Deacury: In Sickness and In Health ⭐

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John brings up a nice cup of tea and more of Freddie’s prescription. He hip bumps the door open and makes his way in, Freddie’s sitting in their bed coughing  into tissue and hacking into it.

“Mucus again?” John asks nudging the trash can closer to him,

“Yuck,” Freddie balls it up pitching into the can, “It’s green this time babe like your eyes.”

John keeps a smile on his face, “Aren’t you romantic?”

Freddie smiles and coughs into his shirt, “Tea?”

John hands Freddie his tea and medicine, the older man nurses on his tea before taking his medication, “After this we’re going to the bathroom and doing a steam treatment for you.”

“We’re going to make it steamy in the shower.” Freddie waggles his eyebrows before wincing and holding his head.

“Poor baby.” John coos laying him back and turning off the light, “You get so rest, just holler for me if you need anything.”

“I’m going to get better for George.” Freddie’s last lover before John was Paul Prenter.

Paul is an abusive controlling man that used Freddie’s trust and his naïveness. And where Freddie always needed reassurance since he had many bad relationships before meeting John, Paul used that against him. Together Paul and Freddie had a son, Paul Jr whose name was legally changed to George when he got adopted by another couple. George was born drug addicted since Paul got Freddie hooked onto drugs a little before knocking him up. They both lost parental rights to their son until they both did rehab and can take a negative drug test. Freddie left Paul after that and Paul smashed Freddie’s arm in with the door till it broke. Now it’s been years since this all happened and only recently is George allowed to live with his mother and now step-father, but they are going to be heavily monitored for a whole year.

John just gives Freddie this sad look. He didn’t believe George’s caseworker was actually going to let the little boy stay with them, but they had George’s room all ready to go just in case.

Freddie snuggles his kitty cat plushies and he looks down he feels like a burden, “I’m sorry for being such a burden to you.” he spoke softly as the words clung to the air.

John stops and turns around, “Freddie.” John sits down beside him, “You’re not a burden to me, you’re never a burden.”

“I’m sick constantly, I need your help constantly you don’t have time to yourself, I bring up George and you-“

“George is my son no matter the blood, I’ve come to visitations with you, Paul never shows up.” John reminds him, kissing his hands. He pauses and looks into his eyes, “You’re not a burden...Do you remember our vows?” John asks him,

Freddie looks confused, “Yeah? What about them?”

“Repeat after me then.” John kisses his hand, “To have and to hold from this day forward,”

“To have and to hold from this day forward.” Freddie’s voice was wheezy he’s still as handsome as the day they wedded six years ago,

“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.”

Freddie sniffles, “For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.”

John kisses his forehead, “I love you, Fredrick no matter what God throws at us. You’re the love of my life.”

Freddie pulls John into a tight hug he cries into his fro as John rocks and comforts him.

Freddie manages to calm down some, “Do you remember our Hindu vow?” they did two sets of vows, one Catholic and one Hindu.

“Yes,” John clears his throat, “Om esha ekapadi bhava iti prathaman.” which means, “I will provide welfare and happiness for you and the children that we bear and you shall offer me food and help whenever it is required.”

“Dhanam dhanyam pade vadet.” Freddie responds back squeezing his hand promising him to be responsible for the household.

They go through the other six Hindi vows, Freddie cries and kisses John. John tries not to act like he can taste his sickness.

John scoops up Freddie in his arms, “Let’s try the steaming.”

Freddie nuzzles into him, “Mm, Johnny.”

“Freddie-Pooh.” John giggles kissing him gingerly, setting him on the toilet and shutting the door with his foot.

John turns on the shower to full blast. Soon steam begins to build up, nice and warm. Freddie wipes sweat from his forehead after a few minutes being in the room. He grabs some tp and wipes his nose, “Hey I’m leaking!”

John hides his snickers and tends to Freddie. Once the hot water has run out they make their way downstairs, “My head doesn’t feel as stuffy.”

“That’s very good!” John praises him kissing him on the head.

Freddie beams and cuddles up to John’s side, “I feel so much better I think I need a-“

“No blowies until you’re 100% not sick.” John warns him.

Freddie pouts, “But I’m sick and horny. That’s not fair.”

John cups his face and looks into his eyes lovingly, “Still not happening, buttercup.”

“At least give me a kiss!” Freddie whines flailing his limbs about acting like a toddler when they have a tantrum.

“Stop moving and I’ll kiss ya.” John climbs on top of him.

Freddie holds his breath apparently his healing lung infection didn’t like that he sneezes and sputters right as John is nose to nose with him. Goopy yellowish green mucus smacks John on his lips. The youngest jumps back like he’s been bit and runs into the bathroom.

“Sorry!” Freddie calls out whimpering looking scared

John comes back. It looks like he dunked his entire head in the shower, “I love you.” John says, “I’m not mad, I understand you’re sick. I’m not going to hurt you like Paul did, I’m not going to lay a hand on you out of anger.” he sits down on the last cushion leaving Freddie on one end of the sofa and the middle cushion wide open.

Freddie curls up into John’s lap, “I’m getting better. I have to get better.”

“Mm-hmm.” John rubs his back, “You’re a brave one.”

Freddie nuzzles into John’s stomach, “I can’t wait for our family to grow.”

John blushes and smiles he kisses Freddie’s head he couldn’t wait to start a family with him.

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