Kid!Queen: First Meeting⭐

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Kirsten_Bear Here's your request

Freddie takes off running down the street he can hear his father yelling at him and calling him every name under the sun because he won't talk to his grandma over the phone. The cold winter numbers Freddie’s bare arms and the cold seeps through his thin t-shirt, and the whole argument started when Freddie asks how long until Santa arrives. Freddie crashes into someone cracking their heads together and sending Freddie on top of the poor boy. The boy was around Freddie’s age making him six or five, he had dark curly hair and beautiful hazel eyes, he smelled of mint, sunshine, and passion.

“I-I’m sorry.” Freddie apologizes getting up and offering his hand out to help up the boy, 

“It’s fine.” the boy stands up with the help of Freddie, “I was daydreaming anyway.”

The two get to talking as they enter the library Freddie hid his bare feet so the library wouldn’t kick him out. There’s a boy quietly playing with a little kiddie puzzle, you know put the pig in the pig shape hole put the cow in the cow shaped hole, etc.

“Hi, Johnny!” Brian grins the tiny tot looks up from his puzzle and sniffles. His eyes sparkle and he grins seeing Brian,

“B’ian!!” John runs and tackles him with a hug, his head barely coming to Brian’s chest.

Brian rubs John’s back and the tot takes off to grab a book, “He’s autistic.” Brian explains in a low whisper, “He isn’t all right in the head.”

John plops down a children’s picture book, “Read to me!”

Brian, Freddie, and John plop down on one of the large bean bags together they curl up and Brian begins to read. John starts to loudly talk about Christmas and what he hopes Santa will give him, he rocks a little and chews on his hand.

“Hey, Bri.” Freddie whispers, “You can read right?”

“I just read a book..”

“Can you tell time?” Freddie asks and Brian nods, “Read that poster then.” Freddie points to a Christmas theme poster.

“Santa Clause 2:50PM till 11:50PM, fun, games, drinks, and food. Held in the children’s area today.” Brian reads clearly John screams and shakes them both hopping around,

“Santa’s coming! Santa’s coming!” John screams getting one of the library aids to come over, 

“You want to meet Santa?” she asks leading the three boys over she glances down and sees Freddie barefoot dirty feet she whispers something to another aid as she places Brian on Santa’s lap.

Brian looks up to the fat man, “Hello, little boy! Have you been a good boy this year?”

“Yes, sir.” Brian replied fixing his glasses,

“That’s good! And what do you want for Christmas?” he asks.

Brian pauses, “A telescope that’s all I want!” he wasn’t dumb his mother soda he’s only getting one present this year since money was tight, “I want to go up in space one day, Mr. Clause!”

Santa Clause smiles and pat’s Brian’s back, “I’ll make sure you get it, Brian.”

Brian gasps, “How did you know my name, sir?” 

The man playing Santa just winks and sends Brian on his way not letting him know his name was stitched onto the back of his shirt he’s sent to get his picture done one of the elves help him. Freddie was placed next and he just asked for some warmer clothes and more food, then John was placed onto Santa’s lap.

John gave a mighty tug onto old Saint Nick’s beard making the jolly man cry out John gasps, “It’s really you!” he hugs the man tightly nuzzling him, “Santa! Santa! Santa!”

Santa rubs at his jaw and cheek, “What do you want for Christmas little boy?” he never lost his jolly tone, 

“I want my daddy to get better. He’s sick.” John replies honestly as he gnaws on his hand, “And I want more books, please.”

Santa nods, “I’ll try and do that little boy, but my magic can only work so hard.”

John hugs Santa tight once again, “Tank ‘ou, for helping me!”

He goes to get his picture taken right as a dirty blond haired boy in scruffy filthy thin clothes not made for the cold winter is being dragged in by a man smoking, 

“Come on you shit stain you wanted to see Santa! Your fucking mother made me leave the casino for this this shit! Now you’re not going to get anything for Christmas since I had to leave my job! Your mother should have never fallen out the fucking window!” the man shoves a table out of the way, “You’re going to be punished when we get home!”

The blond walks with a small limp his hand covers his bottom when his father says punishment, the boy is practically tossed onto Santa’s boots as the man yells at the aid for telling him for smoking inside the library, as he’s screaming his head off his son has gotten himself comfortable with Santa and tells him in a small whisper, “I wish for my daddy to stop touching me, it hurts badly.”

Santa waves over one of the elves and tells him to call 999 and CPS, Brian walks over to the blond and begins talking to him, “I’m Brian,”

“Roger,” the blond whispers, “I’m three.”

Brian takes him over to the crafts table once he got his picture, Freddie and John join in on the fun and treat him like they’ve known him all their lives. Roger starts opening up to them more, “Daddy shoved mommy out the window, he killed Claire.”

“Who’s Claire?” Freddie asks gluing a popsicle stick to another popsicle stick,

“My baby sister..” Roger looks down, “He used her as a ball.”

The table went quiet after that except John who wouldn’t shut up about Santa Clause and all the neat stuff he’s going to bring for him and his friends. They didn’t even realize CPS, the police, and Roger’s grandmother showed up. Roger was sent to a private room as Micheal Taylor, Roger’s father, is arrested. Roger answers their questions and goes back to playing with his new friends for a bit as his grandmother answers questions. 

“And that’s when I peed on auntie.” John tells them proudly he makes the other three boys laugh.

Roger’s grandmother takes him by his hand, “Say goodbye to your friends sweetheart.”

Roger breaks away and hugs Freddie tightly, then hugs Brian and John. John licks him across his face and kisses his nose, “See you tomorrow!”

Roger was a little dazed but he nodded as he wiped his face, shaking his head a little. He was just happy that he finally found friends and that his daddy was going away, that’s all he really wanted for Christmas.

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