for Halloween!”

Brian smacks him, “Manners!”

Freddie laughs, “Brian I’m disabled, I don’t get offended, I laugh.”

John finally returns with the Chinese and they all camp out eating in the bathroom and discussing Freddie’s prosthetic and how it works, and how they’ll defend him from any hate he gets.

And Freddie takes off his sweatpants he slips on a pair of shorts and they take him out to enjoy the nice sunny weather. He hides behind Brian when strangers approach one little girl excitedly runs to him, “Are you a robot, mister?” she bounces on her toes eyeing his faux leg.

Freddie puts a finger to his lips and winks, the girl gasps and squeals. She races back to her mother who covers her eyes and scolds her for talking to him. She shoots Freddie dirty looks as she drags her now crying child away.

 Brian hugs him, “Don’t let that hurt you. She’s just some mean woman who wonders why her daughter never calls when she’s all grown.”

They take off walking, enjoying the large park and the pretty surroundings. Soon the woman, her girl, and a security officer from the concert venue approach them.

“That’s him, he’s the one who traumatized my baby and made her cry! I demand you arrest him for public indecency.”

“Ma’am you said someone lost their wallet.” the security officer was confused now.

“I’m done with this shit.” Freddie unattached his leg and handed it to John. He balanced on one leg with some difficulty but managed to stand.

The little girl now looks traumatized and scared she cries, “Robot lost his leg! Lost his leg, mama!”

The woman screams at Freddie calling him everything but a brown boy, she storms off dragging her wailing daughter, “I’m so sorry about that. She told me someone lost their wallet and needed my help.” the security officer apologizes as Freddie puts his leg back on, 

“It’s fine this is my first time wearing my leg out in public guess I should've realized I would have attracted loonies.”

He walks away saying another sorry before disappearing back over the hill. Freddie and the others keep walking until they decide to go back to their share apartment where it was nice and cool. Freddie rubs his leg, “Boy my feet are tired after all that walking.”

“But you only have one real foot.” Roger says getting shushed by Brian and John,

“He is correct.” Freddie laughs stretching, “I only have one foot real foot, the other’s plastic.”

John brings in some beer and the four of them sit on their small balcony elbow to elbow drinking beer and watching the sunset together like men do. John nuzzles into Freddie getting cold as the stars came out, Freddie helps John back inside who was chattering his teeth together, “God it goes from hot to cold within a few minutes out there!” John pouts the two look out the glass doors at Brian and Roger,

“Can you smell the sexual tension?” Freddie jokes, 

“Oh it’s strong with those two. Why do you think I brought out the beer?” John giggles tossing his bottle into the trash,

“5£ says Roger will be pounding into Brian’s non existent ass tonight,”

John rubs his chin, “20£ says Brian pounds Roger’s dummy thicc ass.”

And the two shook hands and retreated into Freddie’s room, ears pressed against the wall as they listened when Roger and Brian came back in.

It didn’t take long for John to realize he lost the bet he’s about to fork over the money when Roger starts getting pounded, “They switch?” John gasps jerking away from the wall,

“They both got fucked in the ass.” Freddie states sitting in bed, “Well I’m going to bed on that note.” he lays his leg next to his bed, “I no longer have to hide this now.”

John sniffles and crawls into bed with him and the two cuddle up to each other since it was a cold night. As Freddie’s soft snores fill the room John thinks, “Well this isn’t gay we both got our socks on”. And he falls asleep in Freddie’s arms muttering to himself how two straight friends can platonically cuddle in the same bed together, he didn’t know Freddie was gay yet, none of them knew ashe hasn’t came out to them yet and that was okay. They had enough surprises for one night anyway.

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